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30 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

Sleep is ridiculously important. Lack of sleep can cause low T levels. 

I don't really concern myself with hormonal levels but I probably should. 


What's your idea of a diet that help produces testosterone? I'm guessing high omega 3 fatty acids, no sugar (not carbs, actual sugar), high protein diet? 

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10 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I don't really concern myself with hormonal levels but I probably should. 


What's your idea of a diet that help produces testosterone? I'm guessing high omega 3 fatty acids, no sugar (not carbs, actual sugar), high protein diet? 

Sugar is fine. I eat chocolate every day. However, the bulk of my foods are salmon, almonds, chicken, eggs (I eat 4 every morning), some fruits and vegetables, a serving or two of oysters weekly (optimal for zinc) and plenty of carbs. 

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5 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

Sugar is fine. I eat chocolate every day. However, the bulk of my foods are salmon, almonds, chicken, eggs (I eat 4 every morning), some fruits and vegetables, a serving or two of oysters weekly (optimal for zinc) and plenty of carbs. 

70%+ dark chocolate? 


Oysters is a super food for sperm production. No doubt it boost testosterones as well, makes sense. I should try that. I eat sardines like once a week. 

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I've actually been sleeping better as well. One of the worst habits I had over the last few years was having an additional cup of coffee in the afternoons/early evenings. That was really having such a bad effect on me and I didn't realize how bad until I cut it out and only have a coffee in the morning. Now I not only fall asleep quicker but I don't wake up as often during the night, and I also feel more well rested after waking up.

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18 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I've actually been sleeping better as well. One of the worst habits I had over the last few years was having an additional cup of coffee in the afternoons/early evenings. That was really having such a bad effect on me and I didn't realize how bad until I cut it out and only have a coffee in the morning. Now I not only fall asleep quicker but I don't wake up as often during the night, and I also feel more well rested after waking up.

I love my evening coffee, I keep decaf just for that. 

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33 minutes ago, Ramza said:

70%+ dark chocolate? 


Oysters is a super food for sperm production. No doubt it boost testosterones as well, makes sense. I should try that. I eat sardines like once a week. 

Nah. Regular milk chocolate. 

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21 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Dark Chocolate's taste can take some getting used to (especially as you get to higher percentages) but its loaded with antioxidants.

The real issue is that the common brand of chocolate are made out of trash, glucose fructose, vegetable/soybean/rape seed oils, artificial food colorants, bunch of preservation agents you never heard of.


Then you look at a normal bar of dark chocolate and there's like 4 ingredients, top and none of the above. 

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41 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Dark Chocolate's taste can take some getting used to (especially as you get to higher percentages) but its loaded with antioxidants.

I get migraines from dark chocolate. So, I’ll grab chocolate from the vending machine, usually peanut M&Ms. 

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My body is really weird nowadays. I used to get soreness right after workouts when I was younger, but now I mainly get delayed soreness that doesn't start until a day or 2 after my workouts.

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Killed it at the gym the last 2 days. Been meeting up there with this dude I work with, he actually used to powerlift professionally and he's kind of jacked so i've been getting some good advice from him. Slowly dialing in the correct form for squats which I really like doing. My shoulder is also feeling a tiny bit better, the first time I did squats just putting my body in front of the squat bar to lay it on my upper back would hurt, but it didn't yesterday which was a nice surprise.



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Flax seeds




Processed cooking oils (recommends olive, coconut or avocado oils instead) 


Trans fats

Bread, pastries, refined grains


Funny I never really cared about testosterones but somehow I knew all that already. Except for licorice and mint. 

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