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8 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

There's probably more weird right wing nut jobs like you sarcastically posting stupid shit like this than wokies actually saying it. 


You right wing weirdos are retarded. 

Up until it gets shoved down our throats and you have corporations selling the terrible idea to the mainstream and it gets forcibly adopted due to fear of being labeled a bigot. Like every other concept brought forward by woke tards. 


Stop trying to obfuscate anyway, the point is the woke as deemed mother to be an offensive word. But right wingers are the weirdos, gotcha. 

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4 hours ago, Ramza said:

Up until it gets shoved down our throats and you have corporations selling the terrible idea to the mainstream and it gets forcibly adopted due to fear of being labeled a bigot. Like every other concept brought forward by woke tards. 


Stop trying to obfuscate anyway, the point is the woke as deemed mother to be an offensive word. But right wingers are the weirdos, gotcha. 


What point, retard?  Which companies run anti-mother's day campaigns? Where is the mass push to remove the word mother?  It's funny how racist, homophobes, and women abusers dont exist don't seem to exist to people like you, yet there are these national shadow woke cabals tasked with making all kids switch their genders, make men subservient to women, and take all the jobs away from white people. 


I assume this shit thread was created because some random Trans person made a reddit post that they felt slighted that their wife refused to let him celebrate mother's day as a mother to their child. Which they posted specifically to a reddit support group Trans people. Then of course it was reposted by a  conservative twitter account that spends all day reading Trans social media account to find anything to complain about. 


It's funny how many things "being shoved down your throat" is actually your fellow bigots hate-edging themselves going out of their way to find shit most people aren't even talking about. 


Like I never even heard of Dylan Mulvaney until idiots starting shooting up cans of bud light in their backyards as a protest. 

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9 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


What point, retard?  Which companies run anti-mother's day campaigns? Where is the mass push to remove the word mother?  It's funny how racist, homophobes, and women abusers dont exist don't seem to exist to people like you, yet there are these national shadow woke cabals tasked with making all kids switch their genders, make men subservient to women, and take all the jobs away from white people. 


I assume this shit thread was created because some random Trans person made a reddit post that they felt slighted that their wife refused to let him celebrate mother's day as a mother to their child. Which they posted specifically to a reddit support group Trans people. Then of course it was reposted by a  conservative twitter account that spends all day reading Trans social media account to find anything to complain about. 


It's funny how many things "being shoved down your throat" is actually your fellow bigots hate-edging themselves going out of their way to find shit most people aren't even talking about. 


Like I never even heard of Dylan Mulvaney until idiots starting shooting up cans of bud light in their backyards as a protest. 

It usually start in academia, infiltrate the soulless corporations, then regurgitated by the mainstream media.


There was a school in some state who sent letters to parents in regards to Father/Mother's day as to drop addressing it as such because not everyone has a clear Mother or Father figure in non binaries families. 


You try to pass this off as more wing right propaganda, yet I have seen enough video of woke tards avoiding the word mother during a debate about men giving birth, usually for something stupid like people capable of giving birth, or birthing people. Lmao.


Your constant excuses for actual woke doctrines being pushed doesn't fly with me anymore. You're in hard denial of the truth or a filthy liar. 

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17 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Like I never even heard of Dylan Mulvaney until idiots starting shooting up cans of bud light in their backyards as a protest. 

Dylan Mulvaney was already very controversial and I had heard of him. He's been to the white house, was being paid to promote tampons... Yeah. 

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6 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Dylan Mulvaney was already very controversial and I had heard of him. He's been to the white house, was being paid to promote tampons... Yeah. 


Yes, you are proving my point. You, a transphobe knew who they were. Probably because you saw the people who tell you what to think was complaining about them.


Meanwhile I have the leftist social media here and never heard of them. I'm not saying they are small channel, they obviously have a lot of subs but the cultural impact was mostly right wing nutjobs grossly overreacting to the situation. 


If angry right wingers weren't constantly aggrieved about any stupid shit this whole thing wouldn't have made a blip outside of Dylan's tiktok channel. 

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15 minutes ago, Ramza said:

It usually start in academia, infiltrate the soulless corporations, then regurgitated by the mainstream media.


