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13 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:



I can’t tell if she’s just pointing out his hypocrisy or stooping down to his level for using his own logic against him. Either way, yes I find this ok for kids to play with just like it’s ok for drag queens to be around kids. Fetishizing it to use his logic against him just… turns you into him.

Edited by z,warrior
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1 hour ago, z,warrior said:

I can’t tell if she’s just pointing out his hypocrisy or stooping down to his level for using his own logic against him. Either way, yes I find this ok for kids to play with just like it’s ok for drag queens to be around kids. Fetishizing it to use his logic against him just… turns you into him.


Pretty sure both true and the same point and what do you suggest? A meaningful conversation? Data? These people don't care about any of that. Walsh is a modern day Klansman, he's not trying open a dialog he's looking make people who he doesn't like lives miserable. 


You see the people in here like @Cookeand @Ramza...have you seen either be at all reasonable about this and they aren't even being paid to bigots like he is. 

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Rofl, political woke activists ideologues are peddling lies like men can have babies and obesity is healthy but of course, we're the unreasonable ones.


Shut your mouth you privileged white cis man. 


Says the activist fighting for inclusivity. 


Lmao, you're all fascists. 

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31 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Rofl, political woke activists ideologues are peddling lies like men can have babies and obesity is healthy but of course, we're the unreasonable ones.


Shut your mouth you privileged white cis man. 


Says the activist fighting for inclusivity. 


Lmao, you're all fascists. 

It says alot that you have to act so obtuse on purpose to make a non point. No one is saying a person born a man can become pregnant. Humans born female who transition to male can still become pregnant depending on situations. 


People with better shit to do or at least bigger problems than worrying about Trans people all fucking day just call trans people who identify as male, men. It's not like they are claiming the earth is flat or that God exist and asking people to adopt a complete logic reversal. 


Lol look at you scraping the bottom of the barrel in trans bait. Please do a pronoun bit next, such a classic. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

No one is saying a person born a man can become pregnant.

False, they know it, but they phrase it in a way that makes it sounds like it. Because they don't want to offend.


This new lens of woke purity are nonsensical at best. Toxic and harmful at worst. 


1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

It's not like they are claiming the earth is flat or that God exist and asking people to adopt a complete logic reversal. 

No they're claiming that Timmy at 5 years old can be a girl, or a boy, or neither. It's a social construct. 


That's even worse, at least you can laugh at flat earther or fundamentalists who explains science with religion. It's hard to find something funny about bad parenting though. 


1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Please do a pronoun bit next, such a classic. 

That's another good point actually. I love that you try to brush it off when people DEMAND that you can call them by their pronouns, ''they/them'', which makes no sense whatsoever, once again.


All your ideologies are based on false premises. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

False, they know it, but they phrase it in a way that makes it sounds like it. Because they don't want to offend.


This new lens of woke purity are nonsensical at best. Toxic and harmful at worst. 


No they're claiming that Timmy at 5 years old can be a girl, or a boy, or neither. It's a social construct. 


That's even worse, at least you can laugh at flat earther or fundamentalists who explains science with religion. It's hard to find something funny about bad parenting though. 


That's another good point actually. I love that you try to brush it off when people DEMAND that you can call them by their pronouns, ''they/them'', which makes no sense whatsoever, once again.


All your ideologies are based on false premises. 

Oh yeah and the fake women having period cramps despite not having any female anatomy lmao 

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23 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Oh yeah and the fake women having period cramps despite not having any female anatomy lmao 

Either it's a serious sign of mental illness or they're doing it for attention. That's just rock bottom behavior to pretend that you have ovaries and menstrual cramp.


I don't want to make a case about it, but I just realized that's actually insulting to a woman, ain't it? Menstrual cramps and having weird farts from eating Taco Bell isn't the same. Lmao.




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5 hours ago, Ramza said:

False, they know it, but they phrase it in a way that makes it sounds like it. Because they don't want to offend.


Because most normal people just want to get through the day and aren't obsessed with lording over people they don't like. 


Referring to a trans person as their transitioned gender isn't a life altering event for them. They just want to be cordial and go about their day. It literally cost nothing. 


