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LOL every game at Playstation's Showcase is coming to PC...

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20 minutes ago, jehurey said:

In other words.............you just debunked your entire topic


:lawl::lawl::lawl:that was easy:lawl::lawl:


Then again, its usually pretty easy debunking a blatant liar such as him.

No I didn't.  Spider-Man 2 IS coming, PC Gamer cant say it is until Sony does... but it's coming.  


Do you want to make a bet about that? :drake: 

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It's coming to PC too     And now he's trying to talk about HL:A     He's truly melting down... and the funny thing is that @FIREPOWER completely abandoned him and ran away from th

Just now, Remij said:

No I didn't.  Spider-Man 2 IS coming. 


:lawl::lawl::lawl:he just tried to backtrack his backtrack


No, you "hope" its coming.


Hence the entire reason why you don't get to lecture anybody on the idea of looking stupid and desperate


You, and PC Gamer are pathetic:hest:No wonder you rushed to post this article. They're speaking your language: Desperate

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Just now, jehurey said:

:lawl::lawl::lawl:he just tried to backtrack his backtrack


No, you "hope" its coming.


Hence the entire reason why you don't get to lecture anybody on the idea of looking stupid and desperate


You, and PC Gamer are pathetic:hest:No wonder you rushed to post this article. They're speaking your language: Desperate

No, I'm not hoping... any thought of needing to hope for Sony's biggest games disappeared long ago LOL


Just like I didn't need to hope for Zelda on PC to look and run better than Ditch day 1 :lawl: 

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Just now, Remij said:

No, I'm not hoping...

yes you are


you literally posted an article that has NO official information, done NO journalism of any type


and just typed "Uh......well, eventually"


That's the definition of "hope"



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Just now, jehurey said:

yes you are


you literally posted an article that has NO official information, done NO journalism of any type


and just typed "Uh......well, eventually"


That's the definition of "hope"



It does have all the information.  Those games were literally confirmed right on the stream "PS5 & PC" and also through the press releases and official trailers for those games.... :lemming: 




You know how truly PATHETIC that is?  For Sony's BIG PS SHOWCASE after having gone ~2 years without one.... to have every game but ONE absolutely 100% confirmed for PC....  My fucking god.  Cows are truly blind as to what's happening.


In 2 years time, Sony's future showcases are going to have mobile and PC live service games front and center... and more indie games than ever.  And the most pathetic thing is that their biggest of the big games, will keep encroaching earlier and earlier as people have already just conceded that these games will be on PC...  Sony is literally expertly wearing down your resolve... all while Jimbo whispers sweet nothings in your ears :lawl: 

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PC gamer typed that because it's given. Just like it's a given that you're going to be butthurt about this all night...  :tom: 


There's no need to hope for Sony games anymore... If PC gamers had to hope for Spider-Man 2... you wouldn't have cows saying "you have to wait 2 years" :hest: 

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18 minutes ago, Remij said:

It does have all the information.

:tom: look at all of that.


No it doesn't have actual information


Typing "Uh...........eventually" is not information




That's why you have no credibility to make fun of others, when you created this thread:hest:

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16 minutes ago, Remij said:

PC gamer typed that because it's given. Just like it's a given that you're going to be butthurt about this all night...  :tom: 


There's no need to hope for Sony games anymore... If PC gamers had to hope for Spider-Man 2... you wouldn't have cows saying "you have to wait 2 years" :hest: 

:tom:he literally got so angry that he typed a second post


No, its not a "given"


It was a wish.


That you're trying to peddle as confirmation:kaz:

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