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Kitase: "Development on Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth is progressing smoothly and we're working on nailing a release date"

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7 minutes ago, Ike said:

Butthurt hermits itt :kaz: 


10/10 Masterpiece :lawd:

Played it day one on PS4. Denied.


Terrible game. Will never play again (neither will any of you). :tom:


You frauds.

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1 minute ago, Ramza said:

The story was much better and actually complete. :D Not to mention just in term of content alone. The best moment of the fucking game hasn't even happened in the Remake. No Golden Saucer. No epic adventure across a huge map with other settlements. Red wasn't even playable. The atma weapons. The military parade. The airships. The backstory revelations. 


A FF game without any airships. :rofl:


The battle system and customization were awesome. It was an extremely addictive turn based RPG (master race genre). 


Now you got a mediocre action game with awful cringe dialogues added in. :pavarotti:


but bu I can watch under Tifa skirt in 3D ;(  


- bweebtre 


You people have no fucking taste.



Breh, you should see Tifa in VR and get back to me :sass2:

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3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Played it day one on PS4. Denied.


Terrible game. Will never play again (neither will any of you). :tom:


You frauds.

10/10 Masterpiece. Your opinion is shit. :muttley:

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14 minutes ago, Ike said:

10/10 Masterpiece. Your opinion is shit. :muttley:

Goes well alongside Deathloop. Another modern gaming masterpiece. :lul:

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4 hours ago, Ramza said:

A good studio could pull off at least the first disc in term of content... Midgar in the remake is just pathetic, it's small corridors connected with loading times where Cloud cramps around some small wall cracks. It's pathetic in a world where most western studios pull off AAA open world with ease. The graphics looks nice but that's it. 


I don't know what you're on about, but Midgard is way more fleshed out and lively here than it was in the original. Saying its just corridors is completely inaccurate, there are actually far more open areas than in the original.

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7 hours ago, Twinblade said:


I don't know what you're on about, but Midgard is way more fleshed out and lively here than it was in the original. Saying its just corridors is completely inaccurate, there are actually far more open areas than in the original.

Not it isn't. The wall district was slightly bigger. A few new areas for the side quests, all of which are small boxes and corridors. There are no open world environment in FF7R. Some areas were slightly bigger to incorporate real time combat encounters. That's it. They are literally all in the original. 


Have you guys ever played the original? I'm starting to think you haven't or you have forgotten. Most of the story beats are the same, about 90% of the game is literally just the first 10 hours in Midgar blown up with boring side content. 


Anyway, the original FF7 is actually a fully fleshed out world. Not just one city. Roff.

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5 hours ago, Ramza said:

Not it isn't. The wall district was slightly bigger. A few new areas for the side quests, all of which are small boxes and corridors. There are no open world environment in FF7R. Some areas were slightly bigger to incorporate real time combat encounters. That's it. They are literally all in the original. 


Have you guys ever played the original? I'm starting to think you haven't or you have forgotten. Most of the story beats are the same, about 90% of the game is literally just the first 10 hours in Midgar blown up with boring side content. 


Anyway, the original FF7 is actually a fully fleshed out world. Not just one city. Roff.

You brought up Midgard, I’m not referring to the rest of the game. But Midgard in the remake is absolutely better than Midgard in the original. You get to see parts of it that you never saw before, like the residential district and many of the underground areas. The main and side characters alike have a larger presence, and are more fleshed out. The Avalanche members in particular have full backstories and personalities, while in the original game they barely got any screen time at all. This also contributes to the larger scope of the story, with more events and higher stakes compared to the original.

you guys are so bitter and can’t appreciate what the remake adds to the FF7 universe.

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23 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

You brought up Midgard, I’m not referring to the rest of the game. But Midgard in the remake is absolutely better than Midgard in the original. You get to see parts of it that you never saw before, like the residential district and many of the underground areas. The main and side characters alike have a larger presence, and are more fleshed out. The Avalanche members in particular have full backstories and personalities, while in the original game they barely got any screen time at all. This also contributes to the larger scope of the story, with more events and higher stakes compared to the original.

you guys are so bitter and can’t appreciate what the remake adds to the FF7 universe.

:D The new story beats were mostly about Jesse craving Cloud's dick and the big guy having cats? It didn't make the story better or upped the stakes in any way. 


You're completely delusional. 

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23 hours ago, bhytre said:

Dinosaur gaming :rofls:

:mad: You don't know about the epic story and all th- PLEASE INSERT DISC 3

lmfaoooooooooo 😭


I just remembered you admitted to being a fan of FFVIII before... :D FFVII was the better PS1 RPG, no one would ever say otherwise. 




Also you were a fan of Parasite Eve 2. Lol owned by my superior memory for remembering absolutely useless details about SW posters. 



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31 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I just remembered you admitted to being a fan of FFVIII before... :D FFVII was the better PS1 RPG, no one would ever say otherwise. 




Also you were a fan of Parasite Eve 2. Lol owned by my superior memory for remembering absolutely useless details about SW posters. 




I mentioned how I played FFVIII until the final fight with Ultimecia and then quit there lmfao, still never finished it :tom:  The OST was fantastic though :glad: 

And PE2 did own :glad: 

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Ain't got no interest in this dumb as fuck sequel series. The story is just straight up shit fanfiction. Anyone who thinks this garbage is anywhere close to the original needs to go play in heavy traffic.

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