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On 2023-05-18 at 1:59 PM, Mr. Impossible said:

 You mean racist words or phrases? Lmfaocopter racism? Lmfao fuck that. Funny how you empathize with insecure straight men so well you basically described your own prejudice unwittingly. 

Lmao, it had nothing to do with racism. I said commonly used language. You're so desperate to call other people prejudiced. It's pathetic.


Radical leftists wouldn't want to offend a fat person. God forbids. Those people are perfect the way they are, eat more ice cream. You are beautiful and healthy. 


It's modern fascism under the pretext of inclusion. They'll quickly cast you out as fatphobic if you tell them being overweight is unhealthy though. Lmfao. 





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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Lmao, it had nothing to do with racism. I said commonly used language. You're so desperate to call other people prejudiced. It's pathetic.


Radical leftists wouldn't want to offend a fat person. God forbids. Those people are perfect the way they are, eat more ice cream. You are beautiful and healthy. 


It's modern fascism under the pretext of inclusion. They'll quickly cast you out as fatphobic if you tell them being overweight is unhealthy though. Lmfao. 


You right wingers are always so hysterical and ass backwards. You guys keep accusing leftist of promoting obesity yet the most unhealthy states in the country are red states. Who have been against any health initiatives? Republicans. 


Who do you think is drinking soy and oat milk? Who are eating impossible burgers? Let's talk about the health conscious red neck who is also a vegan? This concept y'all created sounds stupid now, correct? 


Like this isn't even a health issue, it's just wanting to make fun of fat people as a social hierarchy thing. Like they want to be able to make fun of gay people or call trans people names and purposely misgender them. To the point there are many right wingers now waxing nostalgic for bullying. 


Nothing is ever too much for you people. 

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


You right wingers are always so hysterical and ass backwards. You guys keep accusing leftist of promoting obesity yet the most unhealthy states in the country are red states. Who have been against any health initiatives? Republicans. 


Who do you think is drinking soy and oat milk? Who are eating impossible burgers? Let's talk about the health conscious red neck who is also a vegan? This concept y'all created sounds stupid now, correct? 


Like this isn't even a health issue, it's just wanting to make fun of fat people as a social hierarchy thing. Like they want to be able to make fun of gay people or call trans people names and purposely misgender them. To the point there are many right wingers now waxing nostalgic for bullying. 


Nothing is ever too much for you people. 

One wrong doesn't make one right. It's one thing to be fat due to your personnel choices, it's something else to promote obesity as healthy and normal in some kind of social experiment.


No sure what you are talking about? Fyi, soy and oat milk are not healthy as they contain no nutritional value besides the ADDED vitamins and minerals. Impossible burgers are filled with chemicals and oils, it's pure trash. Your diet shouldn't be based on your political ideologies. Lmfao.


No one is making fun of anyone. If a story involve a moment where a boy get called fat, maybe there's a point to it and sugarcoating words to protect children isn't going to change anything but restrict creative freedom in literature. 


Nothing is ever too much indeed. Let's cancel the children book story altogether. Let's not take any chance, less we may offend a snowflake, somewhere.

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Trans activists shut down book launch, raising questions on free speech


Trans activists shut down book launch, raising questions on free speech (msn.com)


So inclusive. :lul: 


So let me get this straight. You fully defend people cancelling Bud light and shooting up cans and stuff but Trans activists are the bad guys for protesting a transphobic book that has proven lies and disinformation and was debunked when it came out like 3 years ago?


And I know this because youve brought up this transphobic woman a year ago when I showed you how discredited her work was. Do you people have an antitrans Google alert or something? 

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Trans activists shut down book launch, raising questions on free speech


Trans activists shut down book launch, raising questions on free speech (msn.com)


So inclusive. :lul: 

author Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, positing that transgenderism in teen girls is a social contagion... 


Lmfao the Jews are protesting a book saying Hitler was right! So inclusive. :lul:


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50 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


So let me get this straight. You fully defend people cancelling Bud light and shooting up cans and stuff but Trans activists are the bad guys for protesting a transphobic book that has proven lies and disinformation and was debunked when it came out like 3 years ago?


And I know this because youve brought up this transphobic woman a year ago when I showed you how discredited her work was. Do you people have an antitrans Google alert or something? 

Not buying a product out of personnel choice and preventing a product from coming out is not the same at all.


I'll admit I didn't read the book. Maybe it's Mein Kampf level, I dunno but it certainly, rarely is the case. I remember when the same people threated Dave Chapelle like he was the anti Christ. Lmfao. 


