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5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Shapiro has defended gun ownership after every other mass shooting, now he'd be OK with barring people from buying guns simply because they are Trans. 


I want to say slowly but it really hasn't been that long since this was all about protecting children. That was always the hook used to convince closeted bigots like @Ramzaand @Cooketo join the extremists' side.


Now the conversations are outlawing adults from getting the procedure as well, arresting doctors who do the procedure, ignoring their existence, justified violence against them, eradicating them, putting then into asylums, and taking their rights to protect themselves away. All from the same source too. 


I won't Nazis or fascists talk or anything... But how is the right side of the argument? And I don't give a fuck what parts you agree or disagree with, y'all are fucking bots. Where is measured right wing response? Where is there a reasonable point of view on the right that the LGBTQ aren't villains? 


Fucking soulless grifters like Peter Thiel or Kaitlin Jenner or Dave Ruben? All pieces of shit who regularly are ridiculed by the party they swear allegiance to?


This has been my point from jump on this. When people ask how people stood by and were fine in previous generations as groups were marginalized it's because of the Twinblades of the world. In the 60s you guy would have hated MLK. 

You seem to take everything to an 11. 


Do you not think physically altering a child's body with chemicals and surgeries that leaves them sterilizated and basically castrated and unable to feel sexual pleasure should be the absolute final option? Shouldn't a child or even adult have more than 3 sessions with a therapist before they are affirmed to go down the route of no return ? 


How is it "caring" to nudge an autistic girl towards trans surgery when really it's just an emotional thing that they may get over with proper therapy?


How is it "caring" to take a skin graft from a young girls arm and create a pseudo penis that has no feeling or pleasure and is really quite a hideous thing to behold and then tell the girl, "well here's your new penis!" Sorry the sex won't feel like anything and you will never be able to have a child naturally or breast feed that child. "We saved you from suicide!" Oh wait the suicide rate is exactly the same before and after transition. 


Sometimes the nuturing motherly "I'll take care of you" side of the left goes too far. It's pretty much become Cathy Bates in Misery at a societal scale. 


As for the guns, I have no idea why Americans shoot eachother so much, big sensational mass murder shooting sprees make up a tiny percent of the overall murders. They do make better stories on the news though. No one wants to talk about the 6-10 people killed every week in Chicago. 448 people were murdered in one city in one state in 2022. 

Edited by Cooke
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Cooke is a bot. You can tell what is going on in right wing echo chambers because he basically just copy pastas whatever current event has them up in arms.   All of the transphobes who hate

You think you’re good looking?  

Its weird, they bash incels yet when incels become trans they are sacred religious symbols. 

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2 hours ago, Cooke said:

You seem to take everything to an 11. 


Do you not think physically altering a child's body with chemicals and surgeries that leaves them sterilizated and basically castrated and unable to feel sexual pleasure should be the absolute final option? Shouldn't a child or even adult have more than 3 sessions with a therapist before they are affirmed to go down the route of no return ? 


How is it "caring" to nudge an autistic girl towards trans surgery when really it's just an emotional thing that they may get over with proper therapy?


How is it "caring" to take a skin graft from a young girls arm and create a pseudo penis that has no feeling or pleasure and is really quite a hideous thing to behold and then tell the girl, "well here's your new penis!" Sorry the sex won't feel like anything and you will never be able to have a child naturally or breast feed that child. "We saved you from suicide!" Oh wait the suicide rate is exactly the same before and after transition. 


Sometimes the nuturing motherly "I'll take care of you" side of the left goes too far. It's pretty much become Cathy Bates in Misery at a societal scale. 


As for the guns, I have no idea why Americans shoot eachother so much, big sensational mass murder shooting sprees make up a tiny percent of the overall murders. They do make better stories on the news though. No one wants to talk about the 6-10 people killed every week in Chicago. 448 people were murdered in one city in one state in 2022. 


So basically you don't believe trans people should exist. 

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2 hours ago, Cooke said:

As for the guns, I have no idea why Americans shoot eachother so much, big sensational mass murder shooting sprees make up a tiny percent of the overall murders. They do make better stories on the news though. No one wants to talk about the 6-10 people killed every week in Chicago. 448 people were murdered in one city in one state in 2022. 


This is what I mean by how bot minded you are. You talk like a right wing chat bot including all of the buzzwords, talking points, and cliches. Points on working Chicago into it. 


Yes, people are generally more surprised to see a lone gunman walk into a school or church and open fire into a crowd of innocent than a violent street gang killing a rival. 

