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DeSantis announced he's running...I think?

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3 hours ago, Goukosan said:


He is..... And is getting more extreme by the day. 






Yeah, I saw that on on some clips shows but couldn't find the video directly. I mean, I didn't know how to feel after seeing it the first time other than "did they use Patrick Bateman as a hero?" in a video that's basic theme is the LGBTQ community wont be safe under DeSantis? This is the escalation that right wing bots in here have been denying is a reality. Mostly because they are content captured and partially because most of them are either bigots or stupid or both. Funny how it went from protecting kids to just attacking Trans people's existence, they're back to hating the Gays again, gaming  again, anime fans, Blacks again, Mexicans again, Women again...



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lol, that scowel.     Dude straight up looks more like a fascist than Trump. Resting bitchface lookin' ass. TBF trump has that too, but this guy looks like he smelled a fart and his face got

I say this because you care more about your bigotry than actually helping any child or woman...like most right wingers do. Which is why there hasn't been a Republican child/student focus on actual cur

The trans issue is just a Trojan horse to attack any group other than straight white evangelicals and gun nuts. Trans gets more play because conservatives feel justified being openly bigoted against t

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18 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yeah, I saw that on on some clips shows but couldn't find the video directly. I mean, I didn't know how to feel after seeing it the first time other than "did they use Patrick Bateman as a hero?" in a video that's basic theme is the LGBTQ community wont be safe under DeSantis? This is the escalation that right wing bots in here have been denying is a reality. Mostly because they are content captured and partially because most of them are either bigots or stupid or both. Funny how it went from protecting kids to just attacking Trans people's existence, they're back to hating the Gays again, gaming  again, anime fans, Blacks again, Mexicans again, Women again...




What hilarious is Densantis is trying to paint Trump as woke.... Lmfao. 

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12 hours ago, Goukosan said:


What hilarious is Densantis is trying to paint Trump as woke.... Lmfao. 


It's wild on multiple levels. One, all Trump said is that they will be safe. So conservatives have lost the plot from protecting children to all Trans people are not safe and the gays are next. 


I've been saying from day one they won't stop at stopping juvenile surgeries, which weren't happening to begin with. Gay marriage still has overall support, even from Republicans but the numbers have been steady dipping despite there being no national incidents ever to shed a bad light on it. Other than just generic antiwoke and right wing hysterics. 


DeSantis has already had multiple Marko Rubio moments where he short circuits and just speed runs his "dust bin of history" speech where he says woke like 10 times in less than a minute and no one ever really reacts to it. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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Further right wing rot and how easily "independent free thinkers" are charmed by extreme right wing rhetoric. Morgan goes from giving her a mild opening shot then over the course of this absurd debate he's basically her tag team partner. 


So despite this blabbering numbskull who is seemingly is unaware that women are currently in the military,  thinks women shouldn't have the right to vote, likes Andrew Tate, and that divorce should be illegal - Morgan's slug ass is constantly letting us know he agrees with her on a few topics and defending her against the British chick. 


Even if someone refuses the notion that conservatives and right wingers support white supremacy, ultimately when they hear people talking about disenfranchising or suffocating power from any group other than straight Christian white men, they're always open minded about what that person has to say. The same for independents and libertarians, they just don't have religious motivations. 

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On 2023-07-05 at 8:12 AM, Goukosan said:


What hilarious is Densantis is trying to paint Trump as woke.... Lmfao. 


He just did an interview with Tomi Larhen where he claims that Donald Trump pioneered gender ideology. These people are dishonest scum. No wonder @Twinbladewas so attracted to him at some point. 

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On 2023-07-05 at 9:00 PM, Mr. Impossible said:



Further right wing rot and how easily "independent free thinkers" are charmed by extreme right wing rhetoric. Morgan goes from giving her a mild opening shot then over the course of this absurd debate he's basically her tag team partner. 


So despite this blabbering numbskull who is seemingly is unaware that women are currently in the military,  thinks women shouldn't have the right to vote, likes Andrew Tate, and that divorce should be illegal - Morgan's slug ass is constantly letting us know he agrees with her on a few topics and defending her against the British chick. 