Bwahaha, I got this on my MSN main page when I open up my windows browser and I was browsing this thread. Another transphobe like JK Rowling, I bet, huh?   

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Not buying a product out of personnel choice and preventing a product from coming out is not the same at all.


They didn't prevent the book from coming out as it already came out 3 years ago. They informed the meeting space of the writer's book and their content and the space declined their booking. 


Did they make social media campaigns burning or shooting her books up in their backyards? 



2 hours ago, Ramza said:


I'll admit I didn't read the book. Maybe it's Mein Kampf level, I dunno but it certainly, rarely is the case. I remember when the same people threated Dave Chapelle like he was the anti Christ. Lmfao. 


She wrote a book with bogus information aimed at how parents should treat their kids with gender dysphoria. You know, one of the things your kind pretends to care aboutm


Did they treat him like the antichrist or did it just feel that way to you because you dont care if he says transphobic shit anyway? So any level of dissent is too much in your eyes. 



2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Bwahaha, I got this on my MSN main page when I open up my windows browser and I was browsing this thread. Another transphobe like JK Rowling, I bet, huh?   


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37 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

They didn't prevent the book from coming out as it already came out 3 years ago. They informed the meeting space of the writer's book and their content and the space declined their booking. 


Did they make social media campaigns burning or shooting her books up in their backyards? 

Oh because it doesn't have the same effect. It's preventing someone from doing business. :lul: 


Why are you so triggered about people destroying their leftover bud lite? No is meeting Bud Lite associates to try to get the product out of the market in some way or another. They stopped buying it. Except maybe in a few cases where people bought and then shot a 12 pack in their backyard and send it to social media. Lmfao, still conflicting two vastly different things. 


40 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

She wrote a book with bogus information aimed at how parents should treat their kids with gender dysphoria. You know, one of the things your kind pretends to care aboutm


Did they treat him like the antichrist or did it just feel that way to you because you dont care if he says transphobic shit anyway? So any level of dissent is too much in your eyes. 

Bogus information like puberty blockers being irreversible and posing a serious threat to children's and teenager's health on the short and long term but it hasn't been mass tested and no one cares?


You don't cancel comedians over being offended. Grow up. 


It's no surprise someone as unfunny as you think it's perfectly fined to be outraged over a comedy show. But mah feelings. Literally killing trans people by opening them up to violence. Words are violence too!


It's all fake moral outrages served to shift social power back unto them with endless, non sensical claims of victimhood. Proof is any minor offense will send woke snowflakes in a frenzy, simply disagreeing with them, misgendering someone by fucking accident. No one is ever good and pure enough, it's a form of authoritarian fascism based on a set of non sensical ideologies and repeated, accepted lies. Acknowledge that men can also get pregnant or you're a bad person. :D Some weird, modern Mao communist China dystopian cult shit. 


I don't care anymore. This is how evil win, when good men turns a blind eye and I just don't care. You can go fondle little children with your trans freak clown show. I don't have kids. I will wash the fall of western societies and laugh all the way through. Burn it all. Bring on the comet. 




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21 hours ago, Ramza said:

Oh because it doesn't have the same effect. It's preventing someone from doing business. :lul: 



21 hours ago, Ramza said:

Why are you so triggered about people destroying their leftover bud lite? No is meeting Bud Lite associates to try to get the product out of the market in some way or another. They stopped buying it. Except maybe in a few cases where people bought and then shot a 12 pack in their backyard and send it to social media. Lmfao, still conflicting two vastly different things. 


One group emailed a venue that about the person they were hosting and the kind of content they made. It's partial community space so they don't host negative political types. The book reading was almost immediately rebooked. The other isn't simply not buying a product, it's trying to force companies to ignore the existence of groups of people to appease bigots. But the bigots are on your side so why should you care? 


21 hours ago, Ramza said:

Bogus information like puberty blockers being irreversible and posing a serious threat to children's and teenager's health on the short and long term but it hasn't been mass tested and no one cares?


You don't cancel comedians over being offended. Grow up. 


Here's the desperate lie attempt you and Cooke try to use when you have nothing. When did I ever talk about cancelling a comedian? Funny how straight white men are allowed to be overly offended over the stupidest shit and you have nothing to say about it but will tell black/queer/women to calm down and stop getting offended. 


Lmfao when will Smith slapped Chris Rock fucking Cooke was in here upset about how Chris Pratt would have been unjustly accused of racism of he slapped Rock. Y'all get offended when you get called entitled but how else would anyone see this kind of mindset? 


