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The oppressive western patriarchy at work.

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5 hours ago, Ramza said:

Is there truly? Just because the 1% elites are mostly men is not irrefutable proof of a patriarchy. What's stopping a woman now to reach anything she wants to do in her career? 


60% of graduate are females currently. Guarantee you the next batch of CEOs are gonna have more and more women on board and then you fucking idiots will finally shut up about the imagined cabal of men holding down the women.  


Women are flourishing despite men, not because of them. We still have a large number of men who still are openly misogynist, men who support those men like you, and also women working against women. I mean the conservatives are telling women to not get jobs, to start starting families younger, are outraged by any female successes. You know how I know? Almost half of the country operates on hating anything woke and what is considered woke is basically anything that isn't a straight white man. 

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35 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Well this thread is about how a patriarchy doesn't exist (in your mind) despite women being the majority population (even split at worst) do they have proportional power to men? 


I ask this realizing that you probably think women have all of the power lol. Fucking clown world. 

But men have no power, it's just a very small set of elite rich people that has. Which granted are predominantly males but it doesn't reflect any sort of power for regular everyday men at large against the other sex. I certainly don't. You say you do, but you never said what it was precisely.


38 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Lol is this what happens when you dudes think for yourselves? It must be easier to just let Tucker Carlson, Tim Pool, and Matt Walsh tell y'all what to think. 

Do you deny that white men are getting murdered in South Africa for their skin color (and colonization history but that's not the point)? 


I love how you only acknowledge privileges when it benefits your grifter narrative just so you can call all white people privileged and demean them for things they have no control over.


Some well off white collar New Yorker telling me about my privileges. Lmao, please. 


42 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Where do you live? I'm genuinely curious how this scenario looks in your head. 

I certainly don't live in shit hole Montreal and never will. It's irrelevant, it's a theorical scenario. I'm not saying it's some guaranteed outcome if it were to happen. But I would definitely stick out more in predominantly black community, just like how you stick out for being a minority. How is it any different? 


What, you think racism against white isn't possible or something? 


47 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Also, not to nitpick but in your scenario the none straight white males are misfortunate? You really need to consume less stupid media. 

Fuck you talking about? I didn't even mentioned sexual orientations even once. I was talking about someone being able to walk and a handicapped person. Holy shit.


You really need to consume less crack cocaine. 

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:


Women are flourishing despite men, not because of them. We still have a large number of men who still are openly misogynist, men who support those men like you, and also women working against women. I mean the conservatives are telling women to not get jobs, to start starting families younger, are outraged by any female successes. You know how I know? Almost half of the country operates on hating anything woke and what is considered woke is basically anything that isn't a straight white man. 

Some men are misogynistic but they don't form a patriarchy. 


Telling women they should find a man and raise a family like we have done since the dawn of mankind is actively working against them? 


You know I don't care much for the manosphere and all that shit. In fact I would never want my girl to stay at home. But I'm not going to pretend that kind of life also cannot bring any kind of fulfillment and happiness. 


What's important is that we let them choose. You want to be a housewife? Good for you. You want to climb the corporate ladder and put your hormonal alarm on hold? You go, girl. 


I don't see how one scenario is evil and the other is good. Both can be great AND bad.


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On 2023-08-06 at 7:58 AM, Ramza said:

I guess I'm entitled to being a poor struggling low class worker who pays taxes up the asses and can barely afford groceries.


Worked my ass off since I was 14 in all sorts of blue collar jobs and what do I have? Nothing. My retirement savings diminishing through inflation. I'm gonna be a wage slave until I die. 


What am I supposed to be enjoying again?  

your pearlescent skin

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21 hours ago, Ramza said:


Telling women they should find a man and raise a family like we have done since the dawn of mankind is actively working against them? 


Yes because since the recorded dawn of time in western society, women were treated as inferior to men. 

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4 hours ago, z,warrior said:

Yes because since the recorded dawn of time in western society, women were treated as inferior to men. 

That's the past. This is now. Being a stay at home mother today is threating them as inferior by default? I don't think so. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

That's the past. This is now. Being a stay at home mother today is threating them as inferior by default? I don't think so. 

Be a stay at home mom or dad if you want to. Telling women to stay home and do it however, is definitely wrong and sexist.

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1 minute ago, z,warrior said:

Be a stay at home mom or dad if you want to. Telling women to stay home and do it however, is definitely wrong and sexist.

