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Would you buy a Streamable Playstation Tablet?

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37 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

Then what is the need for this?

I guess if it had the proper controls attached it would be better. And connecting controllers to your phone and then you gotta reconnect to your console after. It's kind of annoying. 

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3 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

Pretty much. Apparently you need a PS5 no PSnow.

how would that even work? i can understand if you are in your home. but away from it? sounds far-fetched.

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11 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

how would that even work? i can understand if you are in your home. but away from it? sounds far-fetched.

The device would need built in 5g to start. 

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2 hours ago, Sabo said:

Why didn't they just make an actual handheld?


This shit is going to be DOA.


With what development resources? 


One of the main reason the vita flopped is because Sony couldn't support a console and a hand held with needed resources.

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1 hour ago, Ike said:

Smartphones have pretty much killed any hope for a company to have an exclusive handheld hardware. :] 


Nintendo could absolutely do it. Switch is a hybrid to save their console business more than anything.

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1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:


Nintendo could absolutely do it. Switch is a hybrid to save their console business more than anything.

I say Nintendo is solely going hybrid from now. Switch is their most successful home console ever and only 2nd overall to DS. 

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