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So we can just call it Transphobia now right? No more bullshitting around?

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20 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


This what always cracks me about Cooke.


He is a gay man, something that is considered unnatural by alot of folks, a gay man where he benefits from EQUITY affording to gay people in today's society from the government..... 


Yet he is against equity for others, hates on the LGBT movement etc... 


So yes he is a self hating dumbass. 

In what way are lgbt people not given equal rights?

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Still don't get how I can be self hating for being against the trans radical movement. They aren't LGB. They are deconstructing biology. We have nothing in common. To be trans is to be anti gay. It's

Why do leftist ALWAYS come up with this strawman when discussing trans?   Some rare individuals are born with an abnormality or a defect, therefore, gender is fluid!   One case of

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26 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


This what always cracks me about Cooke.


He is a gay man, something that is considered unnatural by alot of folks, a gay man where he benefits from EQUITY affording to gay people in today's society from the government..... 


Yet he is against equity for others, hates on the LGBT movement etc... 


So yes he is a self hating dumbass. 

Goukosan. The movement has won. It's over. There's no need to keep pushing, keep antagonizing, keep undermining the things we have gained by pissing off the rest of the population. That's the thing I can't stand about career activists. They will never quit, even when there is nothing left to fight for. All they end up doing is creating animosity and resentment. Same thing happened with feminism. Once we were all equal under the law they kept going and then you end up MRAs and Incels as a form of resentment. Take the W and get back to living your own life rather than advocating for someone else's. 

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8 hours ago, Cooke said:

He thinks that if I don't agree with having 4 million genders, 2 spirit indians, gays, bisexuals and lesbians, transgenders and queers all in a "community", I must hate myself.  First of all some of those are sexual attractions. And the others don't believe in sexual biology at all so how can they even be a community? 




I am editing to say "Cooke is lying" here. I've explained to him many times how he's a self hater but I also leave 20% chance that Cooke isn't even gay or bi and just said it for attention back in the day because he's the biggest attention whore in SW history. 


It's more likely he's such a bigot that he simply is more concerned about his white male role in society than his sexual preferences. He can always just be in the closet like so many conservatives but he absolutely is more concerned with his race than sexual preference. 


5 hours ago, Cooke said:

Goukosan. The movement has won. It's over. There's no need to keep pushing, keep antagonizing, keep undermining the things we have gained by pissing off the rest of the population.


lol This plantation mentality. Your bitch ass will chew our ears off about how much more power the Trans community has in North America than any other social group. Claim brown people and immigrants have it better than White people in Canada, then tell you say the gays won and it's over they need to be quiet now. Because straight white christians can't get a break in the western world? They're the oppressed people in your mind?


Why have you never told all of the right wingers you always seem to agree with the STFU about all of the power and influence they have? I never see you eye rolling over any "anti-Christian" persecution rants. 




That's the thing I can't stand about career activists. They will never quit, even when there is nothing left to fight for. All they end up doing is creating animosity and resentment. Same thing happened with feminism. Once we were all equal under the law they kept going and then you end up MRAs and Incels as a form of resentment. Take the W and get back to living your own life rather than advocating for someone else's. 


LMFAO It was a month ago I posted that Matt Walsh quote where he blames the LGBTQ community for all of his anti-Trans bigotry. He says nearly the same thing, which abusers, gaslighters, colonizers, and authoritarians love say. How they were forced by the those they are currently vilifying  for them having to be hateful bigots. 


I mentioned to Ramza  several times how we never really move as forward as some of you people like. Did you know that overturning RvW auto triggered laws in many states that date back to the 1800s? 


And how all of the "problems" most of us thought were behind us really are not.  Nearly the entire DW staff and most influential right wing media are still claiming we got "many" of our social progress wrong in the past few decades. So like you know, Gay rights, Women's rights, Civil Rights. These are not closed chapters because guess what? Motherfuckers who still love the confederacy in the 2020's dont think we reached and surpassed inequality. 


