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You thought Jan 6 was bad? How cute, now let's look at Bolsenaro supporters storming congress in Brazil.

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Just now, Goukosan said:


Point to where you said you don't defend Trump? 


Or point to where you defend Trump? 


Make up your mind about your flip flopping :umad:

You said that I apparently made a statement that I do not defend Trump or care to defend Elon Musk.


The burden of proof is up to you, I certainly don't remember ever saying that. Probably got my words twisted again because you guys can't fucking read.

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5 minutes ago, Ramza said:

About 0,01% the damage and violence of the summer of love. :D 


Keep trying to oversell Jan 6 you morons. No one is shooked besides AOC.


Those rioters in the summer got arrested and are serving their time in jail and paying their fines. 


The Jan 6th loons are being sentenced and serving their time in prison :juggle:


Your simple minded ass thought that you had something? 


Nice try simpleton. 

Edited by Goukosan
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1 minute ago, Ramza said:

You said that I apparently made a statement that I do not defend Trump or care to defend Elon Musk.


The burden of proof is up to you, I certainly don't remember ever saying that. Probably got my words twisted again because you guys can't fucking read.


You did..... Im on mobile.. I'll find it when I'm on my PC... But Now once I post it.. What will be your excuse or deflection? 


Get all your excuses and back tracking out the way now :umad:

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Just now, Goukosan said:


Those rioters in the summer got arrested and are serving their time in jail and paying their fines. 


The Jan 6th loons are being sentenced and serving their time in prison :juggle:


Your simple minded ass thinks that you had something? 


Nice try simpleton. 

That's a false statement but I'll let it slides because it's an irrelevant point anyway.


I never said anything about justice and arrests, I was making a comparison in terms of damage, violence and scale and the fact the left supported those riots, justified them, defended them, while trying to sell Jan 6 as one of the darkest day in democracy or some shit.


Was it really that hard to understand, you simpleton? 

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4 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


You did..... Im on mobile.. I'll find it when I'm on my PC... But Now once I post it.. What will be your excuse or deflection? 


Get all your excuses and back tracking out the way now :umad:

It should serve as a nice example of your poor comprehension skills. Looking forward to it. 

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11 minutes ago, Ramza said:

That's a false statement but I'll let it slides because it's an irrelevant point anyway.


I never said anything about justice and arrests, I was making a comparison in terms of damage, violence and scale and the fact the left supported those riots, justified them, defended them, while trying to sell Jan 6 as one of the darkest day in democracy or some shit.


Was it really that hard to understand, you simpleton? 


You're the one comparing the summer protests to trying to stop the peaceful transition from one President to another as equal like the simpleton you are. 


So I pointed out that the ones that broke the law in the summer are facing consequences just like the Jan 6th nut jobs that stormed the capitol :juggle:


You thought you had something but you don't :umad:



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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

Defending Trump, Elon Musk and Dr Jordan Peterson. Oh no. :D 


Meanwhile you're defending alphabet groomers and men competing in women's sports.


I honestly dont know how to respond to this. You concentrated so much stupidity, pettiness, lack of self awareness, and dishonesty into a small reply. Its funny how you rebound from being almost reasonable sometimes to bold faced lying and slander other times. 


1. I have never defended anything because you've never actually posted anything to defend/attack. Its been almost half a year of me asking you to post anything to back up your conspiracy theory. One that involves so many large groups of people yet you can't for some reason. 


1a. You know how I know you're a lying transphobe? Because you'll just short hand them as "alphabet groomers and men competing against women" one moment, then days or weeks later you'll deny that you talk this way and claim I'm making it up. I actually am rewriting this part because after typing it out I realize it's also that you have no real ideological consistency or you do and your transphobia overrides it? The fact that you say and also deny saying the same thing means that at some point deep down, you're aware of your prejudices. 


This mindset that you and Cooke and others have doesn't work in a forum format because the same people see what you guys say at different times on different topics. You can bullshit anyone for five minutes and move on. You can't keep bullshitting the same people over and over and over. I look forward to the next time you deny that you say shit like this.


Your support of them is far more telling than you think it is. You're such a bot that it's easy as fuck to decode your mindset. I'll say what I say as observations and no more than that to save me from your pearl clutching about how your own views look when voiced out loud. 


