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Steven Crowder and Ben Shapiro having a fued

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The sad thing is that the Daily Wire is right, but also like fuck them Crowder pulled a grift using them for clout. It's watching two despicable piles of shit fight. Still, shocked how little curiosity from conservative viewers over the kinds of money being dropped on conservative content flooding the internet from all of the people weary of mainstream media or financial entanglements with content creators. Just kidding, Right wing people always feel the ends justify the means.

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On 2023-01-22 at 12:00 AM, Mr. Impossible said:

The sad thing is that the Daily Wire is right, but also like fuck them Crowder pulled a grift using them for clout. It's watching two despicable piles of shit fight. Still, shocked how little curiosity from conservative viewers over the kinds of money being dropped on conservative content flooding the internet from all of the people weary of mainstream media or financial entanglements with content creators. Just kidding, Right wing people always feel the ends justify the means.

Oh no, the counter culture to the mainstream narrative is being financed by some people/organization. 

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34 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Oh no, the counter culture to the mainstream narrative is being financed by some people/organization. 


Sure have your counter culture, but why have it mostly be fake news and grifting like Daily Wire? Lmao. You can have a counter culture without it being heavy fiction and fake grassroots billionaire funded clowns.



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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Oh no, the counter culture to the mainstream narrative is being financed by some people/organization. 


Aren't the Right constantly complaining about George Soros? Hell, you guys in here have complained about Soros in here multiple times. You keep making a fool of yourself. 


You are the idiots complaining about the MSN and George Soros, and Bezos, yet have no problem that Crowder, The Blaze, Daily Wire, Turning point, Peterson, RSBN, Rubin, are all funded by a small group of billionaires or special interests groups. 


Gee, I wonder why. 

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34 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Aren't the Right constantly complaining about George Soros? Hell, you guys in here have complained about Soros in here multiple times. You keep making a fool of yourself. 


You are the idiots complaining about the MSN and George Soros, and Bezos, yet have no problem that Crowder, The Blaze, Daily Wire, Turning point, Peterson, RSBN, Rubin, are all funded by a small group of billionaires or special interests groups. 


Gee, I wonder why. 

Are you seriously comparing George Soros actions/influence to social commentators like Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh and Candide Owen???? :kaz: 


Hit me up when any of these right wing people do something as insane as financing NGOs to bring in illegal economic migrants by the boatload in European countries or influencing criminal reforms systems with special appointed judges with hidden agendas that ends up releasing criminals on bail the same day they get caught committing crimes. 


L-M-A-O. Are you really that desperate? 

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36 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Are you seriously comparing George Soros actions/influence to social commentators like Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh and Candide Owen???? :kaz: 


"Peterson, RSBN, Rubin, are all funded by a small group of billionaires or special interests groups"


That isn't what I said though. I said their billionaire backers. It's either that  you guys have a reading disability, or pathological liars, and or incredibly dumb. 


It's amazing how you guys have zero scrutiny or cynicism aimed at the right. I get it their enemies are yours, but if you are pretending not to be right wing, you're not doing good jobs. 


The irony is that the only reason you know Soros even exist is because of those same people. Of course you're too retarded to realize that. 



36 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Hit me up when any of these right wing people do something as insane as financing NGOs to bring in illegal economic migrants by the boatload in European countries or influencing criminal reforms systems with special appointed judges with hidden agendas that ends up releasing criminals on bail the same day they get caught committing crimes. 


L-M-A-O. Are you really that desperate? 


Lmfao I'm not even bothering to counter this because you just proved my point. No one in here believes you know anything about whatever NGOS fucking George Soros runs or what they actually do. You are just parroting some rant your heard and barely understood. 


You played yourself on this one. You are ignorant of almost everything yet some how know something so random as Soros backing assistant DAs and judges in a country you don't even live in. 🤣

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12 hours ago, Ramza said:

Are you seriously comparing George Soros actions/influence to social commentators like Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh and Candide Owen????


I'd also like to add that this in itself is dishonest as well as we've seen right wing nutjobs actually help craft politicians' platforms as Ruffo, the guy I informed you about who is a lobbyist for privatization of public schools and just coincidentally the person who mainstreamed CRT and queer studies panic.


He's currently working with DeSantis on his next wave of "me new daddy Trump" bullshit that will have affect on Florida schools, which means it will be spreading across red states.


People like Charlie Kirk whose like 30 can throw events and get all of the top Republicans to attend and dance for his audience. This doesn't exist in mainstream news or leftist new media. There has always been an uncomfortable alliance with right wing politicians and right wing pundits. Which never seems to bother people on the right at all who see conspiracies everywhere. 