It's like the people who claim without any sort of self awareness "We had racial harmony until we had a black President." and by that they're actually blaming Obama for so many people acting racist after he became President. It's his fault. He was black and his name was Barrack Obama and too many white people like him and his wife. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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43 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I am editing to say "Cooke is lying" here. I've explained to him many times how he's a self hater but I also leave 20% chance that Cooke isn't even gay or bi and just said it for attention back in the day because he's the biggest attention whore in SW history. 


It's more likely he's such a bigot that he simply is more concerned about his white male role in society than his sexual preferences. He can always just be in the closet like so many conservatives but he absolutely is more concerned with his race than sexual preference. 



lol This plantation mentality. Your bitch ass will chew our ears off about how much more power the Trans community has in North America than any other social group. Claim brown people and immigrants have it better than White people in Canada, then tell you say the gays won and it's over they need to be quiet now. Because straight white christians can't get a break in the western world? They're the oppressed people in your mind?


Why have you never told all of the right wingers you always seem to agree with the STFU about all of the power and influence they have? I never see you eye rolling over any "anti-Christian" persecution rants. 




LMFAO It was a month ago I posted that Matt Walsh quote where he blames the LGBTQ community for all of his anti-Trans bigotry. He says nearly the same thing, which abusers, gaslighters, colonizers, and authoritarians love say. How they were forced by the those they are currently vilifying  for them having to be hateful bigots. 


I mentioned to Ramza  several times how we never really move as forward as some of you people like. Did you know that overturning RvW auto triggered laws in many states that date back to the 1800s? 


And how all of the "problems" most of us thought were behind us really are not.  Nearly the entire DW staff and most influential right wing media are still claiming we got "many" of our social progress wrong in the past few decades. So like you know, Gay rights, Women's rights, Civil Rights. These are not closed chapters because guess what? Motherfuckers who still love the confederacy in the 2020's dont think we reached and surpassed inequality. 


It's like the people who claim without any sort of self awareness "We had racial harmony until we had a black President." and by that they're actually blaming Obama for so many people acting racist after he became President. It's his fault. He was black and his name was Barrack Obama and too many white people like him and his wife. 

It's interesting being lectured to about gayness by a straight man. Love it. Keep it up sweetie. 

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Here let me explain to you why are a self hating black.  


Oh no, I'm not black and don't know what it's like so I won't bother. 


Stop your "ally" bullshit and fuck off already. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Here let me explain to you why are a self hating black.  


Oh no, I'm not black and don't know what it's like so I won't bother. 


Stop your "ally" bullshit and fuck off already. 


This is you trying to be clever, which never works out for you, so stop. You talk all day about what it's like to be Trans and their motivations. Not one individual, but you talk about all of them. What was your logic again?...they're either crazy or so ugly they go trans to meet a member of the opposite sex? That's your wealth of knowledge and contribution to the discussion. 

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2 hours ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

In what way are trans people not given equal rights? 

cant go to the bathroom of their own gender


cant join sports


cant apply to work at certain jobs


cant apply to live in certain places


can be legally discriminated against, i.e. killed under the legal pretense of being freaked out by a trans


can not grow up like other children born in their rightly assigned gender

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11 hours ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

In what way are lgbt people not given equal rights?

gay men are not allowed to donate blood


lgbt people have been bullied and subjected to hate crimes unlike their heterosexual counterparts


lgbt people struggle in employment and housing


and lgbt people go through a more extensive and invasive background check than heterosexual couples that want to adopt

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5 hours ago, Cooke said:

Here let me explain to you why are a self hating black.  


Oh no, I'm not black and don't know what it's like so I won't bother. 


Stop your "ally" bullshit and fuck off already. 

so how do you not see yourself as a self-hating lgbt person when you literally decry lgbt people in this forum, openly, without any shame??

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11 hours ago, Cooke said:

Same thing happened with feminism. Once we were all equal under the law they kept going and then you end up MRAs and Incels as a form of resentment.

