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Outriders has still not returned a profit.

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Thought this was interesting cause we rarely get a proper insight into how larger games that launch on GP perform financially.


But Outriders was considered a big GP hit and was constantly spoken about how GP can help a games sales on other platforms.

However the developers themselves state that the game as of March 31st 2023 has still not returned a profit:


"Furthermore, in accordance with the development and publishing agreement signed on February 16th 2016 between the parent and Square Enix Limited to develop Outriders, since the game was completed and released on April 1st 2021 the Group is entitled to receive consideration in the form of royalties. Their amount is directly linked to and represents a percentage of the profit earned on the sale of the game.

"The Group received no royalties from the publisher for the period to March 31st 2023, which means that as at the reporting date net proceeds from the sale of Outriders were insufficient to recover the costs and expenses incurred by the publisher to develop, distribute and promote the title."




That means that the GP deal didn't even get close to covering costs as GP deal + sales on PS and PC have still not turned a profit in the game. 



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18 minutes ago, Playstation Tablet said:

The number of failed GAAS has really puled up in the last few years. Sony will probably suffer the same fate.

This wasnt really a GAAS though. That was it's selling point. It was a looter shooter with a story/campaign and an actual end point. 

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GastricBypass simply doesn't have a big enough userbase to carry some no name multiplayer game. Plus, GP users have ton of other games to play at anytime available to them on the service, they're not gonna stick to one mediocre online game. 


GP doesn't make much sense for these type of games, maybe later in it's life cycle when it has matured and the sales slow down but letting everyone with a GP subscription play your MP game at launch is asking for it. MP games rarely reach their pinnacle until after a year or two of added content, ironing out bugs and balancing.


These video games companies are fucking clueless. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played this game. Hell, I platinumed it. 


Game had massive class balance issues, the Technomancer class was soooo much better than the other classes. Devastator and Pyromancer were trash. Absolute trash. Trickster was fun but nowhere near being able to compete with Technomancer. So you have 4 classes but there's really only 1 class.


The endgame also isn't kind to solo play so if you wanted to play solo you'd end up having to deal with annoying bullshit (very tanky enemies and instant kill nonsense). This ends up making you feel forced to co-op but the netcode was shit so then you had to deal with network bullshit. 

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