I've noticed a lot of "centrist" people who will without an ounce of skepticism support a far-right extremist views at the drop of a hat. I am being 100 with you, in a bubble something like the Trump situation shows how your mind works, and I look forward to the titty attack you're going to have...


When you appointed yourself Czar of Racism, and wanted evidence of Trump's racism. Your determination is that all of the families who took Trump to court because of racially biased housing discrimination were liars. They lied to get at Trump.  The former employees who worked for Trump and also took him to court were liars to you as well. I'm not even going to get into what he says publicly. But in your mind, One old white man's word was more trustworthy than several dozen black people. Or the court of law that ruled in their favor. 


Its not even like you're saying 'ah, he's like grand dad racist...' Nope, you fucking laughed it off. Like you couldn't even fathom those silly black people were telling the truth...despite the evidence that won them their cases. You love to be as reductive as possible, so taking yourself personally out of it. In a bubble, in a reductive mindset how does this look to you? 


You claim you're not a Transphobe, you just dont want kids to be confused. Like a good centrist superman should, protect them kids. But you also support people who dont think Transpeople should even exist...even after the age of 18. So where is the middle or moderate point of a view stand if you also have no issue with extremist views? I mean shit, You're more worried about drag queens than actually known cases of sexual abuse by other groups. Can you show us any data on drag queens abusing kids at their events? Why haven't you said anything about those Christian Youth Pastors stuff? 


You have one side who do not want Trans people to exist all. This is the side you're currently on. People should have the right of free speech but that doesn't give them the right to make other innocent people's lives a daily battle. You know how I know Transphobia is real? You're more concerned about trans people diddling kids more than straight people doing it. You're not a child advocate, Matt Walsh is not a child advocate. What are his credentials for childhood homelessness, food insecurity, or domestic abuse? You of all people are bringing up women's sports again? Where you accused me of not defending women, then went on to roast women 'thinking they could do hard work' ?


Ok, this is going too long and I'm going to stop here even if I have more to say but like when you get cornered you try to change the subject anyway.


So TLDR for the benefit of the forum:


You weren't just supporting them. You were supporting racism, transphobia, and misogyny through their Earthen avatars. I wont even go into the worship of rich men and how in every case of a rich and powerful person vs people who work for them, or were wronged by them, you guys always side with the rich powerful person. 








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On 2023-01-10 at 4:23 PM, Mr. Impossible said:


I honestly dont know how to respond to this. You concentrated so much stupidity, pettiness, lack of self awareness, and dishonesty into a small reply. Its funny how you rebound from being almost reasonable sometimes to bold faced lying and slander other times. 


1. I have never defended anything because you've never actually posted anything to defend/attack. Its been almost half a year of me asking you to post anything to back up your conspiracy theory. One that involves so many large groups of people yet you can't for some reason. 


1a. You know how I know you're a lying transphobe? Because you'll just short hand them as "alphabet groomers and men competing against women" one moment, then days or weeks later you'll deny that you talk this way and claim I'm making it up. I actually am rewriting this part because after typing it out I realize it's also that you have no real ideological consistency or you do and your transphobia overrides it? The fact that you say and also deny saying the same thing means that at some point deep down, you're aware of your prejudices. 


This mindset that you and Cooke and others have doesn't work in a forum format because the same people see what you guys say at different times on different topics. You can bullshit anyone for five minutes and move on. You can't keep bullshitting the same people over and over and over. I look forward to the next time you deny that you say shit like this.


Your support of them is far more telling than you think it is. You're such a bot that it's easy as fuck to decode your mindset. I'll say what I say as observations and no more than that to save me from your pearl clutching about how your own views look when voiced out loud. 


I've noticed a lot of "centrist" people who will without an ounce of skepticism support a far-right extremist views at the drop of a hat. I am being 100 with you, in a bubble something like the Trump situation shows how your mind works, and I look forward to the titty attack you're going to have...


When you appointed yourself Czar of Racism, and wanted evidence of Trump's racism. Your determination is that all of the families who took Trump to court because of racially biased housing discrimination were liars. They lied to get at Trump.  The former employees who worked for Trump and also took him to court were liars to you as well. I'm not even going to get into what he says publicly. But in your mind, One old white man's word was more trustworthy than several dozen black people. Or the court of law that ruled in their favor. 