5 hours ago, Ramza said:

This new lens of woke purity are nonsensical at best. Toxic and harmful at worst. 


So basically nothing good right? Funny how you can talk kindly of bigots, racist, abusers, and liars but like everything about woke is terrible lol. 


How do you people actually view yourselves? 


5 hours ago, Ramza said:

No they're claiming that Timmy at 5 years old can be a girl, or a boy, or neither. It's a social construct. 


That's even worse, at least you can laugh at flat earther or fundamentalists who explains science with religion. It's hard to find something funny about bad parenting though. 


So you know every single parent to a trans child is a bad parent? Again, at what age did you start developing your heterosexual feelings? Were you closer to 8 or 18? Part of your bigotry is that you never create a situation where these people are good or responsible. It's always woke drunk parents mutilating their kids because they bought unisex shoes or something. 


I remember when you used to at least pretend to be reasonable before you went mask off. Lol 


5 hours ago, Ramza said:

That's another good point actually. I love that you try to brush it off when people DEMAND that you can call them by their pronouns, ''they/them'', which makes no sense whatsoever, once again.


Most misgendered moments are uneventful. It can be slightly awkward sometimes but really no one really takes issue unelsss someone is just purposely being an ass about it. 


5 hours ago, Ramza said:

All your ideologies are based on false premises. 


What false premise? Again, you started out about what you perceived as a bad influence on kids to just a raging transphobe anytime you can't make a valid point. 

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4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Because most normal people just want to get through the day and aren't obsessed with lording over people they don't like. 


Referring to a trans person as their transitioned gender isn't a life altering event for them. They just want to be cordial and go about their day. It literally cost nothing. 

False, they phrase it to pretend that men can get pregnant and it's socially accepted as such. To say anything else is deemed transphobic.


It's why trans men needs tampons in bathrooms. It's why people are scared to just define what a woman is on camera. 


You don't even know what you're defending. 


4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

So basically nothing good right? Funny how you can talk kindly of bigots, racist, abusers, and liars but like everything about woke is terrible lol. 


How do you people actually view yourselves? 

I can't think of anything good coming from the modern woke snowflakes. Mind showing me anything good?


There are better way to preach acceptance than in your face activism and rapid forced social reengineering. Case in point, biological men DOMINATING in women sports. Just insanity.


4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

So you know every single parent to a trans child is a bad parent?

No, I'm saying that if you tell your young child that he can choose his or her gender (or make up an imaginary one) is bad parenting. 


Stop trying to muddle the conversation. It's not rocket science. 

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

False, they phrase it to pretend that men can get pregnant and it's socially accepted as such. To say anything else is deemed transphobic.


Oh that's false? They literally are just doing this to what? Troll insecure hetero people? It's funny what you believe to be true and what you refuse to believe. Lol 



3 hours ago, Ramza said:

It's why trans men needs tampons in bathrooms. It's why people are scared to just define what a woman is on camera. 


Omg you brought up Tampon dispensers in men's rooms? LMFAO EVERY POINT you make is some purposely stupid right wing hot take. Lol I haven't heard about this one in like 4 years. 


3 hours ago, Ramza said:

You don't even know what you're defending. 


Lol no, you are just a hater who is trying to justify his hate. You keep arguing the same tired, easily debunked shit for a year now. 


3 hours ago, Ramza said:

I can't think of anything good coming from the modern woke snowflakes. Mind showing me anything good?


Conservatives never do, they are still complaining about gay marriage, and women's lib decades later. In the 90s you would be against that, against civil rights in the 60s, and against the feminist movement of the 70s. 



There are better way to preach acceptance than in your face activism and rapid forced social reengineering. Case in point, biological men DOMINATING in women sports. Just insanity.


You are really trying to pretend that you give a shit about women's sports when you shit on women any chance you get, praise rapist, abusers, and misogynist. 


I've asked you for some stat on trans athletes because from what I've seen, they aren't that many that its some kind of urgent situation to tackle. Let's deal with mass shootings, Healthcare, stagnant wages, infrastructure, and digital monopolies. 



No, I'm saying that if you tell your young child that he can choose his or her gender (or make up an imaginary one) is bad parenting. 