Even if someone refuses the notion that conservatives and right wingers support white supremacy, ultimately when they hear people talking about disenfranchising or suffocating power from any group other than straight Christian white men, they're always open minded about what that person has to say. The same for independents and libertarians, they just don't have religious motivations. 

That interview had nothing to do with race. 


Lol, when you see imagined racism everywhere. Poor Remy. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

That interview had nothing to do with race. 


It had to do with gender and political ideology. American White supremacy, patriarchal supremacy and queeerphobia are championed by all of the same people and eventually you milquetoast fence riders eventually find yourselves agreeing with.


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Lol, when you see imagined racism everywhere. Poor Remy. 


Lol so you skip everything else and focus on only the fact that I drew connections. How intellectually honest of you. 



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Just now, Mr. Impossible said:


Lol so you skip everything else and focus on only the fact that I drew connections. How intellectually honest of you. 



That's because I wasn't in disagreement with the rest of your post. I just think connecting it to white supremacy was far fetched.


Like when you mentioned one obvious part like women being part of the military, I couldn't agree more. I have even better arguments, important sectors to the rest of society like nurses and teachers are pre dominantly females. Aren't those pillars as well? There's more than hard labor. 50% of the workforce is not going to go away to go back to raising children ay home. Nothing against that but that's their choice. 


I have a lot of disagreement with the red pill crowd and people like Pearls in general. I bet you assume that's who I was. 



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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

That's because I wasn't in disagreement with the rest of your post. I just think connecting it to white supremacy was far fetched.


That's fine, I find narrow sightedness to be counter productive. It's really not that hard to quantify. Look at the goals of white supremacist and the goals of the right in general and get back to me. 


What is woke but a generic, catch-all for the right wing to attack people of color, (brown) immigrants, women, the LGBTQ community, Jews, Muslims... Etc. It's why Republican politicians are constantly finding themselves involved or connected with white nationalist groups. 


This is also purposeful too. Since 2010 white supremacist consciously began their rebrand. Some went more cosplay authority and other like the Proud Boys and Bugaloo Boys chose to be preppy and present a clean cut image. It wasn't their father's white supremacy. This is the digital age.


They were fighting for "western culture" - by which they really mean white culture. It's why conservatives like Walsh and Shapiro won't call out a Tate or other red pill types. 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Like when you mentioned one obvious part like women being part of the military, I couldn't agree more. I have even better arguments, important sectors to the rest of society like nurses and teachers are pre dominantly females. Aren't those pillars as well? There's more than hard labor. 50% of the workforce is not going to go away to go back to raising children ay home. Nothing against that but that's their choice. 


You basically destroyed a hundred million dollars industry in a paragraph, yet they persist. Because it's not just the redpill dating people. You don't watch Andrew Tate then tune into Kyle Kulinski. 


They watch Andrew Tate, then fresh and fit, then this Pearl Person, then Dailywire where all of the host, even the women tell them women should be housewives. Then maybe Stephen Crowder who berated his pregnant wife for not picking up his dog's shit while she's 8 months pregnant, then Walsh and his manbaby shit. 


TPUSA had a young leadership confrence last month and during a panel for women's rights they have a man telling them they shouldn't bother with careers or school and instead look into starting a family. TPUSA was created to reach out to college students and now telling (the women) to drop out or skip school. 


So from the center right out to the extremes, the right is basically shitting on women... Except against Trans people. That's the only time the right actually pretends to care about women. 



1 hour ago, Ramza said:

I have a lot of disagreement with the red pill crowd and people like Pearls in general. I bet you assume that's who I was. 


I don't think you want a woman with no job to rely on you to completely support her, even if she had your kids. But like keep it real... You and Twinblade were laughing about women being in the military or fire fighting. I'm sure you have issues with some of her commentary, but I'm sure there's plenty of things she says that you would agree with as well. 


And that's the point. Piers wasn't on her side and has issues with what you did, but just hearing a couple things he did like he actually treated her better than the other guest. Then after the show Pearl post the video and called the other woman a radical feminist... What did that woman say that was even remotely radical? 

