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3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol You're such a rat bitch. 

Yeah I'm the rat bitch.. 🤣 not the fake lovers of "democracy" 

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I thought this was funny and didn't know where else to post it    

He served for 15 years in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe    

Another non reply from you

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10 hours ago, Cooke said:

Yeah he's inflating the numbers. Probably better to make war sound bad than under report right? 




As of April there have been 354,000 casualties on both sides. That's still a fuck load of dead and injured people. 


Are you dense?   The main issue wasn't the inflated numbers. 


It was the fact that he claimed we (America) killed those kids, when in fact it was Russia that killed them. 


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10 hours ago, Cooke said:

Oh yeah, Biden can't even tie his own shoes and will likely die in office. Do you honestly want him to run again? Or should the DNC actually pretend they care about democracy and have debates and hopefully more candidates? 


All the previous 50 something presidents who weren't primaried didn't care about democracy... Only 4 did apparently. 


So Biden will die in office (heard you say that a couple of times already... Is that a wish of yours? )... But Trump won't? When they basically the same age :umad:


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13 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Are you dense?   The main issue wasn't the inflated numbers. 


It was the fact that he claimed we (America) killed those kids, when in fact it was Russia that killed them. 



Oh you didn't understand what he was saying. 


Here I'll make it simple for you. By America and Europe providing Ukraine with billions of dollars worth of equipment and billions of dollars in cash they have propped up Ukraine to fight a prolonged war which as a result has ended up in more dead Ukrainians than if they were to lose quickly. 


It all comes down to valuing land or people. You seem to think land is more important than the people living there because you're a brainwashed little neolib cheering from the stands. You have an extreme narrow view of war and the world as a whole. 



When the US illegally invaded Iraq imagine if Russia and China decided to back them with weapons and equipment. It would have been a very different war with a lot more dead on both sides. 


Now this is in no fucking way an endorsement of Russia illegally invading it's neighbor, it's just a realization of what is actually going on. Ok smooth brain? 

Edited by Cooke
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5 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Oh you didn't understand what he was saying. 


Here I'll make it simple for you. By America and Europe providing Ukraine with billions of dollars worth of equipment and billions of dollars in cash they have propped up Ukraine to fight a prolonged war which as a result has ended up in more dead Ukrainians than if they were to lose quickly. 


It all comes down to valuing land or people. You seem to think land is more important than the people living there because you're a brainwashed little neolib cheering from the stands. You have an extreme narrow view of war and the world as a whole. 



When the US illegally invaded Iraq imagine if Russia and China decided to back them with weapons and equipment. It would have been a very different war with a lot more dead on both sides. 


Now this is in no fucking way an endorsement of Russia illegally invading it's neighbor, it's just a realization of what is actually going on. Ok smooth brain? 


You're really are dumbest motherfucker on the board and that's saying alot :kaz:



Oh I got his BS argument.. But it's just that... BS. 


Ukraine is a sovereign nation and they chose to defend their people and their land. 


Russia is responsible for their unprovoked aggression and invasion of Ukraine.... End of story. 

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On 2023-06-09 at 8:45 AM, Cooke said:

Yeah I'm the rat bitch.. 🤣 not the fake lovers of "democracy" 


You are the biggest fake of all with this pathetic defender of freedom bullshit act of yours. You don't like liberals because the validate groups you don't so you keep up this pathetic act like you're pointing out obvious injustices, but only on one side that you claim to share a majority of priorities with. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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On 2023-06-09 at 10:46 AM, Cooke said:

Oh you didn't understand what he was saying. 


Here I'll make it simple for you. By America and Europe providing Ukraine with billions of dollars worth of equipment and billions of dollars in cash they have propped up Ukraine to fight a prolonged war which as a result has ended up in more dead Ukrainians than if they were to lose quickly. 


It all comes down to valuing land or people. You seem to think land is more important than the people living there because you're a brainwashed little neolib cheering from the stands. You have an extreme narrow view of war and the world as a whole. 



When the US illegally invaded Iraq imagine if Russia and China decided to back them with weapons and equipment. It would have been a very different war with a lot more dead on both sides. 


Now this is in no fucking way an endorsement of Russia illegally invading it's neighbor, it's just a realization of what is actually going on. Ok smooth brain? 


The people come with the land.....did you even watch any liberation videos from Kharkiv or Kherson? There are literally millions of Ukrainians waiting to be liberated and saved from Russian occupation. You continue to know nothing about this conflict.


And of course you would bring up the Iraq comparison....eventhough its completely irrelevant.