Its not even like you're saying 'ah, he's like grand dad racist...' Nope, you fucking laughed it off. Like you couldn't even fathom those silly black people were telling the truth...despite the evidence that won them their cases. You love to be as reductive as possible, so taking yourself personally out of it. In a bubble, in a reductive mindset how does this look to you? 


You claim you're not a Transphobe, you just dont want kids to be confused. Like a good centrist superman should, protect them kids. But you also support people who dont think Transpeople should even exist...even after the age of 18. So where is the middle or moderate point of a view stand if you also have no issue with extremist views? I mean shit, You're more worried about drag queens than actually known cases of sexual abuse by other groups. Can you show us any data on drag queens abusing kids at their events? Why haven't you said anything about those Christian Youth Pastors stuff? 


You have one side who do not want Trans people to exist all. This is the side you're currently on. People should have the right of free speech but that doesn't give them the right to make other innocent people's lives a daily battle. You know how I know Transphobia is real? You're more concerned about trans people diddling kids more than straight people doing it. You're not a child advocate, Matt Walsh is not a child advocate. What are his credentials for childhood homelessness, food insecurity, or domestic abuse? You of all people are bringing up women's sports again? Where you accused me of not defending women, then went on to roast women 'thinking they could do hard work' ?


Ok, this is going too long and I'm going to stop here even if I have more to say but like when you get cornered you try to change the subject anyway.


So TLDR for the benefit of the forum:


You weren't just supporting them. You were supporting racism, transphobia, and misogyny through their Earthen avatars. I wont even go into the worship of rich men and how in every case of a rich and powerful person vs people who work for them, or were wronged by them, you guys always side with the rich powerful person. 








Lmao, I didn't see this amazing post before.


I can give you back your racist tzar title anytime you want. I never wanted it. (in my experience I don't trust what disgruntled employees says about their boss)


Oh and the transphobe tzar too. That's your field of expertise.


It's ok, only you is woke enough to determine who is or isn't a bigot. You can stop crying now. Now tell me how I'm privileged again for my skin color.  


And lol, the ''far right'' as lost all it's meaning because of people like you. None of these individuals are extremists right wingers. You're just an idiot if you believe they are in any way.

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On 2023-01-15 at 9:48 AM, Ramza said:

Lmao, I didn't see this amazing post before.


You keep saying the same stupid shit. 


On 2023-01-15 at 9:48 AM, Ramza said:


I can give you back your racist tzar title anytime you want. I never wanted it. (in my experience I don't trust what disgruntled employees says about their boss)


Remember when I said you guys always side with companies over their workers? Then you have the nerve to talk about people being controlled by 'the establishment'? 


Example #97 of your intellectual dishonesty. 'I always side against employees, but fuck the establishment?' 


What about the other people who were racially discriminated against for housing and didn't work for him? Let me guess, you don't trust disgruntled tenants either, you always side with landlords too? 


On 2023-01-15 at 9:48 AM, Ramza said:


Oh and the transphobe tzar too. That's your field of expertise.


It's ok, only you is woke enough to determine who is or isn't a bigot. You can stop crying now. Now tell me how I'm privileged again for my skin color.  


I've actually given you the text book definition of prejudice multiple times. You judge and want society to treat a group of people differently because of their lifestyle choices that has no negative affect on anyone else. 


On top of that you continually talk about that same group in pejorative terms and voiced multiple times about controlling their population. Like it's not I'm reaching here or anything. 


On 2023-01-15 at 9:48 AM, Ramza said:

And lol, the ''far right'' as lost all it's meaning because of people like you. None of these individuals are extremists right wingers. You're just an idiot if you believe they are in any way.


This might be the closest you've gotten to being right about anything and you're still wrong. What was the far right is now just The Right as there is no daylight between the moderates and the extreme. I mean hell, you can Cooke both claim to be independent yet only defend Right Wing politics and have expressed zero critical views of it. 



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19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You keep saying the same stupid shit. 

Pot calling the kettle black.


19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Remember when I said you guys always side with companies over their workers?

Sort of? Really dumb statement though, I judge situation case by case and in context and don't always come up with the same conclusion. Next.


19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I've actually given you the text book definition of prejudice multiple times. You judge and want society to treat a group of people differently because of their lifestyle choices that has no negative affect on anyone else. 