It's funny how you talk about "souless corporations" but on multiple occasions state you always side with the boss class in any sort of dispute. How does someone bootlick and try to call out the same group. Oh yeah, by being political inconsistent..or politically expedient? Same difference I guess. 



15 minutes ago, Ramza said:

There was a school in some state who sent letters to parents in regards to Father/Mother's day as to drop addressing it as such because not everyone has a clear Mother or Father figure in non binaries families. 


Uh huh. An anecdotal story about 1⃣ school in 1 state and your most likely leaving out alot context but OK. 


15 minutes ago, Ramza said:

You try to pass this off as more wing right propaganda, yet I have seen enough video of woke tards avoiding the word mother during a debate about men giving birth, usually for something stupid like people capable of giving birth, or birthing people.


Lol again you prove my point. I follow sex workers, trans activitist, lefty opinion streams ran by queer host, some drag queens, and lefty news sites and have not seen any of this, yet you as the douchebag bigot loving free thinker is constantly seeing trans propaganda content. 


I say this but acknowledge the fact you're most likely misrepresenting the situation as well. Honestly progressive people shouldn't even bother getting into these debates because it's impossible to have a good faith debate with small children or conservatives. 


15 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Your constant excuses for actual woke doctrines being pushed doesn't fly with me anymore. You're in hard denial of the truth or a filthy liar. 


Lol stop talking tough. You're too stupid to call me out on anything. Like post one lie I've ever posted in here. Find me on thing I've said that was intentionally or even accidentally misleading. Hell, post the amount of times I was wrong about something. 


Like WTF are you to talk about "denying the truth" or possibly lying. This is a text forum. The reason some of you are annoyed by me is I bump threads (others have started doing it too) where the idiots that are always on your side eventually are proven wrong... And it's a lot. 


It's not even that hard, this forum isnt that old or big. You don't agree with me, fine. But don't fucking try some bullshit about me being lair and shit. 

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21 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yes, you are proving my point. You, a transphobe knew who they were. Probably because you saw the people who tell you what to think was complaining about them.

He's a controversial figure because his childish portrayal of womanhood gets him a lot of backlash and his social platform exploded since day one of girlhood journey, it's not just haters, he obviously has a following.


I don't even care personally, I have nothing against Dylan. But trying to act like this just came out of nowhere is a wrong assessment.


21 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Meanwhile I have the leftist social media here and never heard of them. I'm not saying they are small channel, they obviously have a lot of subs but the cultural impact was mostly right wing nutjobs grossly overreacting to the situation. 

That explains why you're ignorant on so many lgbtq cultural issues and you think I'm lying every time and it's all made up right wing conspiracies. You live in a bubble that doesn't pay attention to trending topics up until the point it becomes big enough that now you can come in and say everyone is just transphobe. Lmao. 


21 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

If angry right wingers weren't constantly aggrieved about any stupid shit this whole thing wouldn't have made a blip outside of Dylan's tiktok channel. 

It's not right wingers who tried to market tampons and disgusting beers using Dylan Mulvaney. It's not because of right wingers that Dylan acts like a stupid little girl online and says the most insane shit for clout. It's not because of right wingers that he was invited to the white house to have a chat with Joe Biden. 


Are you stupid? You're seeing this totally backward as usual. 

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

He's a controversial figure because his childish portrayal of womanhood gets him a lot of backlash and his social platform exploded since day one of girlhood journey, it's not just haters, he obviously has a following.


I already said they had a following. However they were never a daily household name until Republicans starting acting like bud light was their pearl harbor or something. 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

I don't even care personally, I have nothing against Dylan. But trying to act like this just came out of nowhere is a wrong assessment.


I can name a dozen bigger tik tok stars you've never heard of. You have something against trans people in general. Which is why you'll defend a racist or women abuser but are desperately trying to make Mulvaney sound bad despite never doing or saying something to hurt or malign anyone else. 


A trans person living their life, and people accepting that is an issue for you. 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

That explains why you're ignorant on so many lgbtq cultural issues and you think I'm lying every time and it's all made up right wing conspiracies.


I say that because in our past interactions you cited data incorrectly - multiple times....even when it was pointed out to you. You make extremely vague theories yet can never cite credible data, use words and terms you don't understand, and the people you seem to follow are complete idiots and grifters.