Oh I fucking would, any sugar mammy want to support me just to stay at home, cook and clean? Sign me up. I'd get all that shit done by 11 am, let the kids play in the yard while I smoke weed in the garage in secret. 


Yeah, a woman making a decision for herself is not sexist. Are you against women making choices for themselves and their family? Or are you just against women having a choice to begin with? :D 


Why isn't she getting in debts to get some overrated college education, climb the corporate ladder and die alone with her 12 cats? :tear2: Raising a family? What a terrible thing. 



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I'm just thinking about my ex wo worked her ass off as a nurse and worked 14 hours shifts. Came back home broken like she participated in a boxing match. 


I'm pretty sure if I could have supported her if I had the means to do so, she would have preferred to stay at home and build something with me rather than to wipe the asses of old dying 90 years half brain dead people kept alive with medication. And inserting prodes in their penis to get them to urinate. 


Fuck off you morons, you are all a bunch of privileged little fucking nerds who had way too easy. None of you has ever experience the life of real workers. Go fuck yourselves, all of you. 


Anyone who think working for a bunch of companies is the shit is an absolute moron. Keep taking your anti depressants to get through your shitty careers you stupid idiots. 

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On 2023-08-08 at 3:42 PM, Ramza said:

Some men are misogynistic but they don't form a patriarchy. 


Then how does it happen? There isn't a standardized governing body for misogyny. It's a collective conscious thing. Sometimes it just takes one dude who thinks a woman is a bitch for not respecting a rich white man enough to to contribute to it. 




Telling women they should find a man and raise a family like we have done since the dawn of mankind is actively working against them? 


Lol Your dishonesty about the intention, aside. The collective voices telling women to not persue higher education, or well paying jobs, or to be able to support themselves then also judge women by how much support a man is providing them, then also complaining about alimony if there's a divorce. 


What's the end result of this? And that is the entire message from the right. This shouldn't even be a talking point. Women going to school and securing jobs doesn't erase being a housewife. All conservative media is anti women except for Trans issues. 


There's very little difference between Evangelical, red pill, trad wife, manosphere, MRA, incel reddit, or mainstream conservative media. It's all just the same trash with different wording and there's not a single media person on the right who speaks against it. 





You know I don't care much for the manosphere and all that shit. In fact I would never want my girl to stay at home. But I'm not going to pretend that kind of life also cannot bring any kind of fulfillment and happiness. 


No one said it doesn't. This is why conservative media is so popular. I don't know if they mastered how to communicate with stupid people or people who need therapy but think they are too smart or whatever but there's no one telling people they can't be housewives. 


What there is, is people telling women to be housewives because they don't want women who have total agency over their lives. This sentiment isn't for the women's benefits, it's for the mens'. 



What's important is that we let them choose. You want to be a housewife? Good for you. You want to climb the corporate ladder and put your hormonal alarm on hold? You go, girl. 


Again, this isn't a problem that exist. This right wing grifters using these zombie arguments that don't actually exist in order to get low information, easily agitated people to pay attention to. 


This is some of the dumbest bullshit they get people to believe. Like women getting abortions days before the due date because they change their minds. Which is something no one does but they can get idiots like you, Cooke, and Twinblade to be like "I mean I'm pro choice but they have a point." despite their point being a complete lie. 




I don't see how one scenario is evil and the other is good. Both can be great AND bad.



Lol what's sad is you think you are seeing "both sides" of a one sided argument which itself is a hoax. That's is what I most frustrating. In a left learning society, people can go to any church, or not. Start a family, or not. Have a abortion, or not. Without judgment. 


It's right wing conservatives who obsess with what other consenting people are doing with their lives. Why are conservatives never talking about housing, or Healthcare, or infrastructure, or wages, or tuition, or more opportunities for people? 


Even after the collapses of so many industries that were the life blood of their towns or cities none of them have ever talked about re-education for their workers or future workers. It's all stupid anti woke and anti trans bullshit for bottom feeders to consume. 

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6 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

No one said it doesn't. This is why conservative media is so popular. I don't know if they mastered how to communicate with stupid people or people who need therapy but think they are too smart or whatever but there's no one telling people they can't be housewives. 

Calling it sexist is being confrontational about it no matter how you look at it, you idiots. Not my fault this is the message we get from the left. Bunch of clowns having a mental breakdown over a wife who is raising her children in her house full time calling it misogyny. 


