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They are too fucking old

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23 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Yep, thanks Capt Obvious. 

Yeah too bad primarying old as fuck candidates is a big no no. Too bad there's nothing that can be done about getting the old fucks out of office who can't let go of power when it's time. 

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2 hours ago, Cooke said:

Yeah too bad primarying old as fuck candidates is a big no no. Too bad there's nothing that can be done about getting the old fucks out of office who can't let go of power when it's time. 


The Right voted for mitch recently in the midterms, that's how he got re-elected...that's who they wanted... They had an opportunity to elect someone new. 


The GOP should put forward great candidates for the presidential election if they want Biden gone. 


Lunatics conspiracy theorist Manchaurian candidates or the MAGA cult leader or the Floridian wannabe be fascist dictator aren't good candidates :umad:


Edited by Goukosan
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2 hours ago, Cooke said:

Yeah too bad primarying old as fuck candidates is a big no no. Too bad there's nothing that can be done about getting the old fucks out of office who can't let go of power when it's time. 

Best thing to do is support term limits and corporate funding, Super PACs and the like. The reason you're a child is that you get distracted by the chaff. All this recycled culture war shit is meant to capture idiots like you. Your pretend radical act is betrayed by how much you lap up right wing discraction bullshit and you support a side that doesn't share your ideals outside of whatever singular issue you're hung up on. The anti-woke move is perfect because it allows the bigot to project their ideological enemy in to  any topic. You keep crying about this primary shit when no one here is disagreeing with you. So this is like some reverse crying wolf?

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4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Best thing to do is support term limits and corporate funding, Super PACs and the like. The reason you're a child is that you get distracted by the chaff. All this recycled culture war shit is meant to capture idiots like you. Your pretend radical act is betrayed by how much you lap up right wing discraction bullshit and you support a side that doesn't share your ideals outside of whatever singular issue you're hung up on. The anti-woke move is perfect because it allows the bigot to project their ideological enemy in to  any topic. You keep crying about this primary shit when no one here is disagreeing with you. So this is like some reverse crying wolf?

Why are you talking about wokeness and I'm talking about octogenarians clinging on to office? :whipit:

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1 minute ago, Cooke said:

Why are you talking about wokeness and I'm talking about octogenarians clinging on to office? :whipit:


So which side of the aisle do you think would be more willing to consider things like term limits or limiting funds raised by megadonors that lead to shit like this? The woke side or the goose stepping side? 

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2 hours ago, z,warrior said:

High level Government employees should be forced to retire at the retirement age they’d qualify for to get the most benefits.


I don't like this idea. I honestly think revamped election seasons and term limits would prevent things like this without some biased rule. Realistic there are only so many different seats to hold.


So while there are gremlins like Rick Scott who will run for any available office possible, despite being able to easily get a private sector job. The likes of the McConnells and Pelosi's would end in a reasonable time frame before they can become institutions or too old to effectively do their jobs. 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


I don't like this idea. I honestly think revamped election seasons and term limits would prevent things like this without some biased rule. Realistic there are only so many different seats to hold.


So while there are gremlins like Rick Scott who will run for any available office possible, despite being able to easily get a private sector job. The likes of the McConnells and Pelosi's would end in a reasonable time frame before they can become institutions or too old to effectively do their jobs. 

They are already way too old to effectively do their jobs.


The retirement age is 65-67 right now. Meaning the generation at those ages would be more so living off of taxes than contributing to taxes.


That same generation is somehow way over represented in politics by an 80 years old president, 81 yr old McConnell and an 80yo Pelosi. That same generation is guaranteed to be represented by the  Supreme Court with life terms (and yet still the oldest person there is only 74 compared to the 80yos mentioned above)


The Supreme Court is also the only branch without an age restriction. To be POTUS, must be 35. Senator 30. Representative 25. 

State and local level positions are the only ones that are inclusive of all generations within the voting age, with restrictions between 21-18yo.


Why should majority of the country be expected to vote when only retirees are actually represented by candidates if you classify them just by age? Have them retire from office by age 65-67 and leave room only for contributing age groups of society.



Edited by z,warrior
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1 hour ago, z,warrior said:

They are already way too old to effectively do their jobs.


The retirement age is 65-67 right now. Meaning the generation at those ages would be more so living off of taxes than contributing to taxes.


That same generation is somehow way over represented in politics by an 80 years old president, 81 yr old McConnell and an 80yo Pelosi. That same generation is guaranteed to be represented by the  Supreme Court with life terms (and yet still the oldest person there is only 74 compared to the 80yos mentioned above)


The Supreme Court is also the only branch without an age restriction. To be POTUS, must be 35. Senator 30. Representative 25. 

State and local level positions are the only ones that are inclusive of all generations within the voting age, with restrictions between 21-18yo.


Why should majority of the country be expected to vote when only retirees are actually represented by candidates if you classify them just by age? Have them retire from office by age 65-67 and leave room only for contributing age groups of society.



I don't believe in mandatory retirement,.especially for jobs that are not physically demanding. I don't believe in lifetime appointment either. Supreme Court Judges should have term limits too. 

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On 2023-08-07 at 12:08 PM, Mr. Impossible said:

I don't believe in mandatory retirement,.especially for jobs that are not physically demanding. I don't believe in lifetime appointment either. Supreme Court Judges should have term limits too. 

If not a forced retirement than definitely an age limit. As in let those who reach that limit during their term finish it but one cannot be elected if above retirement age

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  • 3 weeks later...

80 should be the max unless they pass some sort of cognitive test. Bernie is still with it but then you've got McConnel and Feinstein.. Grassley is the same age as Feinstein but can clearly still function. 



Edited by Cooke
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3 hours ago, lynux3 said:

You'd think there would be a protocol or policy in place for these people to be evaluated to see if they're still fit for duty after an episode like that.


Well this is new territory. This is possibly the oldest assembly in history outside of the AOCs  and that hot latina from FL outliers. It's also probably the richest ever as well. A lot of these people are conduits to the donor class and make the right people a lot of money so they're invested in keeping them in power. There needs to be a bit of an overhaul at least in the House. There should be term limits, but also longer terms for house reps as well. Everyone should get 4 to 5 year terms, and a 4 term limit per position. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Well this is new territory. This is possibly the oldest assembly in history outside of the AOCs  and that hot latina from FL outliers. It's also probably the richest ever as well. A lot of these people are conduits to the donor class and make the right people a lot of money so they're invested in keeping them in power. There needs to be a bit of an overhaul at least in the House. There should be term limits, but also longer terms for house reps as well. Everyone should get 4 to 5 year terms, and a 4 term limit per position. 

Anna Paulina Luna? 🤔

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