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25 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

I don't think you want a woman with no job to rely on you to completely support her, even if she had your kids. But like keep it real... You and Twinblade were laughing about women being in the military or fire fighting. I'm sure you have issues with some of her commentary, but I'm sure there's plenty of things she says that you would agree with as well. 


And that's the point. Piers wasn't on her side and has issues with what you did, but just hearing a couple things he did like he actually treated her better than the other guest. Then after the show Pearl post the video and called the other woman a radical feminist... What did that woman say that was even remotely radical? 

I'm gonna let some things slide. I don't want to get into your racist theory. 


I didn't really find anything Pearl said enlightening, yes I agree with her on a surface level on certain things, like there is an issue of men and women relationship in the west, just look at the divorce rate, but she's not offering any tangible solutions to any issues. Saying women shouldn't vote is one of the craziest thing I heard in the red pill community. 


It's pretty pathetic when you think what the red pill community truly aspire to: it's basically Ben Shapiro's life. Two protected rich virgins who met at the end of their high school life, got wed and stuck together for the long haul since.

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10 hours ago, Ramza said:

I'm gonna let some things slide. I don't want to get into your racist theory. 


It's not really a theory. Conservativism hasn't really changed at its core in decades. Conservatives are still battling feminism after 50 years and blaming feminist for societal problems. 


You're fully willing to believe groomer theories though. You live a context free life yourself. The corrupt Supreme Court has spent the past year working overtime to reverse decades of progress and going on expensive trips with Republican megadonors. 


However, I could be wrong. I just see people like Matt Walsh talk about how slavery made everyone's lives better, so it's not as terrible as scholars made it seem, Dennis Prager stating that slave masters werent as cruel as people think, and even Candace Owens explaining the 'misconceptions' of slavery. 


The people that spent the past 3 years making covid lockdowns the equivalent of slavery or Nazi rule. But actual slavery wasn't that bad according to them. So wearing a mask for 15 minutes in Target one of the worst fates they could imagine. 


You don't have to, but find me a conservative outlet that's like "happy juneteenth" or Kwanzaa or something. More than likely you'll find them complaining about them existing at all. 


10 hours ago, Ramza said:


I didn't really find anything Pearl said enlightening, yes I agree with her on a surface level on certain things, like there is an issue of men and women relationship in the west, just look at the divorce rate, but she's not offering any tangible solutions to any issues. Saying women shouldn't vote is one of the craziest thing I heard in the red pill community. 


That's her tagline because it's so outrageous. She has nothing enlightening to say but neither does Matt Walsh, or Libs of Tiktok or Michael Knowles.


These people just stoke deep seated resentment in people, utilizing their own fans ignorance and assumptions to their advantage. So Walsh can go on the biggest podcast in the world and not know the basic information about the topic that he's famous for. Pearl can say stupid shit like quoting some made up poll in 1905 and feel like she is making a valid point. Nearly all of her points come from OKcupid and Tinder stats or anecdotal. 


She's not right about relationships in the west because she doesn't have an honest view of the world. FFS her platform is that divorce should be illegal. Conservatives never mention real world situations like rent, bills, tuition loans, rapidly changing work sectors, work hours, career stability, or a dozen other factors that affect people's actual lives.


So even though she went to college, and started a career, as well as Candace Owens. They'll both make it seem like a woman should be at home raising kids and making her man dinner every night. While they are hosting their own platforms, touring the world, and in the spotlight. 



It's pretty pathetic when you think what the red pill community truly aspire to: it's basically Ben Shapiro's life. Two protected rich virgins who met at the end of their high school life, got wed and stuck together for the long haul since.


Redpill is fringe but is just derived from the PUA and MRA communities a generation before it. The manosphere uses religious aesthetics at times, but only the parts where women are told to serve men or men are given permission spread themselves around. 

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1 minute ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You don't have to, but find me a conservative outlet that's like "happy juneteenth" or Kwanzaa or something. More than likely you'll find them complaining about them existing at all. 

Why do conservatives need to wish happy Kwanzaa for you to not believe they are all deeply bigoted?


What, do you think all the companies that virtue signal Pride month every year (except in other countries where it's not permitted like Saudi Arabia, showing they are just hypocrites) are actually morally superior? All it take is some form of, cheap, easy and hollow virtue signaling for you? I doubt that, you're not shallow. 


