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Woke nonsense of 2023: The thread.

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6 hours ago, Ramza said:

The fact that Remy constantly tries to join the old and true liberalism to modern woke trash as if they are one and the same is just the most dishonest thing I ever heard.


Lmfao you don't even know what you are talking about. 




MLK would be fucking ashamed of you son. Modern identity politics is the complete opposite of his message. A message that is meant to spread hate and division. Now its time for you to judge me based on my skin color and pretend you're the old type woke liberal.


Lol It's sad that you're too stupid to realize that you are full of shit. I've posted multiple King quotes in here that calls out moderates and gives them nearly the same blame for racism as actual racist because they would abide them to maintain the status quo. 


I've quoted his writings that align with many of the topics in CRT. If anything once I actually got passed just what they taught me and pretty much any undergrad that starts and ends with his speech and death. 


I've actually posted on more than one occasion right wing idiots who use the King rule in order to shut down black people on the topic of race with his actual views. 


The fact that you're so dumb and misinformed that you thought you had a point by perverting what he wanted and fought for... Well is to be expected of someone so self entitled he claims he's right even when he's wrong. You're way past bot and well into sentient meme territory or something. If ANYTHING MLK moved further left in my life. 


To top it off you talk about hate and division while calling for the reduction of the gay population? Or making it seem like queer people can't be trusted around children? Or that teachers and LGBTQ community are conspiraring to turn kids gay/trans?


You defend the most toxic people on earth: racist, bigots, women abusers. Not based on their character that they wear on their sleeves, but the ideological structure they stand for that just happens to be convenient for you. 


You're a fucking clown. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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Because I am constantly bombarded by wokeism insanity, I will use this thread as my personnel dumping ground of random woke shit I see on the internet. As some sort of archive on the insane, so that f

More creepy propaganda 🤮  

I was pretty woke last night. I had a lot of coffee, not much sleep. I mean that's one thing we can agree with walsh about when it comes to those parents. No argument there. He's still creeper

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7 hours ago, Ramza said:

Lmao, yeah before woke became synonyms with retardation. There's a fine like between Star Trek old message of casting aside our differences to elevate humanity to new heights and trying to claim that men can get pregnant or some other insane modern woke harmful ideologies based on lies.


Trans men can get pregnant. It's not time travel or the multiverse. 


7 hours ago, Ramza said:

It's a good thing you point out Star Trek because the new woke writers of Hollywood have completely butchered this franchise. Turning Captain Picard into a weak old white man that gets bossed around by his superior women counterparts. The series has never been this dead. 


Funny, the complaints I've seen from actual star trek fans is about how glib the tone of the show is vs the optimistic TNG. I wasn't aware it was offensive to insecure men as well. 


7 hours ago, Ramza said:

Everything woke has been bad. Find me one truly great movie/TV show that has spawned from the modern woke ideologues. Good fucking luck. 


That's a loaded statement as you automatically think anything you perceive as woke to be bad. I would say Pose comes to mind I guess? I don't consider it woke but there are no white men in the show being told how awesome he is with women just sleeping with him and not talking too much so you'll hate it. 


7 hours ago, Ramza said:

You are the most dishonest bigot I ever talked to in my life and you were never credible to begin with. 


Again, I've said many times, prove me wrong or deceptive. I've asked you this for months, I asked you this yesterday and you dodged it like you have every other time. Again, we can both drop receipts. Hell, I dropped them yesterday of how you're a dishonest hypocrite. I've pointed out exactly how you are a bigot. I don't just say for impact. And you know this because you have tried to backtrack some of the things you said...only to keep saying them again later. 

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Oh hey, it's Matt Walsh again with another bigoted statement he made for clout. 




Mind you he famously stood up for some Christian or Mormon or whatever religious nut molested their younger siblings. Like this doesn't even make sense outside of bigotry because by his logic straight men shouldn't be allowed to adopt children either? So like it's purely homophobia. 


It's fucking weird that you people only care about situations where it's gay molesting versus straight... Then again ideological consistency or equal respect minority groups aren't what conservatives are known for. 

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Fags, lesbians and trannies have no business being parents. Nature already decided for them that they're not fit for the job all the rest is artificial feel good bullshit with innocent kids as test subjects for a twisted libshit experiment and clout. That often ends horribly too.


