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11 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Do you think Russia can beat Ukraine? Because the reality is that Russia planned to take the entire country in 3 days, and instead they're bogged down in the east having tried to take the same small town for 8 months now, all while losing their best troops in the process.



It's a war of attrition and Ukraine is losing. They don't have the manpower to sustain an indefinite war. Yes it's shitty, yes it's terrible, yes it's a fact. 

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I thought this was funny and didn't know where else to post it    

He served for 15 years in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe    

Another non reply from you

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


:D thats one of the most ridiculous analogies i've ever read. You are so out of your depth its not even funny




Thats Mariupol before Russia came and 'liberated' it. Look at all those Russians in there :roll: Sadly many of those people are either dead or displaced now.


For the record, Russia originally started the war in the donbass in 2014. They controlled the narrative and mislead everyone in the west into thinking it was a civil war, and Ukrainians were fighting against each other. The reality is that the Russian military invaded and forcibly conscripted thousands of Ukrainians and made them fight Ukrainians from outside the donbas. Its really that simple.


Russia has started so many needless wars over the last several decades and been solely responsible for tens of thousands of deaths throughout Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. They've invaded more countries after WW2 than anyone else. But somehow you keep on trying to make excuses for them and blame literally everyone else for the constant death and destruction they're responsible for.

Yes it's a picture of Ukrainians. You can go look at the statitists and demographics. 


There is no way Ukraine is going to hang on to Luhansk and Donetsk. This is what it is going to come down to. They are both 70% Russian and will not remain in Ukraine. Is it worth letting 10s of thousands more Ukrainians die to keep these areas? 

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Just now, Cooke said:

It's a war of attrition and Ukraine is losing. They don't have the manpower to sustain an indefinite war. Yes it's shitty, yes it's terrible, yes it's a fact. 


All you're doing is repeating Russian propaganda talking points


Ukraine has liberated half of their territory since February 24th of last year. Russia hasn't achieved any of their goals. They partially occupy 4 different regions but haven't been able to take any of them fully under their control. Their soldiers are poorly trained, poorly equipped, and completely unmotivated. They've sustained more losses in 1 year than they did in 10 years in Afghanistan. They've lost some of their best troops including entire VDV and Spetnaz units. They've lost over 10,000 military vehicles which includes a significant portion of their active tank fleet. They've yet to achieve anything resembling air superiority despite having an air force over 10x larger than Ukraine's. 


But yeah they're winning :roll:


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31 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Yes it's a picture of Ukrainians. You can go look at the statitists and demographics. 


There is no way Ukraine is going to hang on to Luhansk and Donetsk. This is what it is going to come down to. They are both 70% Russian and will not remain in Ukraine. Is it worth letting 10s of thousands more Ukrainians die to keep these areas? 


There are loads of ethnic Russians in the baltic states too. I guess Russia should attack them next, right cooke? 


The Donbas =/= Russian territory. If there are people there who would rather live as Russians, then they can simply move to Russia.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


All you're doing is repeating Russian propaganda talking points


Ukraine has liberated half of their territory since February 24th of last year. Russia hasn't achieved any of their goals. They partially occupy 4 different regions but haven't been able to take any of them fully under their control. Their soldiers are poorly trained, poorly equipped, and completely unmotivated. They've sustained more losses in 1 year than they did in 10 years in Afghanistan. They've lost some of their best troops including entire VDV and Spetnaz units. They've lost over 10,000 military vehicles which includes a significant portion of their active tank fleet. They've yet to achieve anything resembling air superiority despite having an air force over 10x larger than Ukraine's. 


But yeah they're winning :roll:


You sound like a MSNBC talking head. "Repeating Russian propaganda" lmao 



One country has 145 million, the other has less than 40. No it's called being a realist. You treat this like it's a Battlefield 2023. What are Russia's goals? To take over the entire country? 


The only way Ukraine can win is if other countries join but they won't unless we really want ww3 over the Donbas region. A place I know you don't give a shit about, but you hate Russia as much as Hillary Clinton. 


It's too bad, we were making progress with Russia in the early 2000s and then everything went sour when Obama came into power. What happened? 

Edited by Cooke
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56 minutes ago, Cooke said:

You sound like a MSNBC talking head. "Repeating Russian propaganda" lmao 



One country has 145 million, the other has less than 40. No it's called being a realist. You treat this like it's a Battlefield 2023. What are Russia's goals? To take over the entire country? 


The only way Ukraine can win is if other countries join but they won't unless we really want ww3 over the Donbas region. A place I know you don't give a shit about, but you hate Russia as much as Hillary Clinton. 


It's too bad, we were making progress with Russia in the early 2000s and then everything went sour when Obama came into power. What happened? 



Russia's demographics are in the toilet. They had less than 15 million men within the ages of 18-35 before the war broke out and now they have even less considering how many left the country.