21 hours ago, Ramza said:

It's no surprise someone as unfunny as you think it's perfectly fined to be outraged over a comedy show. But mah feelings. Literally killing trans people by opening them up to violence. Words are violence too!


Well you're making shit up and also conflating completely different things. Like hate speech does exist... And doesn't have to do with bad comedy. It's also pretty clear that you probably aren't the best judge since you seem to always defend and support racist, women abusers, and transphobes. Like nearly all of the time. 


Comedy is subjective and it's intellectually dishonest to act like something passed off as comedy is actually that. There's just a large group of people who can't actually tell the difference between a joke and just racism. It's why some shows and people can be still be edgy and others not. 


21 hours ago, Ramza said:

It's all fake moral outrages served to shift social power back unto them with endless, non sensical claims of victimhood.


You mean the people claiming that the Left are bringing in illegals to replace white people and supporting gays to destroy traditional families and turning kids trans to insure they vote Democrat when they turn 18 are the realist? They aren't being sensationalist? It's all really happening ? 


21 hours ago, Ramza said:

Proof is any minor offense will send woke snowflakes in a frenzy, simply disagreeing with them, misgendering someone by fucking accident. No one is ever good and pure enough,


And no one is ever actually guilty in your eyes. The man is always telling the truth and the woman is the lying hysterical bitch making him miserable, the black people are always falsely claiming racism, the queers are always being offended and the good guys are the ones being treated unjustly accused of racism, bigotry, and misogyny. 


Notice which way your deference and animosity always seem to work depending on which group of people are the subject. And there is zero gradation. Fucking black and white as fuck. 


21 hours ago, Ramza said:

it's a form of authoritarian fascism based on a set of non sensical ideologies and repeated, accepted lies. Acknowledge that men can also get pregnant or you're a bad person. :D Some weird, modern Mao communist China dystopian cult shit. 




21 hours ago, Ramza said:

I don't care anymore. This is how evil win, when good men turns a blind eye and I just don't care. You can go fondle little children with your trans freak clown show. I don't have kids. I will wash the fall of western societies and laugh all the way through. Burn it all. Bring on the comet. 



Lol calm down, Batman. So you're back to equated trans people with being groomers again, which you will deny you do in a week. Isn't this exhausting? It's been a year and you honestly have only made yourself look more and more unreasonable and dishonest. 


Your mocked me bringing up child pageants as old news or something then throw this jab and it's like you obviously don't give a shit about kids. 




Where's your outrage over this? You are some reasonable centrist right? 


You mean the king of kids is clueless about this? Or is he a devote Christian who wouldn't want to disrupt his right wing subscriber count? 


As much trans and queer hatred as twitter produces, there's been  a handful of SA against queer teachers or drag queens or anything this year. There's more weekly victims of other groups and not a single soul on the right is talking about it. 


Lol "Fall of western society." you even talk like an old bigot. 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:




One group emailed a venue that about the person they were hosting and the kind of content they made. It's partial community space so they don't host negative political types. The book reading was almost immediately rebooked. The other isn't simply not buying a product, it's trying to force companies to ignore the existence of groups of people to appease bigots. But the bigots are on your side so why should you care? 



Here's the desperate lie attempt you and Cooke try to use when you have nothing. When did I ever talk about cancelling a comedian? Funny how straight white men are allowed to be overly offended over the stupidest shit and you have nothing to say about it but will tell black/queer/women to calm down and stop getting offended. 


Lmfao when will Smith slapped Chris Rock fucking Cooke was in here upset about how Chris Pratt would have been unjustly accused of racism of he slapped Rock. Y'all get offended when you get called entitled but how else would anyone see this kind of mindset? 



Well you're making shit up and also conflating completely different things. Like hate speech does exist... And doesn't have to do with bad comedy. It's also pretty clear that you probably aren't the best judge since you seem to always defend and support racist, women abusers, and transphobes. Like nearly all of the time. 


Comedy is subjective and it's intellectually dishonest to act like something passed off as comedy is actually that. There's just a large group of people who can't actually tell the difference between a joke and just racism. It's why some shows and people can be still be edgy and others not. 



You mean the people claiming that the Left are bringing in illegals to replace white people and supporting gays to destroy traditional families and turning kids trans to insure they vote Democrat when they turn 18 are the realist? They aren't being sensationalist? It's all really happening ? 