Ouch, liquid pampers' feeling his menstruation cycle start as he sees this :tom:  

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21 minutes ago, bhytre said:

Fags, lesbians and trannies have no business being parents. Nature already decided for them that they're not fit for the job all the rest is artificial feel good bullshit with innocent kids as test subjects for a twisted libshit experiment and clout. That often ends horribly too.


Ouch, liquid pampers' feeling his menstruation cycle start as he sees this :tom:  

While an absolutely disgusting story, I bet theres quite a few more straight adoptive fathers that have raped their adoptive daughters. 

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30 minutes ago, bhytre said:

Fags, lesbians and trannies have no business being parents. Nature already decided for them that they're not fit for the job all the rest is artificial feel good bullshit with innocent kids as test subjects for a twisted libshit experiment and clout. That often ends horribly too.


Ouch, liquid pampers' feeling his menstruation cycle start as he sees this :tom:  


I literally posted about this before you did. You look like inbreeding gone wrong so maybe you shouldn't give family advice. 

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14 minutes ago, Cooke said:

While an absolutely disgusting story, I bet theres quite a few more straight adoptive fathers that have raped their adoptive daughters. 

Lmfao one of the rare times Cooke is actually right about something and Bytchre is the one person Cooke was able to debunk. Wtf 

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Also i fucking hate how they drape those kids in the pride religious regalia. Fucking stop that shit. It all behaves like religion now and it's really disturbing. Let them grow up and decide for themselves.

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34 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I literally posted about this before you did. You look like inbreeding gone wrong so maybe you shouldn't give family advice. 

I posted it because you left the headline for context out rofl, and what a massive one to leave out. Enable more predators you degenerate worm :tom: 



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On 2023-01-17 at 7:56 PM, Ramza said:

 we have failed as a society. 



Not to get too factual and "sciency" , but shitty TV shows and tweets are hardly going to cause a fall in society. I'd probably use QOL and HDI as a superior measure of this.


As we're in the politics section I'll have to note the more conservative a county, state, or country the more it's QOL/HDI suffers.



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52 minutes ago, Substatic said:


Not to get too factual and "sciency" , but shitty TV shows and tweets are hardly going to cause a fall in society. I'd probably use QOL and HDI as a superior measure of this.


As we're in the politics section I'll have to note the more conservative a county, state, or country the more it's QOL/HDI suffers.



Lol these guys are worst than boomers with the fucking hysterics. 

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18 hours ago, bhytre said:

I posted it because you left the headline for context out rofl, and what a massive one to leave out. Enable more predators you degenerate worm :tom: 


The context for his gross accusation that is so bigoted even Cooke corrected you? lol Ok. 


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DeSantis being woke and giving into cancel culture:


Ron DeSantis bans African American studies class from Florida high schools | Ron DeSantis | The Guardian



I understand some history and facts makes you uncomfortable, but cancelling facts that trigger you is woke. Both are annoying, but the far right woke mob is truly worse as they employ governments to do their bidding far more often than the far left.


Also, Daily Wire woke film absolutely bombs:


Conservatives Are Turning Against Gina Carano 'Woke' Movie (uproxx.com)




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1 hour ago, Substatic said:

Woke nonsense, people are now against museums lol:


Candace Owens: "I'm very anti-museum" | Media Matters for America

Museums are cultural appropriation.


Our major museum in Victoria was shut down because it had a display called "old town" which depicted Victoria in the early 1800's when the settlers arrived. It had a huge ship in it you could explore and all the old shops., i remember the smells and the sounds. it felt like being in a movie.. all destroyed now because of this retroactive history movement. Was one of my favorite things as a kid. Now its all torn down and yet another indigenous peoples display is going on.  There is no history for white people anymore, its only indigenous people that are represented.. lol or natural history stuff. 


so basically.. fuck you and all your woke friends. There's room for both, there's plenty to teach, there are lessons from the past that can be told. Erasing everything will do no one any good. 

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On 2023-01-17 at 7:25 PM, Twinblade said:

The TLOU show opens with a character essentially claiming that the fungus virus can evolve to infect humans because of global warming.....even though there was nothing in the games that alluded to that. It really is sad how all these writers nowadays can't help but take the original source material for these properties and inject their woke beliefs into it.

It's more relatable that way.

 Lots of movies and shows pull inspiration rom real life events.

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