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So the Playstation Tablet is real and looks fantastic

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1 minute ago, -GD-X said:

So, is this like Wii U? 

Its like a better remote play, and hopefully it has something like the Wii U and they way they make a dedicated wireless connection that can deliver audio and video with very low lag.


But I don't think it will have a game that requires dual screen like the Wii U did with several games.

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Cant believe this thread exists

This is what they do when they can't argue the current subject at hand.   It's hilarious,  they're basically telling me that they can't deny what I am saying.   And....this is the

he's trying to get out from the fact that I caught him lying.   he actually thought he could lie about that failed handheld and say the majority of people on this forum have it. he's actuall

6 minutes ago, jehurey said:

That I can have a worse experience that way?


DO you know that?


because it sounds like you don't




You sound like you fucked up with your initial response...............and you're too petty to admit that you did...........so you're pretending to play stupid and not listening to what I am saying.


Gee............I wonder which one it is.


bubu teh TV is fo watchin bazeball, da Phone iz for text msgs, and da PC is fur Wurd processin!! Fullscreenz only!! :lemming: 




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3 minutes ago, Remij said:


bubu teh TV is fo watchin bazeball, da Phone iz for text msgs, and da PC is fur Wurd processin!! Fullscreenz only!! :lemming: 




Sweetie...............how do you propose audio would be managed under your scenario?


Do you know what happens on your phone when there's two applications running that start and stop audio?




Like...........did you think I wouldn't be able to pick apart your argument.


No seriously...............did you think that it would be......hard for me to demonstrate how stupid and short-sighted you were?


(He's not going to respond to this, he's just going to flame from this point forward)

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5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Sweetie...............how do you propose audio would be managed under your scenario?


Do you know what happens on your phone when there's two applications running that start and stop audio?




Like...........did you think I wouldn't be able to pick apart your argument.


No seriously...............did you think that it would be......hard for me to demonstrate how stupid and short-sighted you were?


(He's not going to respond to this, he's just going to flame from this point forward)

Your PS5 on TV

Your Baseball Stream on Phone

Your Baseball stream shrinks to the corner when you browse the web like mine does... or... OR... you could go without your baseball audio for the few seconds your browsing the web... and then open it back up :drake: 

LOL Jerky... do you REALLY expect people to believe that you're doing all 3 LITERALLY at the same time :danylol: 


Hell, you could even just turn the game on the radio and listen to it :lemming: 


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The funniest thing about this.... is without this Playstation Streaming device.... Jehurey doesn't appear to have figured out a way to do those three things yet.... what has he been doing all this time??? :lawl: :omglol: :kaz: 




Oh that's right... he's not playing PS5 games on his TV, and he's not playing PC games on his computer.  THAT MUCH we know :hest: 

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Just now, Remij said:

The funniest thing about this.... is without this Playstation Streaming device.... Jehurey doesn't appear to have figured out a way to do those three things yet.... what has he been doing all this time??? :lawl: :omglol: :kaz: 




Oh that's right... he's not playing PS5 games on his TV, and he's not playing PC games on his computer.  THAT MUCH we know :hest: 

Streaming Gamepass to the phone baby! :mj:

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Just now, Remij said:

Your PS5 on TV

Your Baseball Stream on Phone


Which gets interrupted by text messages and phone calls, and then I have to go back into the MLB.tv app to restart video again


Already failed, but let's keep reading your hilarity


1 minute ago, Remij said:

Your Baseball stream shrinks to the corner when you browse the web like mine does


which I only do when I have no computer nearby (like eating out at a restaurant).


And that also means that I have no ability to hold the controller


Gee, you failed again


2 minutes ago, Remij said:

 OR... you could go without your baseball audio for the few seconds


which means you've now created a scenario in which I have to go back and forth with turning audio on and off



2 minutes ago, Remij said:

LOL Jerky... do you REALLY expect people to believe that you're doing all 3 LITERALLY at the same time :danylol:


I do.


I'm not like you PC gamers............I play actual good single player video games that I pay attention to..........and not the best game you currently have available for your PC, which is probably still Vampire survivor, and can be played with one hand.:hest:


2 minutes ago, Remij said:

The funniest thing about this.... is without this Playstation Streaming device....

I think what I love most..........is how this demonstrates how butthurt and desperate you are..........for ANY sort of victory


Look at you.


And even then, I still slap your argument down.