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

You live in a bubble that doesn't pay attention to trending topics up until the point it becomes big enough that now you can come in and say everyone is just transphobe. Lmao. 


Lol "trending topics" you're such fucking a bot. I continually critique the fact that you have no actual ideology and you keep proving my point. This does show why you're so short sighted. 


In a bubble culture leads to trends, trends don't lead to culture. It's the type that reads headlines but not the story that say stupid shit like this. People who act like trans people didn't exist until tik tok came out. 


Short sighted idiots like you who are like "there's more gay people than ever" and the first and only thought is that "it's a trend" and not based on the culture of acceptance playing a role. 



2 hours ago, Ramza said:

It's not right wingers who tried to market tampons and disgusting beers using Dylan Mulvaney.


So? Last I checked they sent some CC swag with personalized cans, it's not like they made bikini cutouts of Dylan or the cans were shipped to stores. So the idiots shooting up cans of beer were shooting the regular cans of "disgusting beer" they loved previously. Although I'm sure plenty of people just bought it to make some dank transphobic content and probably don't even drink it. 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

It's not because of right wingers that Dylan acts like a stupid little girl online and says the most insane shit for clout. It's not because of right wingers that he was invited to the white house to have a chat with Joe Biden. 


So? Funny how right wingers love Andrew Tate saying stupid shit, Jake Paul saying stupid shit, Steven Crowder saying stupid shit, Matt Walsh saying stupid shit... But when a Trans person acts silly, it's a problem. 


Please tell us some the "insane shit" they have said. 


2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Are you stupid? You're seeing this totally backward as usual. 


How so? It's been a year and you've yet to actually make your case. I have asked you dozens and dozens of times over the past year to drop any receipts... And nothing. 


You act like I ignore your data or just act oblivious to your evidence of what you are claiming. You have NOTHING that supports your world view other than memes and opinions from far right idiots.


You trying to talk about bubbles is so fucking hypocritical it could choke a horse. You are the epitome of how an echo chamber works. You don't like a group of people, someone that looks and sounds like you doesn't like them either. So you convince yourself they are smart and them simply saying x-group are bad is enough for you to agree. The rest is reverse engineering everything into reasons to dislike them even if you don't care if other people do the same or worse. 


So Bud light sending some influencer cans to one person is some great battle in the culture wars your side creates. 

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On 2023-05-16 at 10:19 AM, Ramza said:

It's not right wingers who tried to market tampons and disgusting beers using Dylan Mulvaney. It's not because of right wingers that Dylan acts like a stupid little girl online and says the most insane shit for clout. It's not because of right wingers that he was invited to the white house to have a chat with Joe Biden. 


Are you stupid? You're seeing this totally backward as usual. 

 I'm coming back to this because now there's a new "backlash" against Miller lite for some women's month ad they ran back in... March (women's month) but here we are half way through May and conservatives are now mad about an ad they didn't know existed for two and a half months and not even in circulation. 


To be fair it's probably because they were so upset about the Bud light thing. What a serious group of people. Constantly being triggered by stupid shit while calling other people snowflakes. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

 I'm coming back to this because now there's a new "backlash" against Miller lite for some women's month ad they ran back in... March (women's month) but here we are half way through May and conservatives are now mad about an ad they didn't know existed for two and a half months and not even in circulation. 


To be fair it's probably because they were so upset about the Bud light thing. What a serious group of people. Constantly being triggered by stupid shit while calling other people snowflakes. 

Not sure why you are blaming the consumers for a company that destroy it's own image through bad marketing decisions that doesn't appeal to their consumer base. 


Let's face it, those beers tastes like piss. The people who drink Miller or Bud Lite drinks those beers because of the image of the brand, it reminds you of a bald eagle, stars and stripes. America, real's man's man drinking in the backyard with the boys, grilling hot dogs before watching the football game. It's shallow as fuck but it is what it is. 


Then the company turns around and try to expand the brand by appealing to a controversial internet trans celebrity.


Or in the case of Miller, a feminist push movement that shames the previous image of the company when they used to hire sexy ladies in bikinis to promote the brand. 


What do you think the typical insecure Bud Light chump is going to do? Shoot cans of 'gay' beers in his backyard to redeem his manlyness and start drinking a different brand. The beer never tasted good anyway.


