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Seething vaxxie

Someone needs to put bhytre and his snowflake NPC ass out of his misery 

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Look at Bitch-tre incel ass run out of the thread the same way he runs away from pussy. :kaz:



The topic may have hit a little too close to home for him. 


It brought back memories of his uncle abusing him during home school sessions..... Yiiiiikes. 

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All it took was posting a Nazi Homeschooling thread for Bitch-tre to be nuclear triggered :kaz:



Your uncle did a number on you didn't he?... Yiiiiikes


Edited by Goukosan
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He keeps linking to that thread as if I didn't forget about it the moment I posted in it :hest:  

He truly has nothing, except for defeat and endless tears which I keep extracting so easily :tom5:

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7 hours ago, bhytre said:

He keeps linking to that thread as if I didn't forget about it the moment I posted in it :hest:  

He truly has nothing, except for defeat and endless tears which I keep extracting so easily :tom5:

Yet you post in this one daily. 

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Bitch-tre's trauma keeps getting worse.  The memory of the abuse by his uncle during home schooling totally broke him.. His ass is leaking and it's giving him flashbacks. 



He's been triggered for a month now and counting :kaz:


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Bitch-tre and his delusions, AKA his coping mechanism he learned when his uncle abused him during home schooling is kicking in. 


This delusional fuck Bitch-tre gave up and ran out the Homeschooling thread and is now claiming someone else gave up... While he is actively, triggered, traumatized and scared shitless from the repressed memories of his uncles constant abuse. 


Now it makes sense why he short circuited into NPC mode... His bitch ass is totally broken. 

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"It's goofy time"... Bitch-tre's uncle yelled as be continually abused his nephew. 


Those memories are seared into Bitch-tre's mind, the Nazi Homeschooling thread really broke him. 


First he ran out the thread shaking and in tears, then he came to this thread ass leaking.


He then went into NPC mode, then meme mode and when thy all failed he went into delusional mode. 



Lmfao video unavailable, Bitch-tre keeps losing... Poor schmuck :kaz:




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Works for me, maybe the Youtube gods are having mercy on Pudgysan at his monumental defeat and daily humiliation and are trying to protect him :hest:  

I have no pity though lmfao, vaxxie's world crumbling so hard even his PC is starting to lose focus :kaz: 

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Bitch-tre and his sensitive snowflake ass getting triggered in that thread lead to him running out the thread and.... 







78 posts of tears..... He is distraught, totally broken :kaz:



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Poor Bitch-tre... Who knew a Nazi home schooling thread would totally break him.  Years of abuse from his uncle has scared him for life. 



Which him keep avoiding it like he avoids vaginas :kaz:

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