Pretty sure if Matt Walsh started his show with a happy Kwanzaa it would make zero difference to you. The guy is still a piece of shit.


6 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

So even though she went to college, and started a career, as well as Candace Owens. They'll both make it seem like a woman should be at home raising kids and making her man dinner every night. While they are hosting their own platforms, touring the world, and in the spotlight. 



9 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Redpill is fringe but is just derived from the PUA and MRA communities a generation before it. The manosphere uses religious aesthetics at times, but only the parts where women are told to serve men or men are given permission spread themselves around. 

I don't know where it comes from but I'm pretty sure the red pill movement is partly a result of social media and most importantly, the ''Tinder'' dating scene that fucks up so many young people. I'd feel disfranchised as well if Tinder was my main way of meeting new people.


These kids need to drop their fucking phones and meet people with similar interest and build connections from there. Trying to find a pure girl with a low ''body count'' (gosh, I hate this fucking expression) on Tinder is like trying to buy a gun in Canada. Good luck with that. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Why do conservatives need to wish happy Kwanzaa for you to not believe they are all deeply bigoted?


IDGAF about Kwanza or Juneteeth. IDGAF about any Jewish holidays either. However if I hosted a show, and I didnt criticize or attack any public holidays other than Jewish ones, chances are people would think I have an issue with Jews. Rightfully so. 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:


What, do you think all the companies that virtue signal Pride month every year (except in other countries where it's not permitted like Saudi Arabia, showing they are just hypocrites) are actually morally superior? All it take is some form of, cheap, easy and hollow virtue signaling for you? I doubt that, you're not shallow. 


I believe that's capitalism, not virtue signaling. These same companies celebrate President's day, 4th of July, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Father's day, Memorial day,...pretty much any day where shopping spikes. It's only idiotic and deceptive conservatives who claim it's virtue signaling because they hate whatever group they're discussing. Is being anti-cancer virtue signaling too?  Why isn't patriotism virtue signaling? What's crazy is its people who claim to have divine connections and moral mandates from God, calling their opponents evil and amoral, accusing other people of virtue signaling.  Then fence sitting, middle of the road "centrist" like you and Cooke falling for that stupid shit and repeating it. 


Oh, I'm going to hell for having sex out of wedlock, watching porn from time to time, and using recreational drugs but Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Walsh are going to heaven because they live "better lifestyles" than I do...but I'm into virtue signaling? Got it. 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:


Pretty sure if Matt Walsh started his show with a happy Kwanzaa it would make zero difference to you. The guy is still a piece of shit.


He doesn't have to remark on it at all. It's not just Walsh. Its the entire Daily Wire, Charlie Kirk, it's Prager U, It's Tim Pool, It's Fox News. You guys love to find narratives, but you can't draw a line that every single conservative news outlet say almost the same exact thing on most issues with zero gradation. It's one thing for some hardcore conservative to completely blind to it, but whats your excuse? Or Cookes? Or Twinblades? You all claim to be centrist or "classic liberals" yet fall for every single right wing narrative. A few years ago Daily Wire released a cartoon video on Thanksgiving, making of the Native American genocide. Now, there's many ways to celebrate or acknowledge Thanksgiving. What exactly was the point of making fun of the near genociding of a people? I'm asking rhetorically. They had the video immediately removed after the backlash and Ben Shapiro claimed it was posted on his day off...despite it being a fucking cartoon they commissioned so how the fuck did it making it online without his or any higher ups knowledge? It must have taken weeks to make. 


Republicans always talking about how Dems keep Black voters interest by pandering, yet dont acknowledge their hostile treatment of black people and other  groups. Maybe if they didn't spend all of February complaining about Black history month, what if they actually either were neutral or maybe even leaned into it? Or didnt make dishonest reasons to delegitimize any acknowledgments for black people? Or maybe stop worshipping the confederacy?  I think one of Kirk's points was that this was a man made holiday....like WTF holiday isn't? Christmas isn't even the day of the year Jesus was born FFS. It's fucking maddening because this isn't even smart or clever or esoteric. It's people like this fucking idiot with no charm, no charisma, not specialized training, not even actual intellectual curiosity, driving one half the culture. Then having slack jawed idiots constantly missing the plot and who dont want to rock the boat cosigning. 