"I'm not saying that" - then goes on to say the same exact thing in different words. 


It's funny how the only things you seem to think about "woke" parents are the most disingenuous strawman talking points a right wing bot can make. Raising kids is hard, time consuming, and expensive. Who is just going out of their way to make every one of those things worse for themselves on a whim? 


People by far and large aren't taking their kids to get trans because they like something pink or yellow. Funny how hard it is for you to believe a person can be racist, sexist, or homophobic but you readily believe there's an alarming amount of people speed running their kids into transsexuality recklessly. 



Stop trying to muddle the conversation. It's not rocket science. 


Lol all I is actually is point out what you say, then you go deny it and go back and say the same shit in a different way. It's not my fault you're incapable of critical thinking. lockquote widget

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19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Oh that's false? They literally are just doing this to what? Troll insecure hetero people? It's funny what you believe to be true and what you refuse to believe. Lol 

Lol, denial, denial, denial. 


I'm not responsible for these concepts. I'm just repeating what I can see with my own two eyes and can ear with my own two ears. 


19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

praise rapist, abusers, and misogynist. 

Lmao. Mind explaining where I praised rapists and abusers? 


'Grab them by the pussy' is hardly worth getting worked over. 

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8 hours ago, Ramza said:

Lol, denial, denial, denial. 


I'm not responsible for these concepts. I'm just repeating what I can see with my own two eyes and can ear with my own two ears. 


Yes, that's exactly my point. You are repeating stupid and dishonest right wing talking points because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about on your own and you're incapable of critical thinking. 





Lmao. Mind explaining where I praised rapists and abusers? 


'Grab them by the pussy' is hardly worth getting worked over. 


Lol it's obvious that you are the "women lie on men" type where all things being equal, you just side with the man, white man, straight man... employer man. You're the perfect status quo bootlicker whose only has conviction for the things he doesn't like vs the overall good. 


Lol funny how much you dodged in this reply. 

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yes, that's exactly my point. You are repeating stupid and dishonest right wing talking points because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about on your own and you're incapable of critical thinking. 

I meant what I see coming from the progressive left. What I said wasn't a talking point. 


6 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol it's obvious that you are the "women lie on men" type where all things being equal, you just side with the man, white man, straight man... employer man.

It's so obvious, yet I never acted in a constant manner that would imply anything of the sort. I always take the side of white straight men? How? When?


You know just because in one case or another, like I not being sure if Andrew Tate allegations are true doesn't mean it's a trend rooted in bigotry.


These conversations never goes anywhere. This isn't about me. You think I'm a racist, misogynist, transphobic, billionaire bootlicker. That's about sum it up right? Great, congrats, let's move on now.

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11 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I meant what I see coming from the progressive left. What I said wasn't a talking point. 


No you don't. Everything you say is verbatim what right wing pundits lie and exaggerate about the left. We've seen the shit kickers you post that you follow. None of them are remotely even reasonable people, no way you actually consume actual leftist content. 



11 minutes ago, Ramza said:

It's so obvious, yet I never acted in a constant manner that would imply anything of the sort. I always take the side of white straight men? How? When?


Lol my point is that you're actually constant with this shit and you don't notice it some how. 


11 minutes ago, Ramza said:

You know just because in one case or another, like I not being sure if Andrew Tate allegations are true doesn't mean it's a trend rooted in bigotry.


These conversations never goes anywhere. This isn't about me. You think I'm a racist, misogynist, transphobic, billionaire bootlicker. That's about sum it up right? Great, congrats, let's move on now.


Again, I repeat what you say back to you. I do expand or challenge you on some of your points since you don't seem to think them through.


You're definitely a transphobe. Didn't you call them "faggots with wigs?" you might have been hurting emotionally the other day or talking about drag queens, but don't act like you're level headed shoot them. definitely fine with all of those things because you don't empathize with any of those groups.


So yeah, when you claim a woman is a dumb bitch or whatever for being pushy to a man found guilty of sexual assault and avoiding her questions or laugh at the thought of women working male dominated jobs...that looks like you're an ally?


When a person says they automatically side against workers and claim they are disgruntled and defends millionaires/billionaires. How does that look?


