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Woke nonsense of 2023: The thread.

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Because I am constantly bombarded by wokeism insanity, I will use this thread as my personnel dumping ground of random woke shit I see on the internet. As some sort of archive on the insane, so that f

More creepy propaganda 🤮  

I was pretty woke last night. I had a lot of coffee, not much sleep. I mean that's one thing we can agree with walsh about when it comes to those parents. No argument there. He's still creeper

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11 minutes ago, Substatic said:


You're replying to someone who just called climate change a "woke belief". Don't bother speaking logic to him.

Waiting for the ice caps to melt reminds me of waiting for the second coming of Jesus. When the fuck is it happening?? 


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On 2023-01-19 at 2:34 PM, bhytre said:

I posted it because you left the headline for context out rofl, and what a massive one to leave out. Enable more predators you degenerate worm :tom: 



Lmao, Matt Walsh is the problem. Not the gay couples who apparently rapes their adopted children. 


Leftist having their priorities in good order.

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3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Lmao, Matt Walsh is the problem. Not the gay couples who apparently rapes their adopted children. 


Leftist having their priorities in good order.

Pedos are a class of their own seperate from straights and lgbt people. Neither side likes them. The only class I don't mind throwing off a cliff.

Matt Walsh however thinks it's totally cool to impregnate 15 year old girls. :meh2:

Edited by Chicano3000X
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On 2023-01-19 at 3:31 AM, Mr. Impossible said:


Lmfao you don't even know what you are talking about. 



Lol It's sad that you're too stupid to realize that you are full of shit. I've posted multiple King quotes in here that calls out moderates and gives them nearly the same blame for racism as actual racist because they would abide them to maintain the status quo. 


I've quoted his writings that align with many of the topics in CRT. If anything once I actually got passed just what they taught me and pretty much any undergrad that starts and ends with his speech and death. 


I've actually posted on more than one occasion right wing idiots who use the King rule in order to shut down black people on the topic of race with his actual views. 


The fact that you're so dumb and misinformed that you thought you had a point by perverting what he wanted and fought for... Well is to be expected of someone so self entitled he claims he's right even when he's wrong. You're way past bot and well into sentient meme territory or something. If ANYTHING MLK moved further left in my life. 


To top it off you talk about hate and division while calling for the reduction of the gay population? Or making it seem like queer people can't be trusted around children? Or that teachers and LGBTQ community are conspiraring to turn kids gay/trans?


You defend the most toxic people on earth: racist, bigots, women abusers. Not based on their character that they wear on their sleeves, but the ideological structure they stand for that just happens to be convenient for you. 


You're a fucking clown. 

I know exactly what I'm talking about. Your neo woke trash ideologies that was invented 10 minutes ago are not the same message as progressives/liberals ideas of older generations. 


Identity politics is judging and classifying people by their immutable traits and I'm pretty sure that goes against someone who said people should be judged by the traits of their characters and not the colors of their skin. It's pretty simple, you can deny it all you want.


 I said it's abnormal than more than half of gen z kids less than 18 identify as LGBTQ. I love how you constantly bring this up and make up shit about it. Now I'm asking for some kind of gay holocaust? Lmao.


You attack people you don't like with the most simplistic of labels and you're mad when I defend them. That's what's up. I mean, you called me just about every kind of bigot in existence at this point, do you really think I take you seriously? 

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On 2023-01-19 at 5:30 AM, Mr. Impossible said:


Trans men can get pregnant. It's not time travel or the multiverse. 



Funny, the complaints I've seen from actual star trek fans is about how glib the tone of the show is vs the optimistic TNG. I wasn't aware it was offensive to insecure men as well. 



That's a loaded statement as you automatically think anything you perceive as woke to be bad. I would say Pose comes to mind I guess? I don't consider it woke but there are no white men in the show being told how awesome he is with women just sleeping with him and not talking too much so you'll hate it. 



Again, I've said many times, prove me wrong or deceptive. I've asked you this for months, I asked you this yesterday and you dodged it like you have every other time. Again, we can both drop receipts. Hell, I dropped them yesterday of how you're a dishonest hypocrite. I've pointed out exactly how you are a bigot. I don't just say for impact. And you know this because you have tried to backtrack some of the things you said...only to keep saying them again later. 

If only that was the debate. The debate is that gender is a social construct and a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man. 


That's one aspect of it, sure. There's plenty wrong coming from talentless, woke activists posing as writers. They tend to mess up everything, it's not just the not so subtle political messages, they also suck at writing compelling storylines, which is why they use IP made by actually talented people, then destroy them. It happens every time. 


You accused me of making a loaded statement while making a loaded statement before I can even answer. Lmao. Never heard of Pose and I have no idea what you're talking about there. Sounds like it's time to take your meds, son. 