1 hour ago, Ramza said:




I don't know where it comes from but I'm pretty sure the red pill movement is partly a result of social media and most importantly, the ''Tinder'' dating scene that fucks up so many young people. I'd feel disfranchised as well if Tinder was my main way of meeting new people.


None of these problems are entirely new or exclusive to social media. An awkward person irl could potentially thrive online, or be just as awkward. Tinder might speed run someone through their paces but it also allows people to cast wider nets. Online dating definitely has issues, but more or less I find it on par with irl dating, except where in person I'm FAR less likely to approach a stranger and ask them out. The PUA grifters definitely turned lonely boy's issues into money and that helped build redpill fandom but it's still just reprocessed misogyny at its core. These are not clever people. Andrew Tate is not smart, Peal is not smart, Fresh and Fit are not smart, Kevin Samuels was not smart. They have to rely on pre-established misconceptions and drawing illogical connections in order to sell their theories. So the foundation of all of their platform is anti-feminism


There's a reason why conservative dating platforms are DOA. When there are no trans people, or blacks, or gays, Muslims, or immigrants to vilify, conservative men then turn on their own women. And conservative men dont like women challenging men in any way. Remember when Trump called that CNN host nasty because she kept trying to get him to answer her questions then you laughed with him and then you called her a bitch? But you do believe in protecting women from trans people as much as possible right?



1 hour ago, Ramza said:

These kids need to drop their fucking phones and meet people with similar interest and build connections from there. Trying to find a pure girl with a low ''body count'' (gosh, I hate this fucking expression) on Tinder is like trying to buy a gun in Canada. Good luck with that. 


I dont think the bodycount thing is some real metric that people are using in practice. Again, they are just repackaging conservative talking points so of course they need to shame women as much as possible. This is why they all have a caveat that men can sleep with as many women they want and its not a big deal. Even to the point where they justify a why a woman should overlook if her husband is cheating. What magical and logical thinking that isn't at all aimed specifically for men. It's one thing if you think Tinder is cancer to dating for everyone. It's another when someone says a man's inability to get a girl is the fault of women as a whole. 


Again, I'm talking about core issues. The reason there's no conservative or right wing pushback is because they are derived from the same ideology. They play to the extremes but the power in their messaging is capturing the agnostic minds. So yeah, some racist woman hating reddit troll gravitates to this stuff but the goal is appealing to the "independent thinker" who never think for themselves crowd. They are winning when they get these types of people defending Trump against being racist or defending Andrew Tate for being abusive. 

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13 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

IDGAF about Kwanza or Juneteeth. IDGAF about any Jewish holidays either. However if I hosted a show, and I didnt criticize or attack any public holidays other than Jewish ones, chances are people would think I have an issue with Jews. Rightfully so. 

You need to stop watching DailyWire. 


14 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

None of these problems are entirely new or exclusive to social media. An awkward person irl could potentially thrive online, or be just as awkward. Tinder might speed run someone through their paces but it also allows people to cast wider nets. Online dating definitely has issues, but more or less I find it on par with irl dating, except where in person I'm FAR less likely to approach a stranger and ask them out. The PUA grifters definitely turned lonely boy's issues into money and that helped build redpill fandom but it's still just reprocessed misogyny at its core. These are not clever people. Andrew Tate is not smart, Peal is not smart, Fresh and Fit are not smart, Kevin Samuels was not smart. They have to rely on pre-established misconceptions and drawing illogical connections in order to sell their theories. So the foundation of all of their platform is anti-feminism

I can see your logic, yeah. You're making sense.


You're gonna hate me for saying that but I really think Andew Tate has a good message (out of a 100), I heard him something the other day which is pretty much an aspect of classic stoic philosophy, he wasn't being super smart or anything but it seem like it came from a genuine place. He was saying basically that a person doesn't grow without overcoming challenges, or pain, there's no light, without dark. Nothing that is worth doing, is easy, basically.


And I was like yeah, that's a very good message. I see nothing wrong with that. A good thing to say to a bunch of young kids who stay home playing too many games being afraid of trying. 


