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McCarthy's bid for House speaker enters second day after failed votes.

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

You're not going to teach a Canadian anything about welfare and the kind of socio economic impacts it has. It has it's place but it can still be problematic if you bring tons of new people who might have trouble integrating and then live on the tax payers expense. That's all I have to say. Not like you're advocating for open borders anyway without any form of immigrations standards.


Oh fuck off. Look at the kind of shit you says about me: You have no issue what adults do with their sex lives fine. I guess that's your intellectually dishonest way of pretending you're not a homophobe.



I say what you say. I dont put words in your mouth or make unrelated comments. 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

You're doing mental gymnastics to make me appear bigoted. And no, I'm not saying people can only be gay starting at 18... And I'm the dishonest one, apparently. 


You dont think these people should be even around children. You make their existence some moral battle something you dont even have proof of or can even properly describe. Like if you told me you dont think kids should be anywhere near a church, I could see your point of view given how many kids are actually groomed and sexually assaulted in churches and by the staff. 


You keep acting like I'm making things up out of thin air and I've pointed out exactly what you say and how you constantly refer to only the "negative" aspects of Queer people and it's some ridiculous fucking conspiracy theory. I'm willing to bet the number of just Christian youth pastors that have assaulted kids dwarfs anything out there by a drag queen. 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Doubtfire is not a drag show. Doubtfire was just a man dressing as an old lady, doing cleaning and cooking to get close to his own fucking children. Way to obscure the reality with something that isn't real to begin with and has very little to do with a drag shows.


I'm not talking about the fictional characters you fucking weirdo. If kids can watch men in drag in movies, why can't they on stage? lol Stupid bitch said "way to obscure reality' Jesus Christ which part of Canada contains all the retards? 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Drags shows are about men dressing in drags, going on stage, usually doing something that's sexual or raunchy in nature. They don't have any particular skill sets other than being dressed in drags. This is the main point of the event. 


lol Listen to how you seethe over drag queens. There's a wide array of drag. Going from burlesque to family friendly brunches. The actual content doesnt matter as you've made up your mind that being in the same vicinity of children is automatically grooming them? That doesn't sound like a bigot to who? 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Even if there's probably some truly, inoffensive kids friendly shows out there, it's still a slippery slope and absolutely unnecessary. I told you before already, there's no reason for kids to be exposed to a drag show.  I could make a family friendly strippers shows, that doesn't mean it actually makes sense. Hey class, so today these strippers are gonna come here and read you stories about the birds and the bees. Ok, but why? There would be an outrage and rightfully so.



lol And you accuse other people of doing mental gymnastics. "Even if there's probably..." You can't even conceive the notion these people can not try to groom children. 

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You're retarded. This country's agriculture depends on them, and that's just to start. At the end of the day since they don't actually have any rights they usually a net benefit to the country. 

But but the advocates and activists say forcing them into treatment would be harmful!! 😨   Letting them rot on the street is much more compassionate . 

America is an empire in a free fall decline, with division in its populace and a culture centered around degeneracy and consumption and no traditional family unit to keep it together. And no political

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