That's the lie right there. Everyone has to join in on the woke delusion or being deemed phobe something or getting cancelled.


A good example is biological men in women sports, that has no affect on anyone else? You're just being a dishonest prick.


The reason is why people are fighting against wokeism is because it affects everyone else. No one cared about drag shows until they started insisting to bring kids around.


Wake up, you're the one who is incapable of being tolerant of a different opinion and cast it aside through labeling like everyone else is sub human trash, they're just hateful bigots, ALL OF THEM!


You're the political fascist here, sorry to point it to you. 


19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

This might be the closest you've gotten to being right about anything and you're still wrong. What was the far right is now just The Right as there is no daylight between the moderates and the extreme. I mean hell, you can Cooke both claim to be independent yet only defend Right Wing politics and have expressed zero critical views of it. 

Saying a woman is a woman and a man is a man is not an extreme viewpoint.


Saying a woman can be a man and a man can be a woman IS an extreme viewpoint.


I'll let you think on this one.

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9 hours ago, Ramza said:

Pot calling the kettle black.


Is it? How many times have you proven me wrong? How many times have I posted an article and misread what it said? How many times have I contradicted myself? How many illogical scenarios have I created? What wild conspiracy theories have I come up with that require huge exaggerations? How often do I ignore context or confirming data?


That's the difference between us. I can show receipts of you doing all of that multiple times. I'm willing to bet a couple will happen in this post I'm replying to right now. 



Sort of? Really dumb statement though, I judge situation case by case and in context and don't always come up with the same conclusion. Next.


Here you go contradicting yourself again. You said you as a rule side with employers over "disgruntled" employees. Seeing as these people won their cases, what exactly lead you to believe they were in the wrong? Lol 


Also remember how you're like "innocent until proven guilty" for Andrew Tate, yet Trump is still innocent in your mind despite him losing in court. Oh look, there you go contradicting yourself and also proving you have no ideological consistency. 


I won't name call but you go out of your way to defend women anbusers and racist...but a drag queen? That's where you draw the line lol. 



That's the lie right there. Everyone has to join in on the woke delusion or being deemed phobe something or getting cancelled.


A good example is biological men in women sports, that has no affect on anyone else? You're just being a dishonest prick.


Lol I named 3 problems that women athletes face, and I mean every professional woman's athlete in the country. Which are far more prevalent than the small number of high level trans athletes.  You dismissed them and didn't care. Then began making fun of women in the workforce with a 32 year old virgin.


You don't give a shit about women's sports, so please stop. I don't even give a shit either, but it's pathetic you are using this as a societal problem that should be addressed, eqspecially when you yourself are laughing at the "victims". 



The reason is why people are fighting against wokeism is because it affects everyone else. No one cared about drag shows until they started insisting to bring kids around.


How does drag book reading to a classroom affect other people? You're right for once, ignorant and unreasonable people got upset when they were told to be outraged by social media grifters. 


Are you going to go back to your young gays rant L, where you act like the sky is falling while pretending you don't say negative things against gay people? You just want a certain number of them or its a problem. I'll ask again, what is your solution to the gay problem that is concerning you so much? 




Wake up, you're the one who is incapable of being tolerant of a different opinion and cast it

aside through labeling like everyone else is sub human trash, they're just hateful bigots, ALL OF THEM!


You're the political fascist here, sorry to point it to you. 


Saying a woman is a woman and a man is a man is not an extreme viewpoint.


Saying a woman can be a man and a man can be a woman IS an extreme viewpoint.


I'll let you think on this one.


I don't think you are a hateful bigot. Just a misguided bigot. I don't think it's subhuman really, it's very human in fact. 


The man/woman thing is a smokescreen. It's not about technical wording on documents as much wanting society to shun trans people. The same people like Walsh, Peterson, and the Libs of Tik Tok psycho talk about vulnerable kids, but they also trash Trans and LGBTQ adults just for existing as well. Peterson called doctors who perform the procedure Nazis, LOT lady said that the entire LGBTQ community is "just plain evil" and Walsh just plainly said the operations shouldn't be allowed at all. 


You want to call me a political fascist, fine. What do I call you as someone who wants to control the population of a minority group, voices support for credible racist, homophobes, and sexual abusers? 