  1. ChatGPT on whether women have reached "equal" rights:

  2. Gender Pay Gap: Women still earn less than men for doing the same job or work of equal value, despite being equally qualified and experienced.

  3. Workplace Discrimination: Women still face discrimination in the workplace, including being passed over for promotions or being subjected to sexist comments or harassment.

  4. Underrepresentation in Leadership Roles: Women are still underrepresented in leadership roles in many fields, including politics, business, and academia.

  5. Lack of Maternity Leave: Many women do not have access to paid maternity leave, which can make it difficult to balance work and family responsibilities.

  6. Violence Against Women: Women are still at a higher risk of experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, and other forms of gender-based violence.

  7. Lack of Reproductive Rights: Women's reproductive rights are still a contentious issue in many parts of the world, with many women not having access to safe and legal abortion or contraception.

  8. Cultural and Social Stereotypes: Women still face cultural and social stereotypes that limit their opportunities and perpetuate gender inequality.

Edited by z,warrior
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38 minutes ago, z,warrior said:

gay men are not allowed to donate blood


lgbt people have been bullied and subjected to hate crimes unlike their heterosexual counterparts


lgbt people struggle in employment and housing


and lgbt people go through a more extensive and invasive background check than heterosexual couples that want to adopt


That’s because they’re in a higher risk category for stds, particularly hiv/aids. 

oh no. Da bullies. People can be bullied for any reason. I don’t see a red head movement. 

the only ones struggling in these categories are largely uneducated or qualified. 

How so? A background check is a background check, what do people look into with lgbt people that they don’t with straight people? 

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5 hours ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:


That’s because they’re in a higher risk category for stds, particularly hiv/aids. 

oh no. Da bullies. People can be bullied for any reason. I don’t see a red head movement. 

the only ones struggling in these categories are largely uneducated or qualified. 

How so? A background check is a background check, what do people look into with lgbt people that they don’t with straight people? 

Those are not analogous to being gay, to suggest so is homophobic, therefore that law is extremely homophobic. If the concern is that they may have stds, do to them what is done on straight people; get them tested before donating blood, duh. Dont just outright outlaw ALL of them completely.


The gay/trans panic defense is a law that legalizes so called "bullying" (right down to murder) against the lgbt community. Meaning, if a person kills someone, and the victim happens to be lgbt, the culprit's lawyer could plead panic defense to receive a less severe punishment. Do you see a "red head movement" now?


There is no federal law that prohibits discrimination from employment based on sexual orientation and gender identity. While ironically, there is a federal law protecting those with mental disability (something a lot of transphobic folk claim transpeople have/are)


And some states also don't have laws that protect lgbt people from finding housing. Meaning if a landlord finds out you are lgbtq, you could be denied or outright kicked out and you would not be able to take it to court.


Certain states have laws that allow public/private adoption centers to deny lgbt people parentage based on "religious"/"moral" grounds. Other laws in effect allow only one individual from a same sex couple to adopt a child, not the couple together. 

Edited by z,warrior
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2 hours ago, z,warrior said:

Those are not analogous to being gay, to suggest so is homophobic, therefore that law is extremely homophobic. If the concern is that they may have stds, do to them what is done on straight people; get them tested before donating blood, duh. Dont just outright outlaw ALL of them completely.


The gay/trans panic defense is a law that legalizes so called "bullying" (right down to murder) against the lgbt community. Meaning, if a person kills someone, and the victim happens to be lgbt, the culprit's lawyer could plead panic defense to receive a less severe punishment. Do you see a "red head movement" now?


There is no federal law that prohibits discrimination from employment based on sexual orientation and gender identity. While ironically, there is a federal law protecting those with mental disability (something a lot of transphobic folk claim transpeople have/are)


And some states also don't have laws that protect lgbt people from finding housing. Meaning if a landlord finds out you are lgbtq, you could be denied or outright kicked out and you would not be able to take it to court.


Certain states have laws that allow public/private adoption centers to deny lgbt people parentage based on "religious"/"moral" grounds. Other laws in effect allow only one individual from a same sex couple to adopt a child, not the couple together. 

