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Don't care to know because im not interested.  You seem pretty fascinated by it though... Knock yourself out. 

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1 hour ago, Cooke said:

It's cool how this transgender movement has really brought back the gender stereotypes that feminists tried so hard to eliminate. 


If you're a masculine woman then obviously you're not a tomboy, you're a real boy! 


If you're a feminine man then obviously you're not just effeminate, you're a real woman! 


It's almost like conversion therapy but to the absolute most extreme conclusion. Iran does it, that's why they have no gay people there according to their president. 

No, Iran “has no gay people” there because they get executed. Or pressured into sex reassignment surgery, not by some Trans movement, but by the government and society there as a whole. Your anger and hatred is misguided.

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11 hours ago, Cooke said:

It's cool how this transgender movement has really brought back the gender stereotypes that feminists tried so hard to eliminate. 


If you're a masculine woman then obviously you're not a tomboy, you're a real boy! 


It's wild how obtuse your thinking is. Like literally no one is saying this, they are saying there's more expression than "tomboy" which is usally just used for little kids. No fucking adult woman is going around calling herself a tomboy. If's fine if they do, but this is you lying and acting belligerent. 


11 hours ago, Cooke said:


If you're a feminine man then obviously you're not just effeminate, you're a real woman! 


Ditto as above. I know I tell you almost daily how stupid you are but it's like you fucking find new IQ lows to reach. This is no different than claiming that being pro=abortion means a person loves killing babies. It's such a petty and overused rightwing psyOp shit way of existing. 


11 hours ago, Cooke said:


It's almost like conversion therapy but to the absolute most extreme conclusion. Iran does it, that's why they have no gay people there according to their president. 


Well I mean why make any intellectually or factually honest comments at this point in the thread. Says a lot when people who trying to frame something as bad, have to completely lie and misrepresent the truth. 

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