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Robert F Kennedy for President

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5 minutes ago, Cooke said:

You are talking about russospheric states. Ukraine was part of Russia for hundreds of years, it was just another area of Russia. Ukraine has been a country for less than 30 years and has a very large Russian population (the part that has been invaded). Meanwhile the US spreads it's democracy to whom ever it pleases. 


You know what was in those documents Trump has? The US DoD plans to invade Iran. Weird how almost no one cares when the US spreads itself across the globe. The act of having the documents is more important than what's in them. Great priorities guys. 


And just to give you an idea how much borders have changed in Europe.. here's a little history. 




Yeah if you're gonna side with the 'bu bu Ukraine is Russia!11' degenerates then there's no point in debating with you. Its amazing how quickly you went from 'stop the killing1!1' to 'hey look at much Europe's borders change who cares about international law and the decency to respect other countries' borders. Yay to imperialistic wars!'


Its a good thing you aren't a world leader or we'd all be fucked.

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I thought this was funny and didn't know where else to post it    

He served for 15 years in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe    

Another non reply from you

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I guess America should just invade Canada and take it over. I mean they speak the same language as us Americans so we're basically the same people anyway. Also, borders change all the time so who cares.


cooke :D This really is a new low even by your standards.

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46 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I guess America should just invade Canada and take it over. I mean they speak the same language as us Americans so we're basically the same people anyway. Also, borders change all the time so who cares.


cooke :D This really is a new low even by your standards.

Should the US involve itself in every border dispute on planet earth? Do you really think your country is some benevolent angel that only does good? No country has killed more people around the world in the last 60 years than the US. 


And find, go ahead and invade Canada. Deliver us from our dictator Trudeau.  

Edited by Cooke
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59 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Yeah if you're gonna side with the 'bu bu Ukraine is Russia!11' degenerates then there's no point in debating with you. Its amazing how quickly you went from 'stop the killing1!1' to 'hey look at much Europe's borders change who cares about international law and the decency to respect other countries' borders. Yay to imperialistic wars!'


Its a good thing you aren't a world leader or we'd all be fucked.


52 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I guess America should just invade Canada and take it over. I mean they speak the same language as us Americans so we're basically the same people anyway. Also, borders change all the time so who cares.


cooke :D This really is a new low even by your standards.


I made these exact points with Cooke over a year ago. 


Cooke is literally the most uninformed ignorant simpleton on this board. 

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:



I made these exact points with Cooke over a year ago. 


Cooke is literally the most uninformed ignorant simpleton on this board. 

Lmao ok Mr Maddow. 

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4 hours ago, Goukosan said:



I made these exact points with Cooke over a year ago. 


Cooke is literally the most uninformed ignorant simpleton on this board. 


Its just baffling how completely disingenuous and hypocritical he is.


One moment he's a peace lover who just wants to stop the killing

The next moment he comes up with some bullshit about how often Europe's borders change implying that its ok go for large countries to bully smaller ones and start wars of conquest against them.


and newsflash to cooke: Europe's borders haven't changed in over 30 years. The only country who has tried to change them is *shocker* Russia. If not for that there would have been permanent peace in Europe, and every country would have gotten along with one another (including Ukraine with Russia).

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10 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Its just baffling how completely disingenuous and hypocritical he is.


One moment he's a peace lover who just wants to stop the killing

The next moment he comes up with some bullshit about how often Europe's borders change implying that its ok go for large countries to bully smaller ones and start wars of conquest against them.


and newsflash to cooke: Europe's borders haven't changed in over 30 years. The only country who has tried to change them is *shocker* Russia. If not for that there would have been permanent peace in Europe, and every country would have gotten along with one another (including Ukraine with Russia).


Im not baffled at how disingenuous and hypocritical he is.  It's not new behavior it's been going on for years. 

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On 2023-06-14 at 4:45 PM, Twinblade said:


Yeah if you're gonna side with the 'bu bu Ukraine is Russia!11' degenerates then there's no point in debating with you. Its amazing how quickly you went from 'stop the killing1!1' to 'hey look at much Europe's borders change who cares about international law and the decency to respect other countries' borders. Yay to imperialistic wars!'


Its a good thing you aren't a world leader or we'd all be fucked.

Fun fact: He does this on every topic. Even the ones you both agree on, which seemed to be everything other than the Ukraine war. Its how you people view the world, inconsistent ideologies with valicating priorities depending on your personal view of which identity groups are involved.

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On 2023-06-14 at 4:42 PM, Cooke said:

You are talking about russospheric states. Ukraine was part of Russia for hundreds of years, it was just another area of Russia. Ukraine has been a country for less than 30 years and has a very large Russian population (the part that has been invaded). Meanwhile the US spreads it's democracy to whom ever it pleases. 


Does any of this matter? Does anyone really think this is about reuniting genetic Russians or whatever? Or defeating Nazis? Cooke attaches his pretend ideals to every piece of right wing bait possible. 


On 2023-06-14 at 4:42 PM, Cooke said:

You know what was in those documents Trump has? The US DoD plans to invade Iran. Weird how almost no one cares when the US spreads itself across the globe.


Lol if the US Government having plans to invade hostile nations is news to you then you are even dumber than everyone on this board thought you were. 


People do care and it's mostly the people you hate. Being against war and being pro-peace are not the same thing. You side with people who are selectively antiwar. 


On 2023-06-14 at 4:42 PM, Cooke said:

The act of having the documents is more important than what's in them. Great priorities guys. 


You are arguing two different points again. You can barely argue a single point so go easy on yourself. 


On 2023-06-14 at 4:42 PM, Cooke said:

And just to give you an idea how much borders have changed in Europe.. here's a little history. 




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On 2023-06-14 at 4:53 PM, Twinblade said:

I guess America should just invade Canada and take it over. I mean they speak the same language as us Americans so we're basically the same people anyway. Also, borders change all the time so who cares.


cooke :D This really is a new low even by your standards.


You could try. :duke:

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4 hours ago, Goukosan said:

Turns out RFK is a convicted felon.....grade A candidate right there :kaz:



Oh no!! You sound like a republican. 

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:

No wonder Cooke likes RFK. 



When in reality Russia doesn't want peace they want surrender. 






He also said the war has cost the U.S. $8 trillion. The guy is a clown who just makes up numbers and spreads lies to try and further his agenda. He is no better than the Russians



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3 hours ago, Goukosan said:


I'm holding them to the same standards they preach for everyone else :umad:

That's fine. So Kamala shouldn't be VP for smoking pot and admitting right? 

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3 hours ago, Goukosan said:

No wonder Cooke likes RFK. 



When in reality Russia doesn't want peace they want surrender. 





Cooke likes RFK because that's is the intention of his backers. They want to splinter the vote and figure there's enough fence sitting morons who would gladly root for any niche candidate in an attempt to look smart compared to people voting for the main party candidates. 

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