Lol I won't even bring up the lying blacks in your mind. 


I put it like this, in the past year how often did you bring up straight male grooming or  assault vs how often you tried to draw a connections to the lgbtq community little to no evidence. 



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36 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

No you don't. Everything you say is verbatim what right wing pundits lie and exaggerate about the left. We've seen the shit kickers you post that you follow. None of them are remotely even reasonable people, no way you actually consume actual leftist content. 

I don't but I listen to stories that are collaborated by video evidence 80% of the time and that's what I'm referring to. 


38 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You're definitely a transphobe. Didn't you call them "faggots with wigs?" you might have been hurting emotionally the other day or talking about drag queens, but don't act like you're level headed shoot them. definitely fine with all of those things because you don't empathize with any of those groups.

Dude this is a niche video game debate forum with about 25 active users that we all know and always been a hostile environment. Get your head out of your ass. No trans was hurt during the making of this post. Lmfao. You fucking pansy. 


40 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

So yeah, when you claim a woman is a dumb bitch or whatever for being pushy to a man found guilty of sexual assault and avoiding her questions or laugh at the thought of women working male dominated jobs...that looks like you're an ally?

That's not who I was calling a dumb bitch. I was talking about the CNN host at the town hall hearing with Trump.


41 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

When a person says they automatically side against workers and claim they are disgruntled and defends millionaires/billionaires. How does that look?

I wouldn't say automatically but from real life experience I take ex working disputes with an immense grain of salt. This could go both ways I guess.


42 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I put it like this, in the past year how often did you bring up straight male grooming or  assault vs how often you tried to draw a connections to the lgbtq community little to no evidence. 

What would be the point? There are sexual predators everywhere. 


The point was always about the lgbtq push to indoctrinate children, not so much act of actual sexual abuse. They're grooming them, teaching them about being non binary, and pronouns, and all that. 

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7 hours ago, Ramza said:

I don't but I listen to stories that are collaborated by video evidence 80% of the time and that's what I'm referring to. 


Oh yeah? Post some of these validated stories that point out mass plans, coordinated curriculums, or any kind of plan to turn straight kids gay and isn't actually a form of outreach. Because it's been a year and you haven't posted shit but a survey you misread because of how sheltered you are or inability to understand percentages or control test and the like. 





Dude this is a niche video game debate forum with about 25 active users that we all know and always been a hostile environment. Get your head out of your ass. No trans was hurt during the making of this post. Lmfao. You fucking pansy. 


That's not who I was calling a dumb bitch. I was talking about the CNN host at the town hall hearing with Trump.


I wouldn't say automatically but from real life experience I take ex working disputes with an immense grain of salt. This could go both ways I guess.


I've noticed in my old age that "grain of salt" logic is usually someone just being an obtuse but trying not to look unreasonable. Like it's not a coincidence you look at black people who claim racism against Trump as disgruntled. This isn't the same group of people, one was for housing discrimination and the other employment dissemination.


So all of the people in both sets of cases that Trump lost get the "grain of salt" point of view from you because why exactly? Especially given the fact you knew absolutely nothing about either case. Funny how that "grain of salt" where multiple people accuse one person of the same thing, but you side with the one person even though you don't know anything about any of the people involved. 


Ok, another angle on this. That's a whole lot of credit you're giving one rich 70 plus year old rich white man. That soooo many people brought court cases against him that he lost and that time he called most Mexicans rapist and drug dealers, or told 3 American born congresswomen of color to go back to their country... 



No "grain of salt" for that guy. That clears your "not a racist" chart m




What would be the point? There are sexual predators everywhere. 


The point was always about the lgbtq push to indoctrinate children, not so much act of actual sexual abuse. They're grooming them, teaching them about being non binary, and pronouns, and all that. 


So here is where I repeat some weird ass shit you said.


So you don't care about actual abuse, you're more worried about this gay recruitment? This coordinated plan to turn kids queer... For what exactly? So they'll vote Democratic? To destroy Christian families?


Don't get me wrong, I know you don't care about child abuse. Like with your "grain of salt" logic, you're fixated on something you don't like and reverse engineering a situation where you are one of the good guys or something. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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