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Theatrhythm Final Bar Line Review Thread (XCluded)

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Opencritic: 88
Metacritic: 86


PSX Brasil- 9.5/10

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line is the best entry in the series so far. Based on its existing Arcade version and spaning over 40 games from the Final Fantasy franchise, the title is, without a doubt, the best way to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the franchise. A must for fans of rhythm games.

Butwhytho- 8.5/10

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line is a fantastic game, no doubt about it. The gameplay is easy to learn but difficult to master, and the massive library of songs and characters gives players countless hours of content to enjoy. Knowing there is more on the way through DLC is mind-blowing, considering how much is already available.

GamersRD- 8.5/10

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line is the definitive game that brings us almost the entire anthology of music from the Final Fantasy games and others outside the franchise. It offers quite a challenge for those who like this type of rhythm games, while we have fun perfecting each theme offered. Although it has few drawbacks, the control is not fully optimized, at least for the Nintendo Switch Pro controller.

Press Start- 8/10

Final Bar Line is another fantastic entry in a great rhythm series, propped up by an enormous catalog of essential video game music and a variety of fun and engaging (if slightly superfluous) systems. Whether you enjoyed the 3DS entries or you're a Final Fantasy fan ready to dive in for the first time, there's a lot to love here even with some minor frustrations.

Hardcore Gamer- 8/10

This is a successful transition from handheld to console with tight gameplay, plenty of content to unlock and a beautiful presentation backing it up. Theatrhythm Final Bar Line isn't the perfect celebration of Final Fantasy, but it's a great one.

Pocket Tactics- 8/10

I don't think the game will surpass your expectations, but it will meet them, as it does exactly what it says on the tin. It's a Final Fantasy rhythm game with all your favourite characters and even some adorable chunky chocobo to make you laugh.
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