And many of those have no interest in participating in this war at all and will also leave or defect well before they're forced to do so. This isn't the the Soviet Union days where Russia can just flood the battlefield with millions of bodies and hope to win that way. Lets not even go into the fact that their economy wouldn't be able to support equipping or arming millions of troops.


You are also still stuck on the presumption that Russia is willing to fight to the very last man in a war that isn't even taking place on their territory. There is 0 threat to Russia from Ukraine and Putin realizes this as do most average Russians. He knows the war is completely unnecessary but he still thinks he can come away from it with a sizeable chunk of Ukraine as long as he grinds it out until the west losses interest and he can get some bullshit ceasefire out of it.


As long as the west keeps arming Ukraine and supporting their right to self defense then they can win.


I will say that I don't think they can take back Crimea anytime soon, it will likely remain under Russian control for a while longer.



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9 hours ago, Cooke said:

I would very much love for Ukraine to win but it's just not possible. 




Nearly half the population has fled the country, they simply don't have the man power for an extended war. This spring offensive will be the last one they can muster. 


That article is biased as fuck and clearly written from a Pro-Russian stance :D The fact that they spelled Kyiv as Kiev was a dead giveaway. If this is the type of garbage  you rummage through for your information, then you're a lost cause.

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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:


That article is biased as fuck and clearly written from a Pro-Russian stance :D The fact that they spelled Kyiv as Kiev was a dead giveaway. If this is the type of garbage  you rummage through for your information, then you're a lost cause.

Biased? It's written by American diplomats. 

David H. Rundell is a former chief of mission at the American Embassy in Saudi Arabia and the author of Vision or Mirage, Saudi Arabia at the Crossroads. Ambassador Michael Gfoeller is a former political advisor to the U.S. Central Command and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He served for 15 years in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

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2 hours ago, Cooke said:


The defenders of democracy strike again. 


In the entire history of US presidents there have only been 5 primaries......yes only 5.


In 234 years there have only been 5 presidential primaries. 


In the 59 Presidential elections there have been only 5 primaries. 


Only 5...


You know how many of those Primary Challengers won? Zero..... YES.... Zero percent. 




You know how many times the Republicans have Primaried their president in all of American history? 


Only twice... Last time was 1976 that a republican did it.... 


But now they're crying fowl when the Democrats aren't holding Primaries?  Lmfao. 


Educate yourself.






The Republicans are coming up with the same losing strategy as 2020 by framing Joe Biden as scared to debate etc.... But then when the debates actually happened... It was the Republican candidate running from the subsequent debates. 


Now they have taken that same strategy and trying to apply it to the Primary. Bbbut the DNC doesn't want to do a primary.... Joe must be scared. :awww:


No.. as history has shown, Incompbent Presidents in America aren't primaried by their own party. 


Edited by Goukosan
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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Biased? It's written by American diplomats. 

David H. Rundell is a former chief of mission at the American Embassy in Saudi Arabia and the author of Vision or Mirage, Saudi Arabia at the Crossroads. Ambassador Michael Gfoeller is a former political advisor to the U.S. Central Command and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He served for 15 years in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.


He served for 15 years in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe



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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


He served for 15 years in the Soviet Union, former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe



Meaning he knows most about the situation than Twinblade. Or are you saying he worked for the Russians? 🤣

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30 minutes ago, Twinblade said:



cooke just continues to embarrass himself.

You think he worked for the Russians!? Bahahahha he fucking worked for the US central command retard 😭🤣😂😅

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Lol you're such a fake piece of shit. 

Nice one. I'm a fake piece of shit because the DNC won't allow anyone to debate the annointed one? You're the fucking fake piece of shit. You pretend to care about democracy but when your party does undemocratic shit like this your totes Kool with it.  Hypocrit. 

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


In the entire history of US presidents there have only been 5 primaries......yes only 5.


In 234 years there have only been 5 presidential primaries. 


In the 59 Presidential elections there have been only 5 primaries. 


Only 5...


You know how many of those Primary Challengers won? Zero..... YES.... Zero percent. 




You know how many times the Republicans have Primaried their president in all of American history? 


Only twice... Last time was 1976 that a republican did it.... 


But now they're crying fowl when the Democrats aren't holding Primaries?  Lmfao. 


Educate yourself.






The Republicans are coming up with the same losing strategy as 2020 by framing Joe Biden as scared to debate etc.... But then when the debates actually happened... It was the Republican candidate running from the subsequent debates. 


Now they have taken that same strategy and trying to apply it to the Primary. Bbbut the DNC doesn't want to do a primary.... Joe must be scared. :awww:


No.. as history has shown, Incompbent Presidents in America aren't primaried by their own party. 


Lmao I called it. And here's goukosan to defend the anti democratic actions of the DNC. Lmao what a fucking tool 


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