You are being a deceptive pile of shit right now in this very thread. Not my fault you are completely oblivious to anything you defend, accuse and believe in. That's the NPC programming for you. Now keep repeating the establishment crap and believing you're fighting the good fight, you simpleton. 

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20 minutes ago, Chicano3000X said:

Pedos are a class of their own seperate from straights and lgbt people. Neither side likes them. The only class I don't mind throwing off a cliff.

Matt Walsh however thinks it's totally cool to impregnate 15 year old girls. :meh2:

Yes, Matt Walsh crime is so severe that it has to be brought up when talking about adoptive parents raping their children. 


You're kind of proving my point here. It's time to let it go.

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I was pretty woke last night. I had a lot of coffee, not much sleep.

1 minute ago, Ramza said:

Yes, Matt Walsh crime is so severe that it has to be brought up when talking about adoptive parents raping their children. 


You're kind of proving my point here. It's time to let it go.

I mean that's one thing we can agree with walsh about when it comes to those parents. No argument there. He's still creeper himself.

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Lmao at Substatic desperately looking for Google headlines that would make right winger look bad, regardless of context or content. 


What headlines can I post today?

Working Battlestar Galactica GIF

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

If only that was the debate. The debate is that gender is a social construct and a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man. 


Aspects of gender roles are absolutely social constructs. The problem with this debate is that the left is a bit too varied on particular issues and the right are small minded idiots. We're not in the hunter/gatherer stage of humanity, humanity has altered it's natural path


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

That's one aspect of it, sure. There's plenty wrong coming from talentless, woke activists posing as writers. They tend to mess up everything, it's not just the not so subtle political messages, they also suck at writing compelling storylines, which is why they use IP made by actually talented people, then destroy them. It happens every time. 


Oh, it's just the woke writers that are talentless? It's just woke entertainment that is unfunny,  and 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:


You accused me of making a loaded statement while making a loaded statement before I can even answer. Lmao. Never heard of Pose and I have no idea what you're talking about there. Sounds like it's time to take your meds, son. 


What loaded statement did I make? By describing the opposite of a woke TV show? It sounds bad, but it's what you want. so what does that say about you? If woke automatically makes a show bad (your exact words) and woke as described by the right is a show that has


  1. More than one POC principle character or the lead isn't a white male.
  2. The villain is a white man and the hero isnt.
  3. White male character gets "talked down to" or otherwise emasculated by a woman. 
  4. If a white male talks down to a woman. ( I KNOW lol)
  5. The environment.
  6. Makes rich people look like bad guys.
  7. People face accountability.

This opposite of woke (bad) would be a white guy (good) who gets laid with little effort,  might have a black side kick, and in all of his interactions is told how bad ass he is and he's never held accountable for anything he does. 



1 hour ago, Ramza said:

You are being a deceptive pile of shit right now in this very thread. Not my fault you are completely oblivious to anything you defend, accuse and believe in. That's the NPC programming for you. Now keep repeating the establishment crap and believing you're fighting the good fight, you simpleton. 


Yeah, you keep saying stuff like that without actually stating what it is I'm being dishonest about. When I call you out as dishonest, or a hypocrite I give you examples of you being dishonest or hypocritical. You can just name call then fall into a buzzword fugue state all you want. It's all you have and it's painfully obvious to everyone here that you can never actually articulate your own points let alone call out anyone else for theirs. So let's do this. For once be a man and back up what you're saying. lol "establishment crap" Yeah, you're so fucking counter culture. Please defend more millionaire/billionaire right wingers whilst pretending to be anti-establishment. lol You are just making yourself look dumber and dumber

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

I know exactly what I'm talking about. Your neo woke trash ideologies that was invented 10 minutes ago are not the same message as progressives/liberals ideas of older generations. 


How so? I've already posted King's own words that are still considered woke by today's standards. You do this thing where you make shit up and pass it off like it's general knowledge as post filler. No, bitch, Drop some receipts. 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Identity politics is judging and classifying people by their immutable traits and I'm pretty sure that goes against someone who said people should be judged by the traits of their characters and not the colors of their skin. It's pretty simple, you can deny it all you want.


This is how I know you made your wife miserable. Even when you are proven wrong, you keep charging ahead. We know you dont know what you're talking about, yet you still insist on white-splaining MLK's words that you yourself never fucking read. The last time I posted MLK's writings...not speeches in here and Saucer claimed it was after MLK had become jaded, it wasnt. It was actually one of his early writings from the start. I'll do you a solid, I'll post a video of King reading some of his letters. Now watch this and come back and tell me how different his views are from mine and how he would be disgusted by my woke sensibilities. There are obvious differences since 1963 but he still talks about criminal justice reform, police brutality, income inequality...all the woke shit you guys hate to hear about. 




