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Woke nonsense of 2023: The thread.

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On 2/20/2023 at 9:32 AM, Twinblade said:

Why aren't liberals on this forum talking about Don Lemon's sexist remarks against Nikki Haley? Does sexism not matter if it targets Republicans?


Wasn't he suspended for a bit because of that and he apologized?   It was insensitive... But not sexist. 



While we're on the topic of news anchors. 


Have you "caught up" on the texts from fox hosts which show they know theyr'e lying to their base but still peddle the BS... And that they think the stuff is dumb as rocks as well as their viewers .... But it makes them money.... So they keep doing it. 


Thoughts? :umad:

Edited by Goukosan
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Because I am constantly bombarded by wokeism insanity, I will use this thread as my personnel dumping ground of random woke shit I see on the internet. As some sort of archive on the insane, so that f

More creepy propaganda 🤮  

I was pretty woke last night. I had a lot of coffee, not much sleep. I mean that's one thing we can agree with walsh about when it comes to those parents. No argument there. He's still creeper

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9 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

When your trans hate trumps your anti-middle eastern hate. Lol 

I don't hate trans people. I feel bad for them. To think a quarter of our population (only in the west) are now born in the wrong body. We need to get to the bottom of this epidemic of people not wanting their genitalia. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

I don't hate trans people. I feel bad for them. To think a quarter of our population (only in the west) are now born in the wrong body. We need to get to the bottom of this epidemic of people not wanting their genitalia. 


Lol this so disingenuous its fucking mind blowing. 

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6 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Lol this so disingenuous its fucking mind blowing. 





How far does this go? And when will you think something might be wrong? 


You honestly think without a doubt that social contagion is not playing a role and this is all perfectly normal? 






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11 hours ago, Cooke said:

I don't hate trans people. I feel bad for them. To think a quarter of our population (only in the west) are now born in the wrong body. We need to get to the bottom of this epidemic of people not wanting their genitalia. 


1/4 of the population are born trans? 


The USA has over 300 million people,  you're saying 75 million people were born trans? 


Retarded much? 

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


1/4 of the population are born trans? 


The USA has over 300 million people,  you're saying 75 million people were born trans? 


Retarded much? 

That's not how trends work goukosan. It's escalating far faster in the younger generation. There isn't an epidemic of old ladies claiming to be trans or non binary. It's the youth. 5% of youth and kids are now identifying as trans, non binary, gender fluid or whatever else is fashionable.  Yes I was exaggerating the number. But compared to 10 years ago that's a 100x increase. Where does it go from here? 


So right now 5 in 100 children are born in the wrong body. Does that not seem a little high to you? Or is it just affirm at all costs regardless of the destruction of their lives it may cause? 





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4 hours ago, Cooke said:





How far does this go? And when will you think something might be wrong? 


You honestly think without a doubt that social contagion is not playing a role and this is all perfectly normal? 


Oh, thanks for conforming your disingenuous mentality? Funny how you curious and well meaning folk come from an antagonistic angle to people you supposedly feel bad for. 


For the record from your article:

1.4% of teens between the ages of 13 and 17, and 1.3% of young people aged 18 to 24 identify as transgender or nonbinary.. 


So the functioning number seem to be 1 in 10 young people. To be fair the article title was meant to trigger smooth brained bigots like yourself. Phrasing it as 43% of Transat people sounds good in the activating transphobes way. 


Nonbinary isn't the same as 'being in the wrong body" as much as confirming to social gender archetypes. So it's not that they feel they are in the wrong body, they just don't confirm to general male/female roles of their given society. 


Again, can you guys actually read your own articles before posting them to not back up your points? 


It's also telling when people treat queer people like a problem, issue, or something to be ashamed of or are themselves a problem that needs fixing. 


Queer counting is almost exclusively a right wing thing and it's fucking weird. Like what is the next logical step in this mentality? If you find a population that you don't like iis growing at a rate you're not comfortable with? 


I mean you guys are so fucking activated and stupid you don't think any of this out. If you your desire is to counter the existence of queer people, you are anti-trans, anti-gay, anti-queer or whatever. You're not their fucking friend, nor do you actually have their well being in mind you fucking psychopath. 


It's also fucking amazing that you guys never actually come to the conclusion that the increase in people who don't identify as perfectly straight is because of awareness and increased public acceptance. 


You don't like queer people so some nefarious force is making people that way. 




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