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Early Redfall review - GARBAGE. "One of the worst games so far in 2023".

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1 hour ago, -GD-X said:

halo infinite is proof that critics can be bought.


To be fair Infinite is in the 80s in MC, compared to Ragnarok which is at 94. Now thats baffling and makes me think its more likely reviewers of that game were bought off.

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11 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


To be fair Infinite is in the 80s in MC, compared to Ragnarok which is at 94. Now thats baffling and makes me think its more likely reviewers of that game were bought off.

It makes sense that Ragnarok is that high since it is one of the best games of all time and sets a new benchmark in game production.

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22 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


To be fair Infinite is in the 80s in MC, compared to Ragnarok which is at 94. Now thats baffling and makes me think its more likely reviewers of that game were bought off.

i don't think ragnarok was paid for. it's an incredibly polished game. i think it has what i call "nintendo nostalgia".....where a 7 or an 8 game gets ridiculous scores because of bias. BOTW is a 7 or 8, at best. but i don't think ninty paid for the scores. most modern critics go dick happy for anything with mario or zelda. some of it is definitely warranted, since these are great franchises. other times, not so much. i haven't played dark souls 2 yet, but i'm baffled as to how it has a higher meta than dark souls 1 and 3, yet it's considered the worst of the 3 by fans.

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1 minute ago, FIREPOWER said:

:feelsbadman: Poor Cuckstz, he hyped this dogshit an 8/10, he's been totally raped by this news....




god damn, more bugs than a mexican whore house.

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Starfield is next.


:mjgrin: The guy who leaked Hifi Rush and told us Redflop was coming in hot also said Starfield was in worse shape than Redflop. 

:mj: If he’s right and Starfield launches in a really broken state like Fallout76 or Redflop the fallout from it will completely destroy LBox and the entire lemshit community. 

Lemshits better pray he’s wrong and the year long delay has been enough to fix the issues and bugs with Starfield.



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