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On 2023-06-09 at 9:46 AM, Cooke said:

When the US illegally invaded Iraq imagine if Russia and China decided to back them with weapons and equipment.




You're dumb as fuck.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol like you don't hear this daily. 

And you're an idiot if you can't see the parallels of what I mentioned. 


America invades Iraq illegally, no one comes to Iraq's aid.. and in fact i remember your war criminal president saying you're either with us or against us. 


Then Russia illegally invaded Ukraine and the entire western world supports Ukraine. 


But imagine if Russia and or China supported Iraq during your illegal war, propping them up and making it more deadly. Aren't we glad they didn't?



Also on a side note, would anyone give a fuck if Russia invaded.. let's say Azerbaijan? Nah probably not. Not white enough. 

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10 hours ago, Cooke said:

And you're an idiot if you can't see the parallels of what I mentioned. 


America invades Iraq illegally, no one comes to Iraq's aid.. and in fact i remember your war criminal president saying you're either with us or against us. 


Then Russia illegally invaded Ukraine and the entire western world supports Ukraine. 


But imagine if Russia and or China supported Iraq during your illegal war, propping them up and making it more deadly. Aren't we glad they didn't?



Also on a side note, would anyone give a fuck if Russia invaded.. let's say Azerbaijan? Nah probably not. Not white enough. 


Man you're twisting into pretzels just to fail at defending Russia's  invasion of a sovereign nation :kaz:

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Man you're twisting into pretzels just to fail at defending Russia's  invasion of a sovereign nation :kaz:

You are fucking obtuse 

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30 minutes ago, Cooke said:

You are fucking obtuse 

It’s still impressive how out of touch with reality you seem to be. Perpetual war in Europe is NOT in anyone’s interests. Russia is a decaying empire desperately trying to cling to its imperial roots. If they are allowed to do what they want there will only be more wars in Europe, and they will inevitably escalate beyond Ukraine. Stop being idiotic and bringing up Iraq like it has anything to do with this conflict.

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10 hours ago, Twinblade said:

It’s still impressive how out of touch with reality you seem to be. Perpetual war in Europe is NOT in anyone’s interests. Russia is a decaying empire desperately trying to cling to its imperial roots. If they are allowed to do what they want there will only be more wars in Europe, and they will inevitably escalate beyond Ukraine. Stop being idiotic and bringing up Iraq like it has anything to do with this conflict.

Perpetual war in Europe is not in anyones interest indeed. Like ive been saying for months. Yet you seem to think Ukraine can beat Russia in a war when in fact all we are doing its making it a perpetual war.

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13 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Man you're twisting into pretzels just to fail at defending Russia's  invasion of a sovereign nation :kaz:

 You seriously have the brain capacity of a 9th grader.

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16 hours ago, Cooke said:

Perpetual war in Europe is not in anyones interest indeed. Like ive been saying for months. Yet you seem to think Ukraine can beat Russia in a war when in fact all we are doing its making it a perpetual war.


I guess I have to repeat myself once again, and try to hammer into your brain the same points i've made numerous times already.


Was their peace in Europe after Russia invaded Georgia?

Was their peace in Europe after Russia invaded the Crimea and Donbas?


There's a very obvious trend with Russia starting unnecessary wars and escalating them with every new one. I don't understand why you still fail to realize that any peace where Russia is rewarded with new territory is temporary at best. You're dooming Ukranians and potentially other european countries to more death and instability long term by forcing them into an unjust ceasefire.

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47 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


I guess I have to repeat myself once again, and try to hammer into your brain the same points i've made numerous times already.


Was their peace in Europe after Russia invaded Georgia?

Was their peace in Europe after Russia invaded the Crimea and Donbas?


There's a very obvious trend with Russia starting unnecessary wars and escalating them with every new one. I don't understand why you still fail to realize that any peace where Russia is rewarded with new territory is temporary at best. You're dooming Ukranians and potentially other european countries to more death and instability long term by forcing them into an unjust ceasefire.

You are talking about russospheric states. Ukraine was part of Russia for hundreds of years, it was just another area of Russia. Ukraine has been a country for less than 30 years and has a very large Russian population (the part that has been invaded). Meanwhile the US spreads it's democracy to whom ever it pleases. 


You know what was in those documents Trump has? The US DoD plans to invade Iran. Weird how almost no one cares when the US spreads itself across the globe. The act of having the documents is more important than what's in them. Great priorities guys. 


And just to give you an idea how much borders have changed in Europe.. here's a little history. 



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