And no one is ever actually guilty in your eyes. The man is always telling the truth and the woman is the lying hysterical bitch making him miserable, the black people are always falsely claiming racism, the queers are always being offended and the good guys are the ones being treated unjustly accused of racism, bigotry, and misogyny. 


Notice which way your deference and animosity always seem to work depending on which group of people are the subject. And there is zero gradation. Fucking black and white as fuck. 






Lol calm down, Batman. So you're back to equated trans people with being groomers again, which you will deny you do in a week. Isn't this exhausting? It's been a year and you honestly have only made yourself look more and more unreasonable and dishonest. 


Your mocked me bringing up child pageants as old news or something then throw this jab and it's like you obviously don't give a shit about kids. 




Where's your outrage over this? You are some reasonable centrist right? 


You mean the king of kids is clueless about this? Or is he a devote Christian who wouldn't want to disrupt his right wing subscriber count? 


As much trans and queer hatred as twitter produces, there's been  a handful of SA against queer teachers or drag queens or anything this year. There's more weekly victims of other groups and not a single soul on the right is talking about it. 


Lol "Fall of western society." you even talk like an old bigot. 

Matt Walsh wet dreams. 


2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol calm down, Batman. So you're back to equated trans people with being groomers again, which you will deny you do in a week. Isn't this exhausting? It's been a year and you honestly have only made yourself look more and more unreasonable and dishonest. 

You mean like those two drag who were doing drag queen reading hour in a library and both of them had previous charges of sexual abuse to kids. Oh sorry, we didn't do a proper background check. 


Yeah, man, LGBTQ people are pure and can never do any wrong.


As I said don't care anymore. Go fuck some kids with your LGBTQ allies. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Matt Walsh wet dreams. 


Because there are right wing voices that counters what he says? Or that he's become the defacto anti-trans influencer alongside libsoftiktok. 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:


You mean like those two drag who were doing drag queen reading hour in a library and both of them had previous charges of sexual abuse to kids. Oh sorry, we didn't do a proper background check. 


Yeah, man, LGBTQ people are pure and can never do any wrong.


As I said don't care anymore. Go fuck some kids with your LGBTQ allies. 

Lol a whole 2 of them? Well you definitely proved that drag queens are a greater threat than scout leaders, youth pastors, teachers, priest, pageant officials... 


The argument was never about all queer people innocent as it's unfair to judge them as threats just by existing. 

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14 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

The argument was never about all queer people innocent as it's unfair to judge them as threats just by existing. 

Because that's what I say and think. They're a physical threat. I'm threatened by some fgt wearing a wig. 



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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Because that's what I say and think. They're a physical threat. I'm threatened by some fgt wearing a wig. 



Lol Your last two sign offs were "have fun diddling kids with those queerdos." like a fucking child because you realize that the right doesn't actually care about kids as much as hurting the LGBTQ community.


So while you talk about how overly sensational people can be you act like a little hypocritical bitch and accuse me of being an abuser? 

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On 2023-05-23 at 6:26 PM, Ramza said:

I will wash the fall of western societies and laugh all the way through. Burn it all. Bring on the comet. 

Lol I'm reasonable and not a transphobe, but also may the world be destroyed by a comet rather than treating queer people fairly! 

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Th fall of western society wouldn’t be such a bad thing, may it evolve into a less Eurocentric patriarchical Hetero-normative mentality. We could learn a thing or 2 on how China, South Korea and Japan evolved from their eastern societies and transformed western influences into their own distinct cultures

Edited by z,warrior
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13 hours ago, z,warrior said:

Th fall of western society wouldn’t be such a bad thing, may it evolve into a less Eurocentric patriarchical Hetero-normative mentality. We could learn a thing or 2 on how China, South Korea and Japan evolved from their eastern societies and transformed western influences into their own distinct cultures

China kills girl babies, Japan is racist, and south Korea has the smallest penises on average in the world. No we don't need that,  All 3 are very homogonous single race societies. Is that what you are wanting? 

Edited by Cooke
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20 hours ago, Cooke said:

China kills girl babies, Japan is racist, and south Korea has the smallest penises on average in the world. No we don't need that,  All 3 are very homogonous single race societies. Is that what you are wanting? 

China doesn’t have a 1 baby per family rule anymore. Japan is not racist. And small penis is genetic, not a cultural/societal thing. And all 3 actually have a lot of ethnicities and languages among them, especially China. You can’t ignore how well they’ve adapted to western influences while maintaining their individual identities. Which is wha the west fears right? Outsider influences even when its from within their own peoples such as African American or LGBTQ+ cultures

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