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DeSantis announced he's running...I think?

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lol, that scowel.     Dude straight up looks more like a fascist than Trump. Resting bitchface lookin' ass. TBF trump has that too, but this guy looks like he smelled a fart and his face got

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  • Mr. Impossible changed the title to DeSantis announced he's running...I think?
4 hours ago, Twinblade said:

I have issues with DeSantis, but if it comes down to him vs Trump, DeSantis is clearly the better option.


When asked about Ukraine Russia conflict he basically repeated the same nonsense he walked back a few months ago in regards to Ukraine resolving it by surrendering. 

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10 hours ago, Goukosan said:


When asked about Ukraine Russia conflict he basically repeated the same nonsense he walked back a few months ago in regards to Ukraine resolving it by surrendering. 

I just watched a snippet of his interview from Fox News, and he said nothing like that. His main point was that he didn’t want the war to escalate into a larger conflict in which the U.S would have to be directly involved with troops on the ground. While he was pretty vague there is little chance of the war escalating in that way.

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Ive never seen a star fall like DeSantis since Howard Dean. This is day 1 of his campaign, when more and more information about Florida comes out it's not going to look good for him. Especially with Trump blasting DeSantis' running of Florida. He's going to have a field day mopping the floor with DeSantis. 





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18 hours ago, Goukosan said:


When asked about Ukraine Russia conflict he basically repeated the same nonsense he walked back a few months ago in regards to Ukraine resolving it by surrendering. 

Fortunately Ukraine and Russia are not the entire world and there's a lot more to worry about than ruskies and perogies.


Also you are lying. He never said anything about surrender 

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19 hours ago, Cooke said:

Fortunately Ukraine and Russia are not the entire world and there's a lot more to worry about than ruskies and perogies.


Also you are lying. He never said anything about surrender 

Now wait a minute, his take on the Russian Ukrainian issue directly reflects how he would handle foreign policy and invasion as a whole. So while it may seem like it’s happening in an irrelevant corner of the world, his opinion on it would imply a multitude of things.

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On 2023-05-25 at 10:50 AM, Twinblade said:

I just watched a snippet of his interview from Fox News, and he said nothing like that. His main point was that he didn’t want the war to escalate into a larger conflict in which the U.S would have to be directly involved with troops on the ground. While he was pretty vague there is little chance of the war escalating in that way.


On 2023-05-25 at 7:00 PM, Cooke said:

Fortunately Ukraine and Russia are not the entire world and there's a lot more to worry about than ruskies and perogies.


Also you are lying. He never said anything about surrender 


Cooke you should love DeSantis... He has your same stance and agrees with Trump that there should be a settlement (aka Ukraine surrenders) because it will be a war of attrition and Russia will win. 



And Twinblade didn't know you changed your stance on Ukraine to now agree with Cooke, Trump and now DeSantis too :umad:




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3 hours ago, Goukosan said:



Cooke you should love DeSantis... He has your same stance and agrees with Trump that there should be a settlement (aka Ukraine surrenders) because it will be a war of attrition and Russia will win. 



And Twinblade didn't know you changed your stance on Ukraine to now agree with Cooke, Trump and now DeSantis too :umad:





DeSantis is pretty ignorant, but like many other republicans he is deciding to take a anti-Biden approach to everything without actually have a full understanding of what he's talking about.


However, its worth keeping in mind that in the event that he does get elected he wouldn't start his tenure until January 2025. Even with a successful Ukranian counteroffensive I don't expect the war to end this year. It will however need to end next year. The rate of casualties on both sides isn't sustainable for a protracted conflict. So if the war is still ongoing in January 2025 then yes, there needs to be a settlement of some kind. Either Ukraine or Russia would have to cave at that point. And the hope is that the situation on the Battlefield will be in Ukraine’s favor at that point.

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10 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


DeSantis is pretty ignorant, but like many other republicans he is deciding to take a anti-Biden approach to everything without actually have a full understanding of what he's talking about.


However, its worth keeping in mind that in the event that he does get elected he wouldn't start his tenure until January 2025. Even with a successful Ukranian counteroffensive I don't expect the war to end this year. It will however need to end next year. The rate of casualties on both sides isn't sustainable for a protracted conflict. So if the war is still ongoing in January 2025 then yes, there needs to be a settlement of some kind. Either Ukraine or Russia would have to cave at that point. And the hope is that the situation on the Battlefield will be in Ukraine’s favor at that point.


That is my point. He is out of his depth, doesn't have a full grasp of the geopolitical situation and his stance on Ukraine changes with the wind. 

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


That is my point. He is out of his depth, doesn't have a full grasp of the geopolitical situation and his stance on Ukraine changes with the wind. 


In all honesty I don't think the Ukraine is any Americans' priority. Having either a good or shitty strategy is pretty much the same. 

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I dislike Trump, but DeSantis is fucking boring. He reminds me of a substitute teacher reading off the script the teacher (Trump) left for him. Either that or he's the store manager giving a scripted speech during the morning meeting geared towards the life-Alert crowd.

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On 2023-05-29 at 7:54 AM, Goukosan said:

This is the type of rhetoric he is running on. 


Straight up facism. 




lol, that scowel. 


 Dude straight up looks more like a fascist than Trump. Resting bitchface lookin' ass. TBF trump has that too, but this guy looks like he smelled a fart and his face got stuck like that.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 2023-06-28 at 10:36 PM, Goukosan said:

DeSantis is not a serious candidate confirmed. 


He is pledging to get rid of the department of Education, the IRS, Commerce and also the energy department :monkas:




He's actually going to be running to the right of Trump which is crazy and yet the center aisle people in here swear conservatives haven't gone further and further right wing. 

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On 2023-07-02 at 1:36 PM, Mr. Impossible said:


He's actually going to be running to the right of Trump which is crazy and yet the center aisle people in here swear conservatives haven't gone further and further right wing. 


He is..... And is getting more extreme by the day. 






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