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Trans genocide

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3 hours ago, Cooke said:

What is this about? Who is killing trans people? The biggest killer of trans people is themselves. 50% suicide rate they claim. 




15 murdered since 2020 in the ENTIRE WORLD. And half of them in shithole Puerto Rico.




Well Wikipedia says it... I don't know about genocide but like you spend all of your time complaining, lying, and belittling queer and Trans people. So far as I know, none of them have done anythings to you to warrant this obsession you and other rightwing weirdos have with them. 


Ironically you right wing bots are constantly bringing up how many queer people exist, and your thoughts on how "there's too many of them" and how to reduce their numbers. 


You can't constantly being up their suicide rates while also claiming hat being trans is so glamorous that people just turn trans by being near them or seeing them on television. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:




Well Wikipedia says it... I don't know about genocide but like you spend all of your time complaining, lying, and belittling queer and Trans people. So far as I know, none of them have done anythings to you to warrant this obsession you and other rightwing weirdos have with them. 


Ironically you right wing bots are constantly bringing up how many queer people exist, and your thoughts on how "there's too many of them" and how to reduce their numbers. 


You can't constantly being up their suicide rates while also claiming hat being trans is so glamorous that people just turn trans by being near them or seeing them on television. 

Don't you think claiming a genocide when one doesn't exist makes people really not care and hurt their movement? Everything is too the max with them. It's either accept me or I'm literally dead

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11 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Don't you think claiming a genocide when one doesn't exist makes people really not care and hurt their movement? Everything is too the max with them. It's either accept me or I'm literally dead


I'll try to not insult you here but this what I mean (I say this alot) that you lack complete self awareness. I think the negative reaction to trans people is FAR greater than anything Trans people say in defense. 


Some of the names in right wing social media are legitimately saying they should be eradicated. They are painted as villains in a warm that exist exclusively in the minds hateful bigots like you. 


You have spent years finding reasons to spread hatred about them. Making absurd claims like they are the most powerful group of people in North America. You fucking think white straight men in Canada are oppresses. Who the fuck are you to talk about precise language? 


It's also dishonest to complain about "exaggerating hurts their cause." because you still defend motherfuckering Donald Trump to this day. A man has spent 18 hours a day for past 7 years lying and exaggerating and making a martyr of himself yet you haven't tired of it.


It's such an abuser pov when you blame the victimized party for the unfair treatment they receive. It started as "we worried about men attacking women in bathrooms" and when thst didn't happen it turned into "don't perform surgeries on kids" and when it turned out not to be as cavalier as presented it turned into "there should be no trans people." now...which was always the goal. 


That's how modern bigotry works, and when it doesn't work then it's plain back to meat and potatoes bigotry. 





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2 hours ago, Cooke said:

It's either accept me or I'm literally dead


I have to come back to this, because it shows how terrible of a person you are. Fucking accept them then.  All you do is judge and insult them. You personally only call them crazy or stating they only transitioned because they are too ugly to live as their current gender. All you do is focus negatively on them. Meanwhile when the COVID restrictions were happening you crying that they need to end lockdowns because the suicide rate for single white men had increased. 


Gee, I wonder why all of a sudden a group that suddenly didn't feel comfortable being social, and was secluded with their thoughts and loneliness, isolated from their families and friends feel despair enough to end their lives. But you gleefully flaunt trans suicide numbers on a daily basis here, and don't bother giving me you care bullshit, you DO NOT. You only ever show deference, empathy, or at the very least human decency for straight white men (unless they are 'woke') You only express grievances with every other group of people. Fucking weirdos like you and Ramza are like "They are more accepted than ever!" Even as half of our politicians are actively making them out to be evil for just existing. It's hard to boast about acceptance when half of the media cycle is either media figures vilifying them or their own government working against them.



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9 hours ago, Cooke said:

Were they killed because they were trans or because it's america and lots of people get murdered? 

In America, when "lots of people get murdered" it's usually within their own group, like Black on Black crime. When Transpeople get murdered however, it's outside their group, so yes it is because they are Trans.

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These kinds of stats are tricky because in some situations like the Pulse club or situations where violence is directed at the LGBTQ community in general but didn't specifically target Trans people.


It doesn't matter because Cooke is incapable having an honest conversation. 

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