2 hours ago, Ramza said:

I said it's abnormal than more than half of gen z kids less than 18 identify as LGBTQ. I love how you constantly bring this up and make up shit about it. Now I'm asking for some kind of gay holocaust? Lmao.



You keep talking about "too many" of them as if it's something that needs to be addressed and reduced. You also have never stated why this is bad either...I mean get saying "it's bad to be gay" might sound like a bigot...but isn't that kind of what you're saying in an indirect...kind of dumb... kind of dishonest way?


2 hours ago, Ramza said:


You attack people you don't like with the most simplistic of labels and you're mad when I defend them. That's what's up. I mean, you called me just about every kind of bigot in existence at this point, do you really think I take you seriously? 


Oh, I am a minimalist. I am fair though. I would never call some one stupid, racist, transphobic, vegan, scientologist, or religiously fundamentalist recklessly. I also explain in great and annoying fucking detail why I say what I say. I know you take me seriously. You can lie and be obtuse all you want, you know when I've proven you wrong. You know you can't back up anything you say about me, you've dodged multiple things I've addressed your way probably even in this thread lol. 



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12 hours ago, Substatic said:

Woke nonsense, people are now against museums lol:


Candace Owens: "I'm very anti-museum" | Media Matters for America


I think Media Matters might be a problem...in theory...maybe. We're at the point where right wing media is just people saying as much stupid or hateful shit as possible for clout.  On a weekly basis Owens, Walsh, Shapiro, and Peterson all trend weekly and it's always for garbage. These people wake up and think of awful things to spew for consumption. No wonder the Daily Wire can afford to throw $50 million dollars at a no talent like Crowder and because we're in the worst timeline, he was able to shun the offer and also call them out publicly. 


Funny how these right wing firms get funded for pure trash never comes up here. Daily Wire can throw Crowder 50 mil, whatever they paid Peterson, drop 100 mil on children's shows, and produce the worst box office movie of all time and create a streaming service but couldn't pay for a researcher to help Matt Walsh with his movie. 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Aspects of gender roles are absolutely social constructs. The problem with this debate is that the left is a bit too varied on particular issues and the right are small minded idiots. We're not in the hunter/gatherer stage of humanity, humanity has altered it's natural path

Yeah, like the color pink being for girl?


The left has gone to the extreme left, where gender is apparently fluid and you can be anything, at any moment. Today I'm a girl, tomorrow I'm a boy, the week after I am neither. The worst part is that saying biological facts nowadays will have the woke mobs up in arms trying to get you cancelled. Case in point, that Harry Potter game being cancelled because the author of the book said some facts. But bu mah feelings. 


What does hunter gatherer has to do with anything? The woke morons would be the first to die if we still lived like this, that's all I can think of in correlation. Lmfao.


It's pretty amazing how you have completely fail to defend their point and continue to say the right are simply idiots. 


That was pretty weak shit, Remy. I at least expect this part of the debate to be more interesting. I guess you don't want to completely side with the neo woke, huh? 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I think Media Matters might be a problem...in theory...maybe. We're at the point where right wing media is just people saying as much stupid or hateful shit as possible for clout.  On a weekly basis Owens, Walsh, Shapiro, and Peterson all trend weekly and it's always for garbage. These people wake up and think of awful things to spew for consumption. No wonder the Daily Wire can afford to throw $50 million dollars at a no talent like Crowder and because we're in the worst timeline, he was able to shun the offer and also call them out publicly. 


Funny how these right wing firms get funded for pure trash never comes up here. Daily Wire can throw Crowder 50 mil, whatever they paid Peterson, drop 100 mil on children's shows, and produce the worst box office movie of all time and create a streaming service but couldn't pay for a researcher to help Matt Walsh with his movie. 

More like they are given new materials easily every week to come up with more content on their own. 


And their popularity just shows how most normal people doesn't actually adhere to the woke garbage principles in real life but most of these voices are silenced, or fear to speak at all, so the one saying what everyone else think out loud are popular. What a surprise. 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

This is how I know you made your wife miserable.



You mean that girl who keeps coming back to me because her new man is a violent piece of shit who doesn't actually give a shit about her? 


Yeah man, you sure know. 


But I have proven you wrong. :mad: I wonder who really is the thick headed moron here who annoys people irl. Lmao,


I try to never talk politics with my GFs so you can calm down with your insane allegations. 


3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

here are obvious differences since 1963 but he still talks about criminal justice reform, police brutality, income inequality...all the woke shit you guys hate to hear about. 

That's not identity politics. 

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