You cracked the news ratings code, Sherlock. 



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5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

you guys act OK with straight white men mass killers

Huh, lol? Sure, I love mass killers when they're white.


5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

whenever there is violence against a black person and race most likely was the root cause you people go out of your way to deny racism exist or could play any part.

I deny racism exist and can play a role in a crime? That's new to me. Cool story, bro. 


5 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You guys spent two years acting like right wing extremists don't exist, now there's one trans mass shooting and it's like there's a violent trans militia that's so bad all trans people should have their 2nd amendment rights stripped and they should technically be locked away simply for being or wanting to be Trans.

'You guys'


I didn't even say shit. 


Cry more.

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37 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Huh, lol? Sure, I love mass killers when they're white.


I deny racism exist and can play a role in a crime? That's new to me. Cool story, bro. 


I just lump you and Twinblade and Cooke and Cooke's butt buddy and the rest of right-wing reactionary Snyder cut crew all together. There isn't an original thought between any of yall. You all repeat the same shit from the same sources. 


From the GA jogger case to that mass shooting up state, it's always a debate by the same people who claim they aren't racist but always magically side with racist.


Cooke refused to admit that a guy who drove 2 hrs to a predominantly black neighborhood - that he scouted for that reason, killed 13 black people out of 15 victims and subbed to neo Nazi sites did it because he was racist. Like if you can't admit this guy is racist.. But wait Cooke is always telling us that anti-white racism is real. Because he has no shame and is completely unselfaware. 


37 minutes ago, Ramza said:

'You guys'


I didn't even say shit. 


Cry more.


I mean you called dozens black families disgruntled liars who won a state case against Donald Trump for racial discrimination. The state perused this case and a jury heard this case sided with them. You knew jackshit about what happened and just by the mere description refused the notion he is racist and called all of those people angry and disgruntled. 


See, you guys aren't really all that different. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:


So basically you don't believe trans people should exist. 

No.  There are some. But it's a tiny %. Then all of a sudden it's everywhere and everyone knows multiple trans people. Yet you go to any non western country and they are virtually non existent. A large part of it is social contagion and this new trans ideology than doctors are more than happen to reinforce because it's extremely profitable. 




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3 hours ago, Cooke said:

No.  There are some. But it's a tiny %. Then all of a sudden it's everywhere and everyone knows multiple trans people. Yet you go to any non western country and they are virtually non existent. A large part of it is social contagion and this new trans ideology than doctors are more than happen to reinforce because it's extremely profitable. 


There you go mindlessly repeating shit you heard some other dishonest idiot say. This "social contagion" bullshit is just a scary sounding way to saying peer pressure. 


The same shit could be said about any group of people. 




This is the great theory you guys worked up? Instead of a dozen other less psychopathic theories than some mass hypnosis by the "envied" trans people. 


You can apply this logic to the same MAGA chuds claiming this about the LGBTQ community. The same for gun fuckers or Bible fuckers or flag fuckers. 


You can't aknowledge that some are legitimate while others aren't based on people whose lives you know jack shit about. It's not your place or your business. 


Some white people are Nazis and Klan members. I don't see you going on daily rants against white people being racist for some reason. Unless it's about Ukraine Nazis. 

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7 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


There you go mindlessly repeating shit you heard some other dishonest idiot say. This "social contagion" bullshit is just a scary sounding way to saying peer pressure. 


The same shit could be said about any group of people. 




This is the great theory you guys worked up? Instead of a dozen other less psychopathic theories than some mass hypnosis by the "envied" trans people. 


You can apply this logic to the same MAGA chuds claiming this about the LGBTQ community. The same for gun fuckers or Bible fuckers or flag fuckers. 


You can't aknowledge that some are legitimate while others aren't based on people whose lives you know jack shit about. It's not your place or your business. 


Some white people are Nazis and Klan members. I don't see you going on daily rants against white people being racist for some reason. Unless it's about Ukraine Nazis. 


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14 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I mean you called dozens black families disgruntled liars who won a state case against Donald Trump for racial discrimination. The state perused this case and a jury heard this case sided with them. You knew jackshit about what happened and just by the mere description refused the notion he is racist and called all of those people angry and disgruntled. 


See, you guys aren't really all that different. 

What does it has to do with anything? You are so desperate for higher moral authority over other people, it's pathetic. 

