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European Commission: PlayStation outsells Xbox 4:1

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12 teraflops. :adhd: 


Gamepass is having it's best stretch ever. :adhd: 


Playstation Showcase was a disaster, Phil Spencer has a golden opportunity right now to make a come back. :adhd: 


European Commission: PlayStation outsells Xbox 4:1


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2 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:

What's to say?  MS fucked up legitimately every opportunity they had to win back some mindshare... and yes, they legitimately had some.  Halo flopped, Forza is great, but it's not anything new or special... they had no games for all of 2022... haven't seen anything from their other games like Avowed, Perfect Dark, and Fable.  Failing to capitalize on Halo for the Series console launch, and thus failing to maintain any buzz with Game Pass..  They either have a problem producing their Series X chips, or they're hoarding them for their cloud servers.  Who could have foreseen Phil Spencer literally coming out and saying they're not trying to "out console" Sony or Nintendo?  Losing key figures of their development studios.  Perfect Dark literally losing their dev team and being thrust onto Crystal Dynamics to fix, or redo... Not securing the merger with Activision/Blizzard..  It's been failure after failure.


I'm definitely playing with fire betting on them...  I'm not stupid.. I know it's a high risk/reward situation.  Being wrong about it doesn't bother me though, because I'm not a fucking lemming :D  My relationship with Xbox is "some extra games on my PC each year" ...just like any other... including Sony's.  If I was an Xbot console fan I would have killed myself by the end of last gen and switched to PS like Bodycount :lul: 


None of that changes the fact that I like betting on the underdog.. and I want to see MS actually do some cool shit with their games and succeed.  I don't need every game to be a Sony cinematic action game. I like I lot of MS's IPs.. and they have some damn good studios with projects we've yet to see... and it doesn't change the fact that it makes things interesting on a forum which would otherwise just be a Sony circle jerk every day.


After Xbox's 2022 performance... they DESERVE to be outsold 4 to 1. :shrug: 


It'll be interesting to see how they do at their showcase coming up.  Couldn't suck more than Sony's did I'm sure... :lupe: 

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1 hour ago, sugarhigh said:

It can absolutely suck more than Sony. Sony had a great show with tons of brand new first party reveals.

I doubt it, but we'll see.  

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It's true that Microsoft is not doing anything this gen so far, aside from some shitty exclusives on Gamepass.

Too bad though, Series X is an amazing piece of hardware, much better than that ugly ass monster pos5.


MS seems to be taking developers but not doing anything with them.

Almost three years into Series X and no new Elder Scrolls nor Fallout, not even a hint.


Rockstar, an independent studio is holding on GTA6 for so long that we might see another GTA5 remaster again.


Sucks though, because the only thing we can turn into is what? more walking simulators from Sony? Complete with SJW themes and women with dicks.


Nope, fuck that.


I´d rather stick to Switch and playing old Xbox games.


Fuck you Sony.

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They haven't had games in over a decade, and xbox consoles are terrible even down to the hardware/software of the console itself. It's an abysmal system with nothing going for it, xbox sales are surprisingly good considering all that.

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9 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


When was the last time MS had a good show? 

Well, if you were a Xbox console fan, probably been quite a while.. 2019 maybe?  I think some of their relatively recent E3 shows were good as a PC gamer, which is how I view them.  You get new looks at a lot of upcoming games, and there's lots of variety to the stuff shown typically.



I think this year could be a pretty good show if they show off some of the shit that was announced forever ago.  I mean they've got to be showing Fable, Perfect Dark, Avowed, right?  I'm always down for Forza, so new gameplay showing off the career mode and a release date for later this year would be nice.  Better look into Hellblade 2.  Glimpse at Gears 6 or whatever The Coalition is making.


We know those games exist.. and I'm interested in them all, so seeing them would be pretty exciting.


Lots of stuff I'd love to see, but probably wont happen.  New Banjo or Kameo game, new Killer Instinct game and stuff like that.  


Basically, for me, I'm excited for this show, and will be happy with seeing stuff we already know about but haven't showed yet.. seeing that stuff would likely make it a better show than the PS Showcase for me.  If they fail to show any or either of those 3 games (PD, Fable, Avowed) it will instantly be a massive failure to me.  Fuck them if they don't show those games at this event.

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24 minutes ago, Remij said:

Well, if you were a Xbox console fan, probably been quite a while.. 2019 maybe?  I think some of their relatively recent E3 shows were good as a PC gamer, which is how I view them.  You get new looks at a lot of upcoming games, and there's lots of variety to the stuff shown typically.



I think this year could be a pretty good show if they show off some of the shit that was announced forever ago.  I mean they've got to be showing Fable, Perfect Dark, Avowed, right?  I'm always down for Forza, so new gameplay showing off the career mode and a release date for later this year would be nice.  Better look into Hellblade 2.  Glimpse at Gears 6 or whatever The Coalition is making.


We know those games exist.. and I'm interested in them all, so seeing them would be pretty exciting.


Lots of stuff I'd love to see, but probably wont happen.  New Banjo or Kameo game, new Killer Instinct game and stuff like that.  


Basically, for me, I'm excited for this show, and will be happy with seeing stuff we already know about but haven't showed yet.. seeing that stuff would likely make it a better show than the PS Showcase for me.  If they fail to show any or either of those 3 games (PD, Fable, Avowed) it will instantly be a massive failure to me.  Fuck them if they don't show those games at this event.


So by your generous estimation they haven't had a good show in 4 years.


That 2019 show wasn't even good so it's more like in 5 to 7 years... But just for this I can use 4 years because my point still works. 


So in 4 years they haven't had a good show, yet somehow you expect a good show front them.... Ok

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10 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


So by your generous estimation they haven't had a good show in 4 years.


That 2019 show wasn't even good so it's more like in 5 to 7 years... But just for this I can use 4 years because my point still works. 


So in 4 years they haven't had a good show, yet somehow you expect a good show front them.... Ok

Read what I said again. 


I said their recent shows have been good for me personally because they show a lot of games which I've want to see more of.  I don't need to justify a console box, and thus these conferences don't affect me the same.



And this wasn't a question of whether or not they could have a good show, I said I doubted it could suck more than Sony's show... and that's referring to expectations set by Sony and their fans.  I just finished telling you that if they don't show Perfect Dark, Fable, or Avowed, it will be a massive disappointment... because my expectation is that they show those games.  At the end of the day, all they have to do is show those games and it will be a far better conference than Sony's. lol

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