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Robert F Kennedy for President

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This guy just did a podcast with Scott Ritter who is a known Russia shill thats been to Russia numerous times to suck up to their country and recycle their anti-U.S propaganda. The guy borders on being a traitor.


RFK should be ashamed of himself, it really becomes increasingly more impossible to take this guy seriously.

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I thought this was funny and didn't know where else to post it    

He served for 15 years in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe    

Another non reply from you

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13 hours ago, Cooke said:

RFK can't be a spoiler if he's running as a democrat inba primary.  





Do some independent research for once in your life and get back to me. 


Look up how many Primary challenges to an incumbent president occurred all time. 


Now look up now many those Primary challengers won. 


Now look up how many of those incompbent Presidents who had a Primary challenger go on to win re-election. 


RFK is a spoiler candidate.  The GOP knows they can't win against Biden strait up. 

Edited by Goukosan
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21 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I guess it's just coincidence that the last and only democrat Cooke has said anything kind about was Tulsi. Where is she now? A former democrats who hosts a show on Fox News and does the right wing touring circuit? 


It's fucking hilarious watching Cooke living out the whole plan while claiming it doesn't exist lol. They got you damn near campaigning for him and you're fucking Canadian. He eats this shit up. 

I supported Bernie too dumbass 

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Of course you were a Bernie bro. You can't stop being a cliché. 

You ACTUALLY supported Joe Biden? He was your first choice? Lmao 

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5 hours ago, Cooke said:

You ACTUALLY supported Joe Biden? He was your first choice? Lmao 


By Bernie bro, I mean someone like you or Vini who claim you support him because of his political ideologies. But he's always an underdog candidate and when he eventually loses you guys go on to celebrate his complete opposite types. 


Then rinse and repeat. So like Vini goes from Bernie to Trump to Yang back to Trump. You went from Bernie to Tulsi to RFK. I'm sure Vini would be doing the same. It's like pretending to like a book to look smart or something. 


You guys have no actual convictions. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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8 hours ago, Goukosan said:



How anti-democracy of him..Cooke must be up in arms about this... 


Nah who am I kidding he doesn't give a shit. 

Trump is a fucking pussy and this makes him look weak. The RNC will still have debates without him and there should be an empty podium for him. 


The DNC however will not have debates because they know Biden would fall down, shake hands with a ghost, slur his words, talk about his leg hairs and children touching it in the pool and challenge someone to pushups for questioning him. 

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17 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Trump is a fucking pussy and this makes him look weak. The RNC will still have debates without him and there should be an empty podium for him. 


The DNC however will not have debates because they know Biden would fall down, shake hands with a ghost, slur his words, talk about his leg hairs and children touching it in the pool and challenge someone to pushups for questioning him. 


Of course the GOP will have a debate without Trump... Because the GOP doesn't currently have an incumbent president doofus. 


Also... Didn't Biden crush Tulsi, yang etc and all the democrats in the primary debates? :umad:


And Pretty sure the in the Presidential debate Biden moped the floor with Trump so badly that Trump dick tucked and pulled out the last two debates :kaz:

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7 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


Of course the GOP will have a debate without Trump... Because the GOP doesn't currently have an incumbent president doofus. 


Also... Didn't Biden crush Tulsi, yang etc and all the democrats in the primary debates? :umad:


And Pretty sure the in the Presidential debate Biden moped the floor with Trump so badly that Trump dick tucked and pulled out the last two debates :kaz:

Ok if he's so great and it's going to be easy. Defend his 4 years as president and show the people an octogenarian can run the most powerful country on earth. If he can't debate he shouldn't be president. He didn't have to campaign in 2020, he did everything from his basement and went to bed at 4pm. It's not 2020 anymore, put the work in. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Ok if he's so great and it's going to be easy. Defend his 4 years as president and show the people an octogenarian can run the most powerful country on earth. If he can't debate he shouldn't be president. He didn't have to campaign in 2020, he did everything from his basement and went to bed at 4pm. It's not 2020 anymore, put the work in. 


You have gone off the deep end for real... So you're saying he was campaigning from his basement yet somehow crushed everyone elseon stage at the primaries?... Is he omnipresent? :kaz:



He is the incumbent President he does not have to be primaried as shown by over 90 something percent of all American presidents.


The one that's really running scared is Trump... He hasn't attended a debate since Biden curb stomped him in the Presidential debates..... That clown is still traumatized :umad:


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7 hours ago, Goukosan said:


You have gone off the deep end for real... So you're saying he was campaigning from his basement yet somehow crushed everyone elseon stage at the primaries?... Is he omnipresent? :kaz:



He is the incumbent President he does not have to be primaried as shown by over 90 something percent of all American presidents.


The one that's really running scared is Trump... He hasn't attended a debate since Biden curb stomped him in the Presidential debates..... That clown is still traumatized :umad:


Perhaps you have a shit memory but Biden was doing horribly in the primaries. Sanders was winning and it wasn't until everyone dropped out and endorsed Biden (except for Warren who stayed in to take votes away from Sanders) that Biden started winning. And now they are changing the order of the states to help Biden this time around. South Carolina goes first lmao. More DNC rigging 🤣


And then in the general election covid hit and he fucking campaigned from his basement. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Perhaps you have a shit memory but Biden was doing horribly in the primaries. Sanders was winning and it wasn't until everyone dropped out and endorsed Biden (except for Warren who stayed in to take votes away from Sanders) that Biden started winning. And now they are changing the order of the states to help Biden this time around. South Carolina goes first lmao. More DNC rigging 🤣


And then in the general election covid hit and he fucking campaigned from his basement. 


Biden led from start to finish in the primaries... You were watching right wing media that claimed Tulsi had a great chance...no wonder you're confused :umad:




Biden curb stomped Trump in person at the denates... While campaigning from his basement it seems ... Biden can be two places at once it seems... 


Remember when Trump was making fun of Biden's socially distanced covid campaign stops? Because Trump's were bigger with no restrictions and he used that to say he wss more popular... Oh wait Guess Biden was doing those nationwide campaign stops from his basement. 



Cooke you're dumb as rocks :kaz:

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3 hours ago, jehurey said:

So whatshisface is basically the Republicans running the same exact routine as whatsherface?


Yeah, who didn't see that coming.:Jeff:

Whatsherface also endorsed Biden. 

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12 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Biden led from start to finish in the primaries... You were watching right wing media that claimed Tulsi had a great chance...no wonder you're confused :umad:




Biden curb stomped Trump in person at the denates... While campaigning from his basement it seems ... Biden can be two places at once it seems... 


Remember when Trump was making fun of Biden's socially distanced covid campaign stops? Because Trump's were bigger with no restrictions and he used that to say he wss more popular... Oh wait Guess Biden was doing those nationwide campaign stops from his basement. 



Cooke you're dumb as rocks :kaz:

Lmao how can Biden lead from the start by not winning Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada? He didn't win until South Carolina (cause if you don't vote for me you ain't black). 

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