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12 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I'd also like to add that this in itself is dishonest as well as we've seen right wing nutjobs actually help craft politicians' platforms as Ruffo, the guy I informed you about who is a lobbyist for privatization of public schools and just coincidentally the person who mainstreamed CRT and queer studies panic.


He's currently working with DeSantis on his next wave of "me new daddy Trump" bullshit that will have affect on Florida schools, which means it will be spreading across red states.


People like Charlie Kirk whose like 30 can throw events and get all of the top Republicans to attend and dance for his audience. This doesn't exist in mainstream news or leftist new media. There has always been an uncomfortable alliance with right wing politicians and right wing pundits. Which never seems to bother people on the right at all who see conspiracies everywhere. 



Soros has spend billions and has had far more repercussions than anything you are suggesting.


But bu Ruffo is making fake outrage about things that are actually happening. LOOK OVER THERE!!!!11


Just another day where Remy defends evil billionaires. Funny how everything you accuse me of, you are guilty of yourself. You are a dishonest pos with an agenda. 

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23 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:






Lmfao I'm not even bothering to counter this because you just proved my point. No one in here believes you know anything about whatever NGOS fucking George Soros runs or what they actually do. You are just parroting some rant your heard and barely understood. 


You played yourself on this one. You are ignorant of almost everything yet some how know something so random as Soros backing assistant DAs and judges in a country you don't even live in. 🤣

This lying pos attacking me again for no reason.


You don't know what you are talking about because I say so. :crymore:


Lol, ok, don't hurt your brain with that amazing counter argumentation. 


As I said, I have no issues with the counter culture to the mainstream narrative being funded. 

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Soros has spend billions and has had far more repercussions than anything you are suggesting.


You do  not know what you're talking about. You're literally just repeating one liners from right wingers. It's weird you keep trying to act informed.



But bu Ruffo is making fake outrage about things that are actually happening. LOOK OVER THERE!!!!11


Fake outrage bait that your dumb ass keeps falling for. But nothing to see here lol. 



Just another day where Remy defends evil billionaires. Funny how everything you accuse me of, you are guilty of yourself. You are a dishonest pos with an agenda. 


Really, where did I defend an 'evil' Billionaire? My point is that there are many billionaires you have no idea exist out there. You only know about Soros because you heard Tucker Carlson bring him up. LMFAO you're even beginning to talk like a bot. The irony this comment only solidifies what I said about you. WTF is my agenda here? I dont want any rich people in politics on either side. I dont believe companies should be allowed to donate to politicians either. You're just some fucking poser making a fool of yourself trying the same exact act Cooke has been failing at for years. 


It's easy to buy the news that tells you how awesome you are, and everyone you hate sucks and is evil. I'm sure the cope is intoxicating. 

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

This lying pos attacking me again for no reason.


You don't know what you are talking about because I say so. :crymore:


Lol, ok, don't hurt your brain with that amazing counter argumentation. 


As I said, I have no issues with the counter culture to the mainstream narrative being funded. 


I know you dont know what you're talking about because of your inability ever post anything from an educated or informed position. Hell, you barely actually post anything that supports your world view. Your entire thinking process is just a lazy copy/paste job of reactionary right wing buzzwords and headlines. You constantly contradict yourself because you actually no convictions or ideologically consistency. 

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12 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


You do  not know what you're talking about. You're literally just repeating one liners from right wingers. It's weird you keep trying to act informed.



Fake outrage bait that your dumb ass keeps falling for. But nothing to see here lol. 



Really, where did I defend an 'evil' Billionaire? My point is that there are many billionaires you have no idea exist out there. You only know about Soros because you heard Tucker Carlson bring him up. LMFAO you're even beginning to talk like a bot. The irony this comment only solidifies what I said about you. WTF is my agenda here? I dont want any rich people in politics on either side. I dont believe companies should be allowed to donate to politicians either. You're just some fucking poser making a fool of yourself trying the same exact act Cooke has been failing at for years. 


It's easy to buy the news that tells you how awesome you are, and everyone you hate sucks and is evil. I'm sure the cope is intoxicating. 

I have absolutely no interest in getting in the Soros rabbit hole to prove anything to you.


You're defending billionaires going at Davos in their private jets to tell the plebs that there's a climate emergency and say that we (we excludes the ones speaking) need to act now. That's being a good little billionaire bitch right there. 