1 minute ago, Tears of the Cows said:

Streaming Gamepass to the phone baby! :mj:

At least I own my phone and its in my name


Too bad you can't say the same:lawl::lawl::lawl:

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Just now, jehurey said:

Which gets interrupted by text messages and phone calls, and then I have to go back into the MLB.tv app to restart video again


Already failed, but let's keep reading your hilarity


which I only do when I have no computer nearby (like eating out at a restaurant).


And that also means that I have no ability to hold the controller


Gee, you failed again


which means you've now created a scenario in which I have to go back and forth with turning audio on and off



I do.


I'm not like you PC gamers............I play actual good single player video games that I pay attention to..........and not the best game you currently have available for your PC, which is probably still Vampire survivor, and can be played with one hand.:hest:


I think what I love most..........is how this demonstrates how butthurt and desperate you are..........for ANY sort of victory


Look at you.


And even then, I still slap your argument down.



At least I own my phone and its in my name


Too bad you can't say the same:lawl::lawl::lawl:

at least he stopped denying it :kaz:

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he thinks its hilarious that I don't decide to consume content................like a poor teenager who is sitting in the corner of a room.


That was his argument with how to do this.:tom:

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Just now, Tears of the Cows said:

at least he stopped denying it :kaz:

Denying what?


That I tried out the xCloud Beta that way over the phone?


That was the whole point of the Beta access, was to test it over phone:kaz:

I love how this idiot is basing his victory on him failing to read............yet, again.

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Just now, jehurey said:

Denying what?


That I tried out the xCloud Beta that way over the phone?


That was the whole point of the Beta access, was to test it over phone:kaz:

I love how this idiot is basing his victory on him failing to read............yet, again.

You’ve been “trying it” for years. You played it last week :kaz:

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Which gets interrupted by text messages and phone calls, and then I have to go back into the MLB.tv app to restart video again


Already failed, but let's keep reading your hilarity


which I only do when I have no computer nearby (like eating out at a restaurant).


And that also means that I have no ability to hold the controller


Gee, you failed again


which means you've now created a scenario in which I have to go back and forth with turning audio on and off



I do.


I'm not like you PC gamers............I play actual good single player video games that I pay attention to..........and not the best game you currently have available for your PC, which is probably still Vampire survivor, and can be played with one hand.:hest:


I think what I love most..........is how this demonstrates how butthurt and desperate you are..........for ANY sort of victory


Look at you.


And even then, I still slap your argument down.



At least I own my phone and its in my name


Too bad you can't say the same:lawl::lawl::lawl:

^oh my fucking GOD look at him :kaz: 


He's really trying hard to justify that PS streaming device... :omglol: 

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1 minute ago, Tears of the Cows said:

Also LMAO @ Jerky sitting alone at a restaurant watching baseball games on his phone :mj:





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4 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

You’ve been “trying it” for years. You played it last week :kaz:

Nope, the xCloud beta also works over Microsoft Edge, in browser


Oh my god, you are so stupid.........I've even brought this up before.


3 minutes ago, Remij said:

^oh my fucking GOD look at him :kaz: 


He's really trying hard to justify that PS streaming device... :omglol: 

He's now projecting his meltdown over him trying SO, SO HARD and practically screaming at the fact that I consume different streams of content on different screens.




You're advice is best for Bald Cucky Dick Tucky, who sleeps on his Uncle's couch.:hest:


they're melting down again:kaz:

2 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

especially when he has zero intentions on ever buying it :tom:


2 minutes ago, Remij said:





They're trying so hard............this is the best they could muster up


................between the both of them

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Just now, jehurey said:

Nope, the xCloud beta also works over Microsoft Edge, in browser


Oh my god, you are so stupid.........I've even brought this up before.


He's now projecting his meltdown over him trying SO, SO HARD and practically screaming at the fact that I consume different streams of content on different screens.




You're advice is best for Bald Cucky Dick Tucky, who sleeps on his Uncle's couch.:hest:


they're melting down again:kaz:


They're trying so hard............this is the best they could muster up


................between the both of them

I wonder if Jerky is playing his PS5 as he types these posts out on his phone?



:lawl: :omglol: 

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for the record..................this is now the second time these people are literally getting into fights with Inanimate Electronics that I own.



3 minutes ago, Remij said:

I wonder if Jerky is playing his PS5 as he types these posts out on his phone?



:lawl: :omglol: 

I'm using my computer:hest:So he really didn't read.

1 minute ago, Tears of the Cows said:



and you choose to play it over “your” PS5:tom:

No, I've only used the xCloud access whenever there's a co-op game that my friend wants to play.


I've even said this before..........man, you guys really are stupid.:banderoos:


Take a look at ANY ACTIVITY within the past two years related to Xbox..............they're co-op games.:lawl:

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