I don't care for the other you mentioned. I hold a particular hatred for the dude who host the Whatever podcast, whoever he is. Oh my god. ''What's your body count?'' ''Ok, guys, what do you bring a relationship and why do you expect a traditional man when you are not a traditional woman?''


Oh my god, how many times can they repeat the same taking points do you think? Jesus. I can see that those people are set in stone in their belief and will never admit to anything else. 


22 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

emember when Trump called that CNN host nasty because she kept trying to get him to answer her questions then you laughed with him and then you called her a bitch? But you do believe in protecting women from trans people as much as possible right?


Yeah dude, she was being really rude, cutting him off constantly, challenging him at every turn, being condescending and confrontational while supposedly being the host. You clearly didn't watch it. She was a nasty woman, Remy. A nasty woman doesn't mean all women. Take your alleged misogyny elsewhere. 


Now I need to finish this joint. 

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33 minutes ago, Ramza said:

You need to stop watching DailyWire. 


I dont. Even if I watched it daily, what is your point? My point is the content they make and the influence they have. The reason I'm aware of their bullshit is because they are one of if not the biggest digital conservative outlets. They have billionaire backing, their platform has Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and Candace Owens. One or more them are trending nearly daily. Even then you have their B-team of Michael "erradicate Transgenderism" Knowles, Brett Cooper, Dennis Prager, and others on the bench. Shit they offered Steven Crowder 50 million dollars to do youtube videos and specials. They are also buying out other sites and their catalogs and making movies. This has nothing to with whether I watch them or not. Their content is still out there, and influential. 


And the problem is it's not just them. There is no actual level headed conservatives or right wingers. There's very little difference between Daily Wire, Tim Pool, LibsofTicTok, Turning Point, Steven Crowder. The only conservative contrast ironically comes from Bill Mahr  and even he's captured to a degree. 



33 minutes ago, Ramza said:


I can see your logic, yeah. You're making sense.


You're gonna hate me for saying that but I really think Andew Tate has a good message (out of a 100), I heard him something the other day which is pretty much an aspect of classic stoic philosophy, he wasn't being super smart or anything but it seem like it came from a genuine place. He was saying basically that a person doesn't grow without overcoming challenges, or pain, there's no light, without dark. Nothing that is worth doing, is easy, basically.


So basically motivational meme stuff. 


33 minutes ago, Ramza said:


And I was like yeah, that's a very good message. I see nothing wrong with that. A good thing to say to a bunch of young kids who stay home playing too many games being afraid of trying. 


I don't care for the other you mentioned. I hold a particular hatred for the dude who host the Whatever podcast, whoever he is. Oh my god. ''What's your body count?'' ''Ok, guys, what do you bring a relationship and why do you expect a traditional man when you are not a traditional woman?''


Oh my god, how many times can they repeat the same taking points do you think? Jesus. I can see that those people are set in stone in their belief and will never admit to anything else. 


Well the Whatever people are basically just the bottom feeders.  People coming in trying to clean up whatever sloppy seconds they can get from F&F, Tate and others. Even that Pearl chick just plagiarizes every other redpill stuff and half of the time has a blank look on her face as she's trying to just regurgitate what one of them or Keven Samuel says. I hate him but not as much as Tate as I've known so many of the second gen for first gen American hispanic men who deal with passed down dating dynamics. I remember one of my best friend's aunt has a number of health complications because her husband had spread multiple STIs over the years. She would never leave him, they were old school. 


So yeah, these kinds of marriages can last a lifetime but at what cost? Is this better than a woman who could support herself leaving her husband while she was young and possibly living a better existence because she could have? People comparing divorce rates to early century US stats or global stats dont tell so many stories. I guess my frustration is that conservative or right wing talking points completely disintegrate with context or detail. The long the conversation goes, the more research, the more data analyzed it's nearly impossible to agree with them. You either have to turn your brain off, or be blinded by person issues to not see through it. It's ridiculously performative. 


33 minutes ago, Ramza said:


Yeah dude, she was being really rude, cutting him off constantly, challenging him at every turn, being condescending and confrontational while supposedly being the host. You clearly didn't watch it. She was a nasty woman, Remy. A nasty woman doesn't mean all women. Take your alleged misogyny elsewhere. 


