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Digital Foundry Forspoken tech review

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Ray traced Ambient Occlusion is broken on PC and PS5. Only randomly works during certain cutscenes
Shadow quality overall is poor with most using shadow maps. Even with RT shadows, only a small portion of shadows are ray traced
Some of the most lackluster RT out there
RT shadows have a 20% impact on performance for little visual payoff
Large impact on VRAM, 500MB for each RT effect
Does not recommend turning on RT for mid-range hardware or lower
FSR has multiple issues with ghosting, transparency effects dithering, and disocclusion during movement
DLSS is overall better but still has issues where shiny surfaces sparkle during movement with motion blur on
XeSS has a big problem when DOF is enabled, it flickers massively
TAA exhibits ghosting problems as well
Every image reconstruction is poor overall but DLSS is still superior to FSR
DRS causes more problems than it solves, introduces massive frame time variances to the point of being unplayable
VRS doesn't appear to be working at all. There is no visual or performance difference
DirectStorage is one of the few bright spots, with a capable CPU (12900K) and 3.5GB/s nvme, the PC version can load slightly faster than a PS5
More modest CPUs such as the 3600 are still slower than the PS5 with a 3.5GB/s nvme but still much faster with DirectStorage
Does not appear to use GPU decompression
Textures management is peculiar. 8GB GPUs or less will always load poor quality textures no matter what happens
Does not recommend even playing this game on 8GB GPUs because the textures look like they're from the late 90s
Does not matter what texture setting you choose, you can even disable ray tracing and it's the same
No optimized settings for 8GB GPUs because the game looks so bad already, he cannot recommend lowering settings
Lowering clouds, disabling RT, and lowering SSR can save performance
Has encountered a bugs such as crashes and LODs not loading
Every time he moves the camera with a mid-range rig, there are noticeable frame rate drops
The game is almost as demanding as Cyberpunk with DLSS performance with settings maxed out
Pretty bad port overall



good god what a disaster :D 

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