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Those of you who don’t own an Xbox, are you buying one now?

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Nope. More of the same shit as they’ve always shown (Forza, Flight Sim, expansions for SoT, F76, and ESO) and Starfell will just be more of the same from Bethesda. 

All the Altus games they showed will be mutilplat too. 

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5 minutes ago, Ike said:

Nope. More of the same shit as they’ve always shown (Forza, Flight Sim, expansions for SoT, F76, and ESO) and Starfell will just be more of the same from Bethesda. 

All the Altus games they showed will be mutilplat too. 

Meanwhile… you’re waiting on TLOU3, Spider-Man 8, GOW673, and Whorizon 3. :Jeff:

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3 minutes ago, Tears of the Cows said:

Meanwhile… you’re waiting on TLOU3, Spider-Man 8, GOW673, and Whorizon 3. :Jeff:

You're either a troll or stupid. 

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For what? Fable and Forza? What is this, 2010?


The games looked awful, real low budget gamepass filler kind of content. Fable and forza are old hat, hellblade isnt exactly a system seller no mattet how much ghostz now pretends the dev is AAA tier.


So you got games like starfield which are best on PC.


Xbox has no games for a decade, finally dhows off some games and lemmings think they've won the console war when in reality xflop gets back to where it was pre 2015 - which a bunch of watered down pc ports and uninspired looking flops.


There was nothing there to convince anyone to buy an xbox.

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