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2 hours ago, Cooke said:




Yeah, I'm not watching a 90 minute video that I'm sure you didn't even watch and just googled something you think proves your point. Besides, if I showed you a panel of people disagreeing with you, you wouldn't care so why should we care you have to post? 


Luckily the part that I skipped to at like the maybe the 16 minutes mark pretty one person ran down the actual transition timeline and the person stated like 3 year window of of different consultations someone goes through before there's serious talks with a doctor to actually really begin the major part of the process. 


You people make it sound Ike kids are going to mall and getting surgeries. They do go on to state that they feel during the waiting window it's some sort of peer pressure that leads kids during this window to "not doubt the procedure" and that makes them go through with it. 


So one statement is a fact and another is an opinion that's not really provable. Yes, affirmation is greater now than it was even 10 years ago but no one on your side has any actual helpful points of view on the trans debate. 


The only points you or Ramza make y'all can't actually own up to because you know they are bigoted in intent. I admit it's possible you guys are too dumb to conclude where your pov leads to on this. 


So you can say "we shouldn't play along with a fantasy" but won't admit that in reality that means insulting them, shaming them, ignoring their needs, and marginalizing their existence. 


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48 minutes ago, Ramza said:

What does it has to do with anything? You are so desperate for higher moral authority over other people, it's pathetic. 


15 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I deny racism exist and can play a role in a crime? That's new to me. Cool story, bro. 


You don't deny it's very existence as a concept, but you're like the only burning crosses and swastikas = racism type of guy. I mean you take the word of one white racist over 20 to 30 black and some white people. I'm sure 9 times out of 10 you'd always side with white person in these situations regardless of the situation. 


And you don't think you have a moral high ground? Are you arguing from an amoral standpoint? In which case I'm still right? Lol You guys are easily defeated fucking clowns lol. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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19 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:



You don't deny it's very existence as a concept, but you're like the only burning crosses and swastikas = racism type of guy. I mean you take the word of one white racist over 20 to 30 black and some white people. I'm sure 9 times out of 10 you'd always side with white person in these situations regardless of the situation. 


And you don't think you have a moral high ground? Are you arguing from an amoral standpoint? In which case I'm still right? Lol You guys are easily defeated fucking clowns lol. 

I barely looked at the case. I said I was unimpressed with disgruntled workers suing an ex boss and I still am, doesn't mean I'm racist, it didn't have nothing to do with race from where I stand. Sorry if I don't particularly care about stories like that.


I'm not attacking you as a person at every post. Meanwhile, every conversation with you is essentially boils down to you claiming moral superiority and that our opinions are invalid because we're intolerant bigots. 


And you're now bragging about 'defeating' people on the internet. Lmao, truly embarrassing. 

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53 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I barely looked at the case. I said I was unimpressed with disgruntled workers suing an ex boss and I still am, doesn't mean I'm racist, it didn't have nothing to do with race from where I stand. Sorry if I don't particularly care about stories like that.


So you just automatically believe the boss in the situation isn't a surprise. Right wingers love hierarchies and are constantly trying to uphold them. For the record some of the employees weren't "disgruntled" ex workers, some just confirmed what some of their former coworkers said.


Secondly I keep stating there was his employee discrimination and also a different housing case situation where he instructed his building managers to not  rent apartments to black people. Again by your own words you don't know shit about the situation but side with the white racist. Cool. 


Funny there's more evidence that Trump is a racist than drag queens turning kids gay but you fully buy into that notion. Part of bigotry is assuming the worst about one group and always assuming the best of another solely based on personal bias. 


53 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I'm not attacking you as a person at every post. Meanwhile, every conversation with you is essentially boils down to you claiming moral superiority and that our opinions are invalid because we're intolerant bigots. 


I mean I'm just calling it like it is. I don't call smart people stupid or people who aren't bigots, racist so I don't know what to tell you. Shit half of our arguments are me teaching you about the topic you're attempting to debate on, if anything I'm being too nice. 


53 minutes ago, Ramza said:

And you're now bragging about 'defeating' people on the internet. Lmao, truly embarrassing. 


It's far more embarrassing to constantly be proven to be a hypocrite who is constantly wrong. 

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3 hours ago, Cooke said:


Bow to your trans overlords

Lol so the first thing that stood out to me is the use of "moaist" and how it just seems like something a stupid person would say for other dumb people to agree with. 


Turns out he calls all trans people Maoist, is an anti-vaxxer, and anti-gun control. Mostly antitrans, I think I saw some eugenics and pro Trump tweets in there too. Lmfao 

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