The law is based on how aids / hiv testing works. There was a 3 month undetectable window for a long time. This law is in process of being changed and has been changed. They just can’t have a new partner for 3 months now, but soon that will be removed. 

we’ve already talked about this. There has been 1 case in the last ~20 years of this where the murderer didn’t go to prison. 

there are people in the highest positions that are lgbt. This is because they’re qualified and educated. 

The fair housing act changed this. If this is the reason they’re denied or evicted, they can sue and likely end up owning the entire building. 

Adoption by gay people is legal in all states, the only ones that are allowed to discriminate against lgbt are religious agencies, aka “Catholic adoption services”. Normal, state/federal adoption agencies are not allowed to do this. But I’ll give you this one. 

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12 hours ago, z,warrior said:

so how do you not see yourself as a self-hating lgbt person when you literally decry lgbt people in this forum, openly, without any shame??

I have nothing against LGBt people. It's activist authoritarianism I despise. Live your life. Be your authentic self. Leave me the fuck alone, stop changing language and discourse to suit yourselves,  And stop transing children who have no idea what they will be when they grow up. 

Edited by Cooke
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27 minutes ago, Cooke said:

I have nothing against LGBt people. It's activist authoritarianism I despise. Live your life. Be your authentic self. Leave me the fuck alone, stop changing language and discourse to suit yourselves,  And stop transing children who have no idea what they will be when they grow up. 



Lol "transing kids" 


Fucking retarded self-hating bigot can't even hide his true feelings while trying to lie about them. You don't give a shit about authoritarianism you fucking clown. 

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27 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:



Lol "transing kids" 


Fucking retarded self-hating bigot can't even hide his true feelings while trying to lie about them. You don't give a shit about authoritarianism you fucking clown. 

I don't understand this about you, why do you always deny the influence that some of the more outlandish, far left LGBT activists/allies can have on very young children? Do you think that's not even in the realm of possibility? 


How is for example, telling children that they can choose their gender not an effort to influence them on the very topic? What I mean is, kids who haven't developed their sexuality yet shouldn't even be faced with such questions. 


I don't think those people have bad intentions, quite the contrary but it can be extremely damaging to a young and easily impressionable individuals regardless. Leave some of it for when they get older. 

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Still don't get how I can be self hating for being against the trans radical movement. They aren't LGB. They are deconstructing biology. We have nothing in common. To be trans is to be anti gay. It's pretty much conversion therapy to tell a young gay boy/man that he's actually just a woman which is why he has feminine tendencies. Same goes for young girls and women. 

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1 minute ago, Cooke said:

Still don't get how I can be self hating for being against the trans radical movement. They aren't LGB. They are deconstructing biology. We have nothing in common. To be trans is to be anti gay. It's pretty much conversion therapy to tell a young gay boy/man that he's actually just a woman which is why he has feminine tendencies. Same goes for young girls and women. 

In before Remy doubles down. 

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4 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Still don't get how I can be self hating for being against the trans radical movement. They aren't LGB. They are deconstructing biology. We have nothing in common. To be trans is to be anti gay.


lol Before you were a transphobe, you spent this energy bashing gay people and the LGBTQ community, in fact you pretty much say the same shit about them being too loud and wanting attention or constantly commenting on what you consider effeminate or flamboyant  gay men. You constantly are insulting lesbians. There's probably 2  or 3 threads locked in the main forum in the past couple of years because out of nowhere you went into your Lesbian bashing. 



4 minutes ago, Cooke said:

It's pretty much conversion therapy to tell a young gay boy/man that he's actually just a woman which is why he has feminine tendencies. Same goes for young girls and women. 


You constantly have to make negative, dismissive, or trivializing commentary about anything involving Trans people whilst also pretending that you care about them. You tried to call me out on some ally shit, when you yourself claim you are saying all of this because "you care about these people" you are constantly belittling and refuse to show any humanity or deference towards. 




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