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Well, looks like the Cows will be funding a lot of new Xbox 1p exclusives

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DumB :drake: 


I'll give DumB the benefit of the doubt, though. At lease he stays true and keeps himself green... Deeno jumped ship a long time ago and Lemij has been hiding for a decade. :reg:  No comment on slowstz. :mj: 

Edited by lynux3
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21 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Yes MS will be a huge 3rd party publisher, that will be paying a fee to develop on PS5 + give Sony a cut of each sale of their games on PS5. 


Samething that MS will be doing with Nintendo.


Lemmings celebrating being 3rd party :juggle:



Step 1. Pay $70 billion dollars


Step 2. Pick up the cost for continuing employ CoD studios, paying for employees, paying for the facilities, paying for the development costs AFTER having already paid $70 billion dollars


Step 3. Pay money to manufacture, distribute, market COD


Step 4. Sony gets their cut by doing absolutely nothing.


Step 5.


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15 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Step 1. Pay $70 billion dollars


Step 2. Pick up the cost for continuing employ CoD studios, paying for employees, paying for the facilities, paying for the development costs AFTER having already paid $70 billion dollars


Step 3. Pay money to manufacture, distribute, market COD


Step 4. Sony gets their cut by doing absolutely nothing.


Step 5.



1. :lemming: 


2. :drake: 


3. :danylol: 


4. MS has Sony development kits

    MS has insights into PS game sales

    MS makes massive amounts of money off of Sony that they weren't before to fund Xbox games, and likely more exclusive 3rd party content


5. Phil Spencer made Jim Ryan bend the knee like the bitch he is philsuit.png

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20 hours ago, Remij said:


1. :lemming: 


2. :drake: 


3. :danylol: 



LOL he doesn't even have a response....he had to take pass on those first three points before he found material to argue against:hest:


LOL I didn't know you had to put your games on PS5 in order to "get insight" on PS5 sales.


I guess that means that all of your talk regarding PS5 was because you must've bought a PS5, then.:lawl::lawl::lawl:

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