It's just your typical tone day woke activists trying to make everything about woke, even at the cost of losing the brand image and the already installed consumer base. It's a commercial blunder and insecure men.

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5 hours ago, Ramza said:

Not sure why you are blaming the consumers for a company that destroy it's own image through bad marketing decisions that doesn't appeal to their consumer base. 


So cancel culture. The thing conservatives have spent nearly a decade complaining about. 



Let's face it, those beers tastes like piss. The people who drink Miller or Bud Lite drinks those beers because of the image of the brand, it reminds you of a bald eagle, stars and stripes. America, real's man's man drinking in the backyard with the boys, grilling hot dogs before watching the football game. It's shallow as fuck but it is what it is. 


I've been saying right wingers are uniquely insecure forever now. It's why y'all are so easily manipulated. 



Then the company turns around and try to expand the brand by appealing to a controversial internet trans celebrity.


They paid an influencer to do an ad read. This is run of the mill shit. It's not like they added estrogen to the ingredients and shit lol. It's fucking nuts you're even defending this stupidity. 



Or in the case of Miller, a feminist push movement that shames the previous image of the company when they used to hire sexy ladies in bikinis to promote the brand. 


A  humorous ad about women's history month making fun of 30 year old beer commercials hurt white men's feelings but it's the woke people that are unreasonable? 




What do you think the typical insecure Bud Light chump is going to do? Shoot cans of 'gay' beers in his backyard to redeem his manlyness and start drinking a different brand. The beer never tasted good anyway.


It's just your typical tone day woke activists trying to make everything about woke,


Lol you fully describe the insecure and irrational nature of conservatives, then proceed to victim blame some generic ad buyer. You guys can't help but empathize with bigots. 



even at the cost of losing the brand image and the already installed consumer base. It's a commercial blunder and insecure men.


Yeah but the problem is that insecure bigots don't like being labeled insecure bigots. 

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10 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

So cancel culture. The thing conservatives have spent nearly a decade complaining about. 

Incorrect, it's called boycotting. They're not asking for the company to stop making products, they stopped buying said product. 


10 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I've been saying right wingers are uniquely insecure forever now. It's why y'all are so easily manipulated. 

Nonsense. There are dumb, shallow consumers in all sectors of life or political spectrum. You talk like all right wingers drink unsophisticated generic beers. Lol.


10 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

They paid an influencer to do an ad read. This is run of the mill shit. It's not like they added estrogen to the ingredients and shit lol. It's fucking nuts you're even defending this stupidity. 

A majority of people who drink those beers are insecure heterosexuals. It is what it is. The ad campaign is incompatible with the current base. Your ads should feature pick up trucks, guns, and cowgirls. Not Dylan Mulvaney taking a bath. 


10 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

A  humorous ad about women's history month making fun of 30 year old beer commercials hurt white men's feelings but it's the woke people that are unreasonable? 

I saw it and I was like, uh ok. I don't care personally. Once again, it's an incompatible message with the associated brand image. You want to change the image, don't be surprised if some of your consumers looks elsewhere. 


10 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol you fully describe the insecure and irrational nature of conservatives, then proceed to victim blame some generic ad buyer. You guys can't help but empathize with bigots. 

Wanting to project an image of heterosexuality is not being bigoted. It's shallow and insecure but to them it's like if you were asking them to wear a pink dress. They won't do it, now you can go be a gay and wear that pink dress if you want, as long as it doesn't affect them. This is not bigoted sentiments, maybe homophobic but not rooted in hatred.


They won't associate themselves with brands that projects feminists and lgbtq images. Wrong consumer base to do that to, idiots. 


Of course you can't help but empathize with the soulless corporation pushing political messages at the cost of losing it's own fanbase. Typical at this point. Oh, you didn't like the latest race swapping Disney movie, you're a racist! Everyone is a nazi over here.


Lmao. It's time to push the MESSAGE. Selling a product? What do you mean?


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24 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Incorrect, it's called boycotting. They're not asking for the company to stop making products, they stopped buying said product. 


Lol 😂 


24 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Nonsense. There are dumb, shallow consumers in all sectors of life or political spectrum. You talk like all right wingers drink unsophisticated generic beers. Lol.


