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Robert F Kennedy for President

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I thought this was funny and didn't know where else to post it    

He served for 15 years in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe    

Another non reply from you

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6 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


No wonder Cooke likes this guy. He's a clown who pushes the same misinformation and Russian propaganda as Tucker Carlson.

Lmao do you believe anything anti war is misinformation? 

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


So its ok to completely make up random numbers and statistics because you feel like it?

Ok. Show me what he said that's wrong with facts. 

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19 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Ok. Show me what he said that's wrong with facts. 


Are you really this dense? The Ukranian Army would have collapsed long ago if they had 300K KIA. And there have already been numerous estimates that are well below that.

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43 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Are you really this dense? The Ukranian Army would have collapsed long ago if they had 300K KIA. And there have already been numerous estimates that are well below that.

The lowest I can find is 100 000 dead Ukrainians. Is that not enough for you? What is the satisfactory death toll for you to agree the war needs to end? 

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17 minutes ago, Cooke said:

The lowest I can find is 100 000 dead Ukrainians. Is that not enough for you? What is the satisfactory death toll for you to agree the war needs to end? 


:D You're so clueless. The is TOTAL casualties, including wounded (80% of which are in a good enough state to return to the battlefield). The leaked Pentagon documents had Ukraine's KIA at 17.5K and the EU just put out their own estimate at 13K (likely low balling it a bit). Regardless, its nowhere near 100K even if you include civilian deaths.


I also love how you are still so naive that you think peace can happen in an instant when the invading country can so openly talk about its genocidal goals



But you already admitted to not caring about Ukrainians so I doubt you truly care about ending the war

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9 hours ago, Cooke said:

Ok. Show me what he said that's wrong with facts. 


That's how it works. RFK made the claim, he has to show it's true with facts and such you're his supporter who thinks ita true.... Show us how it's correct with facts. 

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8 hours ago, Twinblade said:


Are you really this dense? The Ukranian Army would have collapsed long ago if they had 300K KIA. And there have already been numerous estimates that are well below that.


Lmfao Cooke is so fucking stupid... He believed that 300k number.... He thinks this war is a dynasty warriors videogame or something :kaz:

Edited by Goukosan
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8 hours ago, Twinblade said:


:D You're so clueless. The is TOTAL casualties, including wounded (80% of which are in a good enough state to return to the battlefield). The leaked Pentagon documents had Ukraine's KIA at 17.5K and the EU just put out their own estimate at 13K (likely low balling it a bit). Regardless, its nowhere near 100K even if you include civilian deaths.


I also love how you are still so naive that you think peace can happen in an instant when the invading country can so openly talk about its genocidal goals



But you already admitted to not caring about Ukrainians so I doubt you truly care about ending the war

Injured soldiers doesn't always come back on the front. Pretty hard to tell someone to keep fighting when missing limbs. It's why it's important to report the injured, they're effectively taken out of combat for now, possibly forever.


Ukraine: 125k killed and injured.


Russia: 200k+ killed and injured.


Apparently Russia lost 95% of it's Special Forces that they had before the war started. Which is fucking insane.

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:

RFK is a Manchurian candidate... Shocker. 




You can tell a lot about someone by who they surround themselves with. This guy is consistently with some of the worst people out there.


The fact that he's managed to gain so much support in the democrat party is baffling.

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Injured soldiers doesn't always come back on the front. Pretty hard to tell someone to keep fighting when missing limbs. It's why it's important to report the injured, they're effectively taken out of combat for now, possibly forever.


Ukraine: 125k killed and injured.


Russia: 200k+ killed and injured.


Apparently Russia lost 95% of it's Special Forces that they had before the war started. Which is fucking insane.


Russia also lost some of their best regular army units. The VDV airborne and Marine brigades were completely mauled


They're already shitting their pants about Ukraine's upcoming counteroffensive and not even afraid to admit it



From 'we'll take Kyiv in 3 days' to 'We're fucked' :RISITAS: The Russian army in a nutshell. The perfect example of how corruption alone can completely destroy a country's military.


They better get ready to run away or surrender en masse....


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29 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Russia also lost some of their best regular army units. The VDV airborne and Marine brigades were completely mauled


They're already shitting their pants about Ukraine's upcoming counteroffensive and not even afraid to admit it



From 'we'll take Kyiv in 3 days' to 'We're fucked' :RISITAS: The Russian army in a nutshell. The perfect example of how corruption alone can completely destroy a country's military.


They better get ready to run away or surrender en masse....


This counter offensive won't be decisive and the war will continue. Said by Ukrainians top leaders themselves. They're afraid that the west will overhype the counter offensive, which could lead to loss of supports if the campaign has no decisive effects on the war. 


The Russian are extremely well dug in the south and are ready for it. 


Of course the RU regular forces are shitting their pants, they are conscripts sent to the meat grinder. Putin is willing to sacrifice them to gain a few meters of territory. Recruiting ex convicts and shit. They're cannon fodder and poorly trained. 

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16 minutes ago, Ramza said:



Unsurprisingly, Russian economy is suffering due to a lack of working men available in almost every sector. 


Yeah, their demographics were already in the gutter before the war and the war has made them much worse. At least 100K highly skilled IT workers have left the country in the last year, that alone is having a devastating effect.


And its very much common knowledge that this counter offensive won't end the war. Ukraine will however make a good amount of gains and that will increase political tensions in Moscow. Russians have already been going crazy because its taken them 9 months and tens of thousands of casualties and they still haven't captured Bakhmut, one of the smaller cities in Ukraine. Once they realize there is no reality where they can 'win' the war, even Putin will be forced to compromise or risk a complete defeat and have to deal with a real societal backlash.

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