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I hope Biden dies in office so Kamala becomes president

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The first female president. 0% in the primaries, becomes president simply because she's a woman and isn't white. 



I'd feel bad for all the competent women who have ran for president over the years, but it would also be hilarious. She's so fucking dumb 😂

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"the concerns are based on what we should all be concerned about, but the solutions have to be and include what we are doing in terms of going forward in terms of investments." -


Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States of America 

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35 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Say something good about her. 


This is why you're a goober bot driven primarily by your bigotry. Since you can only argue like an unreasonable child - you say something stupid then want me to just randomly defend her so you can then argue some more stupid canned points you memorized from Tim pool or Tucker Carlson. Lol eat shit 




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1 hour ago, z,warrior said:

Thats how White men become president. That's how they become anything.


That's not how Cooke thinks. Motherfucker complains any time there is a lesbian, black, trans, or fat person on TV. Like it's some great insult to him or something. 

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3 hours ago, z,warrior said:

Thats how White men become president. That's how they become anything.

Lol Harris wasn't elected. She was appointed by Biden. He could have picked a horse as VP and still beat Trump 

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2 hours ago, Cooke said:

Lol Harris wasn't elected. She was appointed by Biden. He could have picked a horse as VP and still beat Trump 

You haven't said anything that is explicitly different in how Harris became VP over any other VP before her. 

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9 hours ago, Cooke said:

Lol Harris wasn't elected. She was appointed by Biden. He could have picked a horse as VP and still beat Trump 


Did she become VP differently than how any other VP became VP? :umad:


Why are you this stupid? 

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39 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Did she become VP differently than how any other VP became VP? :umad:


Why are you this stupid? 

That wasn't even my point dense brain. 

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11 hours ago, Cooke said:

Lol Harris wasn't elected. She was appointed by Biden. He could have picked a horse as VP and still beat Trump 

ok, now compare the number of white men who have been appointed VP to the number of black women......

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Fyi using digital black face emojis is racist 




that article should have considered the black celebrity gifs involved are being used as individuals who happen to be black, and not necessarily digital black face, like using a black emoji character. They are essentially saying being a non-black fan of a Black entertainer is borderline racist.

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Fyi using digital black face emojis is racist 




35 minutes ago, z,warrior said:


that article should have considered the black celebrity gifs involved are being used as individuals who happen to be black, and not necessarily digital black face, like using a black emoji character. They are essentially saying being a non-black fan of a Black entertainer is borderline racist.


This was just a another dodge from Cooke. They are not even fucking related topics lol. He just wanted to edge himself with some more manufacturesmd outrage about black people lol. 


33 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


My point is that you have no point doofus. 


Lol in his head he did. 


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My point is she is completely unqualified and is where she is because she's not white and she has a vagina. Biden clearly stated he would pick a VP based on race and gender. He also happened to pick one that wouldn't outshine him lol. If she becomes president she will only be there because of immutable surface qualities and not because she is a skilled well liked politician. She received zero support in the primaries because she's a fucking awful shell of a human being. I'm hoping she becomes president so your stupid affirmative action flops on its face for the whole world to see. 



Edited by Cooke
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2 hours ago, z,warrior said:


that article should have considered the black celebrity gifs involved are being used as individuals who happen to be black, and not necessarily digital black face, like using a black emoji character. They are essentially saying being a non-black fan of a Black entertainer is borderline racist.

Yes that's exactly what they are saying. And how dare you bring a sane point into an emotional argument. 


So you'd also agree removing aunt Jemima and uncle Ben from packaging was also a stupid thing right? 


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