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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol I named 3 problems that women athletes face, and I mean every professional woman's athlete in the country. Which are far more prevalent than the small number of high level trans athletes.  You dismissed them and didn't care. Then began making fun of women in the workforce with a 32 year old virgin.


You don't give a shit about women's sports, so please stop. I don't even give a shit either, but it's pathetic you are using this as a societal problem that should be addressed, eqspecially when you yourself are laughing at the "victims". 

That has nothing to do with the topic at hand. One problem doesn't neglect the other. Your tactic is not going to work.


Some women are losing their chances right now as biological men are taking their rightful spot on the podiums. But yeah, just dismiss it because it's on a small scare while defending it as a concept, you dishonest fucking prick. 


I don't care about sports, period. The point I'm making is that it illustrates that you are wrong in saying that no one is affected by the insane shit that you woke idiots are peddling as you tried to suggest previously. Now you're mad that you can't come up with a proper counter argument about the actual topic and go on tangents hoping to diverge the conversation elsewhere. You are truly pathetic.


I'm not going to bother with the rest of your shit because you aren't worth my time.



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16 hours ago, Ramza said:




That has nothing to do with the topic at hand. One problem doesn't neglect the other. Your tactic is not going to work.


You brought up women's sports I didnt. One problem does not negate another but some problems are more dire and common and damaging than others. Look at how dishonest you're being. If you really think the greatest adversity female athletes currently face is trans athletes, you're a clown. Again, you dont care so stop your silly act already. 




Some women are losing their chances right now as biological men are taking their rightful spot on the podiums. But yeah, just dismiss it because it's on a small scare while defending it as a concept, you dishonest fucking prick. 


How about we do this, show us data on how many women are losing their place to trans athletes and I'll name some real issues that actual female athletes are complaining about that affects the larger majority. I'll ask you for the dozenth time, how am I dishonest? When you asked I said she shouldn't have been allowed to compete because she didnt meet the hormone therapy threshold set by the committee in the first place.  Again, I have a consistent point of view. You're the hypocritical liar here.



I don't care about sports, period. The point I'm making is that it illustrates that you are wrong in saying that no one is affected by the insane shit that you woke idiots are peddling as you tried to suggest previously. Now you're mad that you can't come up with a proper counter argument about the actual topic and go on tangents hoping to diverge the conversation elsewhere. You are truly pathetic.


I'm not going to bother with the rest of your shit because you aren't worth my time.


This was a sad attempt to save face. You want to respond to appear like you made valid points, but since you can't actually counter anything I said so of all the bullshit you said and I checked you on, you chose to only reply to the one issue you claim wasn't even part of this thread's subject (which again, you brought up.) This is even sadder than if you just walked away with your tail between your legs. You've been exposed again. You are too stupid, lazy, and uninformed to keep this up so you're pretending to yet again "be above" responding to your glaring inconsistencies and hypocritical views. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/10/2023 at 11:13 AM, Ramza said:

Defending Trump, Elon Musk and Dr Jordan Peterson. Oh no. :D 


Meanwhile you're defending alphabet groomers and men competing in women's sports.


See, this is what I mean. You often claim that you never accuse the LGBTQ community of grooming when you are trying to act like you're not a transphobe, but are always referring to them as groomers by default every other time. 


Again, you seem to only have a problem with grooming when the adult is queer. 


Funny how you don't ever talk about or show concern for kids being abused by any other groups. 


This is decent point? 

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37 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


See, this is what I mean. You often claim that you never accuse the LGBTQ community of grooming when you are trying to act like you're not a transphobe, but are always referring to them as groomers by default every other time. 


Again, you seem to only have a problem with grooming when the adult is queer. 


Funny how you don't ever talk about or show concern for kids being abused by any other groups. 


This is decent point? 

There's an active grooming effort from the far left to bring child into the LGBTQ cult, that doesn't mean I think every gay or lesbian or trans is a groomer by default. Nuances, I know. Extremely hard to understand for a simpleton like you.


Why do you say that? You brought up kids pageants and shit, which I haven't defended. 


I'm not aware of every case of child abuse in the world. I would condemn any. Like Goukosan posted some nut right winger who drilled their children to repeat insane talking points and conspiracy theories. It was just sad, I didn't defend it and yes, that's grooming and abusive. Don't fucking accuse me of being a hypocritical child abuser defender, that's really fucking low, even for you. 

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