Now I need to finish this joint. 


We can expand on how Trump has reacted to any woman that has pushed back on him in public. In nearly every debate he's been in he's savaged any woman near him. From "bleeding everywhere" Megan Kelly, nasty woman Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz's wife, Carly (who wants to look at that face) Fioriana...it's like....it's a pattern. hmmmmm. lol That was the day he lost a case where he claimed the woman 'was too ugly to rape'. But thanks for proving my point. You also dont think he's racist. It's like the point I've been making keeps being validated some how.


Even fucking wilder is we now have fucking DeSantis calling Trump woke....like the world keeps getting worse and worse. But it's the left's fault of course. 



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DeSantis really dropped the ball. He could have been the perfect antidote to Trump, but instead he completely mismanaged his campaign and focusing so heavily on his anti-woke stance above pretty much everything else has really reduced his appeal for many people. I mean I dislike wokeness as much as most reasonable people but the fact that he veered so extremely into that direction and thought that alone would make him qualified to be president is pretty ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

DeSantis really dropped the ball. He could have been the perfect antidote to Trump, but instead he completely mismanaged his campaign and focusing so heavily on his anti-woke stance above pretty much everything else has really reduced his appeal for many people. I mean I dislike wokeness as much as most reasonable people but the fact that he veered so extremely into that direction and thought that alone would make him qualified to be president is pretty ridiculous.


He is just doubling down on what got him elected on Florida twice so he thinks it works nationally.  Not sure why you're surprised when this is who he has always been. 

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Lol dude can't catch a break. He's so unlikeable they have begun to send his wife out on the trail solo. I'm sure him attempting to do his job as gov of one of the most critical states played a part too. 


However Trump loyalist have been lining up Casey as one of his bigger problems too. I bet any money Trump will pounce and claim that DeSantis is a wimp and his wife wears the pants in the relationship. 

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On 2023-07-08 at 5:13 PM, Mr. Impossible said:

We can expand on how Trump has reacted to any woman that has pushed back on him in public. In nearly every debate he's been in he's savaged any woman near him. From "bleeding everywhere" Megan Kelly, nasty woman Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz's wife, Carly (who wants to look at that face) Fioriana...it's like....it's a pattern. hmmmmm. lol That was the day he lost a case where he claimed the woman 'was too ugly to rape'. But thanks for proving my point. You also dont think he's racist. It's like the point I've been making keeps being validated some how.


Even fucking wilder is we now have fucking DeSantis calling Trump woke....like the world keeps getting worse and worse. But it's the left's fault of course. 

What does it has to do with that particular moment we were talking about? That doesn't give her the right to be rude and challenging on a national TV during a town hall campaign message meant to his base. He called her out on her shit, rightfully so, period.


Rofl, when you think bashing Hillary Clinton, one of the most vile and corrupted person in American politics is considered misogynistic. The same bitch who came up with the fake steele dossier to indict Trump. Lmao, please. 

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32 minutes ago, Ramza said:

What does it has to do with that particular moment we were talking about? That doesn't give her the right to be rude and challenging on a national TV during a town hall campaign message meant to his base.


She was the fucking moderator, it's not a concert or rally. He wasn't there to do his rally bullshit. If he's avoiding answering questions, filibustering, and babbling on incoherently what is she supposed to do? Just let him open mic it? 


The irony is that nearly everyone agreed it was a disastrous event (including CNN and part of why the president was fired) and was just Trump steamrolling his rhetoric and avoiding accountability. Meanwhile you're here like "she didn't let him do him.". Like she was his co-host or something. 



He called her out on her shit, rightfully so, period.


Rofl, when you think bashing Hillary Clinton, one of the most vile and corrupted person in American politics is considered misogynistic. The same bitch who came up with the fake steele dossier to indict Trump. Lmao, please. 



Lol it's like surreal watching you go out of your way to defend him against being a misogynist despite him talking about assaulting women, being found libel of assaulting a woman, being accused of assault by his ex wife, as well as a dozen other women, and his general public existence... All as part of your denial that you defend misogynist and racists right wingers. 

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