Your agenda is simple, to pass the woke trash that has polluted every facet of western society as a made up right winger conspiracy. That's an agenda if I ever seen one.


Yeah, yeah, we're all bigots. Keep telling yourself that, clown and pretend you're above everyone else. You're so awesome. 

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17 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I know you dont know what you're talking about because of your inability ever post anything from an educated or informed position. Hell, you barely actually post anything that supports your world view. Your entire thinking process is just a lazy copy/paste job of reactionary right wing buzzwords and headlines. You constantly contradict yourself because you actually no convictions or ideologically consistency. 

Actually, I used to substantiate my claims but then I realized that you're just a narrow minded bitch who will just call me a bigot no matter my convictions or what I've said. Maybe this is normal conversations for Tweeter addicted idiots like yourself but I have better things to do with my time.


How am I contradicting myself exactly?

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1 minute ago, Ramza said:

Actually, I used to substantiate my claims but then I realized that you're just a narrow minded bitch who will just call me a bigot no matter my convictions or what I've said. Maybe this is normal conversations for Tweeter addicted idiots like yourself but I have better things to do with my time.


lmfao that's bullshit and you know it. I've been asking you to explain the data behind your logic for like 6 or 7 months now at least. You never do. 


1 minute ago, Ramza said:

How am I contradicting myself exactly?


I'll go with the Tate situation. Where you have to wait for him to be convicted before speaking poorly of him like you give a shit if he's guilty or not. He's not woke, so you defend him. A court ruling doesn't have any bearing on his situation in your mind. If you want others, I'm sure one will pop up later today or tomorrow.

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11 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


lmfao that's bullshit and you know it. I've been asking you to explain the data behind your logic for like 6 or 7 months now at least. You never do. 



I'll go with the Tate situation. Where you have to wait for him to be convicted before speaking poorly of him like you give a shit if he's guilty or not. He's not woke, so you defend him. A court ruling doesn't have any bearing on his situation in your mind. If you want others, I'm sure one will pop up later today or tomorrow.

Ok, I will try to do better in the future but that almost mean I won't allow you to sidetrack the conversations. That's something I find hard with you, to stick to one subject and not go off on other tangents. 


Nothing to do with wokeness, I don't even like the guy or particularly know him much. I actually just make fun of you guys who relishes in these accusations and celebrate it because he's the misogynistic public enemy no. 1.


At the end of the day, part of me is inclined to believe he's just getting attacked because he's made too many enemies and they are trying to get him out the picture, I mean the guy was virtually banned from all social media platforms. But another part of me think a douche like that probably is capable of such heinous actions and probably have more than a few skeletons in the closet. Isn't that a fair assessment of the situation or am I being a anti woke apologist? 

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18 hours ago, Ramza said:

Ok, I will try to do better in the future but that almost mean I won't allow you to sidetrack the conversations. That's something I find hard with you, to stick to one subject and not go off on other tangents. 


That's because you have a narrow view of everything. You know exactly what you were told to be upset about and that's about it. Most if not all of the shit you complain about are complex and have multiple overlapping issues. 


I guess it's good you are vowing to be better and actually prove your points? but you're accusing me of lying all of the time and I call you out on it every time. This doesn't even make sense as you change the subject as much as possible and quite a few times just ignore what you don't want to address and cling to something else. 



Nothing to do with wokeness, I don't even like the guy or particularly know him much. I actually just make fun of you guys who relishes in these accusations and celebrate it because he's the misogynistic public enemy no. 1.


So you were just defending a random misogynist arrested for sexual abuse and trafficking. Lol OK, tell us more about how your heart breaks for women's sports...A thing you already admitted to not caring about. 



At the end of the day, part of me is inclined to believe he's just getting attacked because he's made too many enemies and they are trying to get him out the picture, I mean the guy was virtually banned from all social media platforms.


I see what you are saying. Big tech and the Woke Liberation front obviously had him in their sites after Musk let him back on Twitter. They decided to move on him for talking shit to Greta and had the Romanian police take him down. 



But another part of me think a douche like that probably is capable of such heinous actions and probably have more than a few skeletons in the closet. Isn't that a fair assessment of the situation or am I being a anti woke apologist? 


Is this the part of you that can read and saw him admit multiple times to doing what they are charging him with or threatening to women? 


You said one absurd conspiracy theory and literally what the evidence is. If this is what you consider a 'fair' assessment lol. Admittedly, it's the best thing you've ever said here. Woof. 

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