A majority of people who drink those beers are insecure heterosexuals. It is what it is.


Yet only conservatives are angry about Bud Light, M&Ms, Miller Lite, Disney... It's funny you can justify boycotting a company over being nice to minority groups but boycotting them over racism, sexism, exploitation... Etc is a problem. 


24 minutes ago, Ramza said:

The ad campaign is incompatible with the current base. Your ads should feature pick up trucks, guns, and cowgirls. Not Dylan Mulvaney taking a bath. 


Your dumbass doesn't even know what an ad read is so stfu. They are not commercials, it's the radio/podcast/streaming host reading an ad. They didn't film and air commercials with Mulvaney. Ad reads exist only with in the show they are read on and meant for that particular audience. 


I like how diversity and inclusion of any kind is a problem to you people. I personally don't see how beneficial that sponsorship was but it's like weird ass conservatives made this out to be like Bud made an ad campaign with her. She sat on her own stream to her own followers. 


I guess in retrospect bud should have anticipated creepy conservatives are always watching trans content they supposedly hate and had a titty attack over this. 


24 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I saw it and I was like, uh ok. I don't care personally. Once again, it's an incompatible message with the associated brand image. You want to change the image, don't be surprised if some of your consumers looks elsewhere.


Lol associated message. They don't even make those commercials anymore and haven't for some time. I like that you're like "they are stupid" for not adhering to an aesthetic they stopped using for like a decade. 


24 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Wanting to project an image of heterosexuality is not being bigoted. It's shallow and insecure but to them it's like if you were asking them to wear a pink dress. They won't do it, now you can go be a gay and wear that pink dress if you want, as long as it doesn't affect them. This is not bigoted sentiments, maybe homophobic but not rooted in hatred.


You keep describing unreasonable bigotry with such care lol. This is the most enthusiastic post you made and it's entirely justifying how bigots feel while also trying to launder their bigotry. 



24 minutes ago, Ramza said:

They won't associate themselves with brands that projects feminists and lgbtq images. Wrong consumer base to do that to, idiots. 


Of course you can't help but empathize with the soulless corporation pushing political messages at the cost of losing it's own fanbase.


Not Mr. "I always believe the boss over the 'disgruntled employees'" trying to make me sound like some corporate shill lol. 


24 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Typical at this point. Oh, you didn't like the latest race swapping Disney movie, you're a racist! Everyone is a nazi over here.


Not at all, but they are not mutually exclusive either. I hated The Last Jedi, but most of the the red pill reviews of the movie were sexist and racist. Are the critiques about the actual movie script/direction/editing/acting/tone/writing or are they just complaining about the race/gender of actors, ethnicity of random backgrounds characters, whether a man is shown emasculated by a woman, if the villain is white. 


If you are complaining about your dinner and the race/gender/sexual preference of the cook or waitress come up, it's not solely about the food. 


If you weren't so unselfaware you might have noticed 


24 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Lmao. It's time to push the MESSAGE. Selling a product? What do you mean?



You mentioned that I make fun of you for being independent and this is what I meant. You so called independent down the middle types will either betray all of your principles over a single issue or just not rock they boat to protect the status quo. 


It's why I've posted MLKs own words about the independent moderates of the 60s and how they felt about the civil rights movement back then. You're the type who will just side with societal bigotry out of convenience or even worse empathize with it like you're doing now. 

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1 minute ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yet only conservatives are angry about Bud Light, M&Ms, Miller Lite, Disney... It's funny you can justify boycotting a company over being nice to minority groups but boycotting them over racism, sexism, exploitation... Etc is a problem. 

As opposed to woke leftists rewriting children books because some commonly used words might be offensive to someone, somewhere. Lmao.


All the self projection is amazing. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

As opposed to woke leftists rewriting children books because some commonly used words might be offensive to someone, somewhere. Lmao.


All the self projection is amazing. 

 You mean racist words or phrases? Lmfaocopter racism? Lmfao fuck that. Funny how you empathize with insecure straight men so well you basically described your own prejudice unwittingly. 

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6 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

 You mean racist words or phrases? Lmfaocopter racism? Lmfao fuck that. Funny how you empathize with insecure straight men so well you basically described your own prejudice unwittingly. 

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