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Horizon Boring West

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So, I finally got around to playing this game. I'm not too far into it, level 10 I believe.


I like some of it and I don't like some it. Nobody will care about the parts I like so I'll get to the parts I don't. 2, specifically.


The world, at least so far. Graphically it looks really nice but it's not a world I'm getting lost in. Games like Skyrim, Witcher, Elden Ring etc... a lot of the enjoyment from those games is just wandering around. This game doesn't give me that feeling, it feels more like walking around *insert UbiSoft game*


Next, the voice acting and characters. What's going on here? Nobody in this game feels like they fit in. It almost feels like walking around a Renaissance Fair or something like that. Like I'll be talking to the characters and it's like Bob from the hardware shop dressed up funny. Also, Aloy is just so fucking drab. I've never heard a boring person with no personality talk so much .... very much)


Does any of this get any better?





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Best bet: skip the side missions. Only do the cauldrons and the tall necks. The campaign gets a lot better as it progresses, but the world will always feel like a linear title slapped with a bunch of side shit. I hope 3 deviates from this last gen mold. 

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Funny thing is that they've said there's no signs of them slowing down with this franchise and that they have many more games/ideas in the work for it...


They're good games... and they sell well enough (mostly because of the pretty gfx) but you can tell PS fans want them to move on to something different now.

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12 minutes ago, Remij said:

Funny thing is that they've said there's no signs of them slowing down with this franchise and that they have many more games/ideas in the work for it...


They're good games... and they sell well enough (mostly because of the pretty gfx) but you can tell PS fans want them to move on to something different now.

I think several Sony AAA titles need to evolve, mainly GoW and Horizon. While I dug Burning Shores (what a looker too!), I kept feeling like the dated level design didn’t match the stunning visuals. GoW felt too rooted in ps4 design, as well. I think TLOU 3 (if it comes out) will probably own, since 2 had significantly better level design and combat than 1. The game still holds up well, on a visual and gameplay level. 

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Lemmings pretend they have all the best games and ps exclusives suck, but they spend their time playing these games instead of xbox games :rofls: I wonder why....


Maybe stick to Redfall kiddo.

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Yeah, I didn't care for it either. I quite enjoyed the first game but I barely got 6 hours into the second one. Its just so... safe and routine. The game has like zero ambition.

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