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So who watched Oppenheimer?

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 One of the best Nolan Movies I’ve watched since Interstellar. 


The explosion was a little underwhelming. Though there’s only so much you can do with conventional explosives short of detonating an actual nuke. But I think the framing was the biggest problem. But that ending tho.


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Its not really that good. Even though there's alot of material, and the performances are all quite well.


The major problem here is how Nolan puts this all together. There's no reason for this movie to be edited in this way, aside from the fact that Nolan wanted to have shifting timelines edited together like as if he's clever.


As a biographical story of Oppenheimer's early life, its just straight-up rushed storytelling.


The twist near the end doesn't really feel like its a big deal like the movie wants us to believe.


And the IMAX footage is not really necessary aside from like one key shot. And the scene is undershelming because how stupid do you have to be to show a nuclear bomb going off, and you spend 70% of the footage with the camera pointed at the people watching the bomb go off.

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