Do you think I have a mental breakdown when I see women getting doctorate degrees and complain about it on Twitter? Take a good look in the mirror, you dumb cunts. 



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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

Calling it sexist is being confrontational about it no matter how you look at it, you idiots. Not my fault this is the message we get from the left. Bunch of clowns having a mental breakdown over a wife who is raising her children in her house full time calling it misogyny. 


Do you think I have a mental breakdown when I see women getting doctorate degrees and complain about it on Twitter? Take a good look in the mirror, you dumb cunts. 




You must have missed the entire right having a mental breakdown because the first lady is Dr. Jill Biden....Bbbut  she is not a Doctor 😢... They cried and raged for over a year over the fact that she has an EHD...


Anytime anything with her name comes up they get triggered again and start crying up a storm.. Full mental breakdown:awww:

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5 hours ago, Ramza said:

Calling it sexist is being confrontational about it no matter how you look at it, you idiots. Not my fault this is the message we get from the left. Bunch of clowns having a mental breakdown over a wife who is raising her children in her house full time calling it misogyny. 


It's sexist when it comes from sexist people with sexist agendas. You're the same person who it took how long before you saw Andrew Tate for who he is? You still defend Trump. The history of this forum is always the same people being wrong about everything and learning nothing along the way. 


Twinblade who is the biggest military nerd and calls out the equipment and strategies bring used or whatever. He seems to be the most informed about that kind of stuff. Yet he actually believed Trump ended the US drone program and praised him for it. Only thing is, Trump never ended that program. In fact he used more drone strikes than Obama and Bush combined in only 4 years. 


You guys are constantly purposely misinformed and lied to because of the echo chamber bullshit you consume. Notice how despite more and more evidence coming out about Tate he gets big profile interviews with big conservatives and all of them are super friendly and make him look better. 


From the side that "protects women"



Do you think I have a mental breakdown when I see women getting doctorate degrees and complain about it on Twitter? Take a good look in the mirror, you dumb cunts. 



Take a look in the mirror about what? This doesn't even make sense. Are we the sexist ones now? Because of a reason some grifters made up that you believed?


Can you find me some media of prominent left wingers telling women not to get married, not to have kids, not to go to church, or not to be at home wives? 


Because I can show you plenty of right wingers telling women to start having kids as young as possible, to get married as young as possible, and to choose being a mother than having a career. 


You're so clever that you're in your own thread complaining about alimony - to now defending women relying entirely on their husbands and not being able to support themselves... A defence to a sentiment no one was even making. You are just debating yourself on this point. 


Again, as I've said a hundred times before - you guys have no ideological consistency. You just react to whatever slop you're being fed at the time at face value. This is what gets society stuck. This is why nearly none of what conservatives preach works an institutional level. 


The same people take bad faith, uncontextualized scenarios (or just lie completely) and use it as a shiny object to lure low information people to their "side". Even the "comedy" channels you watch are unfunny, right wing grifters using disinformation and deep seated bigotry as their punchlines. 


How about instead of listening to what right wingers spoon feed you, you actually check for yourself. The biggest thing I've noticed is how Gak, or Robo, or Jerry, or myself post links, articles, pics... Whatever about stuff in practice or former instances and most of what you guys talk about are hypothetical situations that a right winger just made up. 


How many times have you simply used a monolithic liberal entity that wants to do something unsavory, but you can never actually post names, organizations, historical evidence, charters, manifestos, pundits, or politicians advocation for what you claim their agendas are. 


Edited by Mr. Impossible
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7 hours ago, Goukosan said:


You must have missed the entire right having a mental breakdown because the first lady is Dr. Jill Biden....Bbbut  she is not a Doctor 😢... They cried and raged for over a year over the fact that she has an EHD...


Anytime anything with her name comes up they get triggered again and start crying up a storm.. Full mental breakdown:awww:

That's because she's the wife of Joe Biden, not simply because she's a woman. 


Like Trump's wife didn't get a lot of hate from the left, huh? 

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4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

It's sexist when it comes from sexist people with sexist agendas. You're the same person who it took how long before you saw Andrew Tate for who he is? You still defend Trump. The history of this forum is always the same people being wrong about everything and learning nothing along the way. 

I'm not telling women to do anything in particular. I never told my GF to stay at home and raise kids, I don't want that life, personally. 


4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Twinblade who is the biggest military nerd and calls out the equipment and strategies bring used or whatever. He seems to be the most informed about that kind of stuff. Yet he actually believed Trump ended the US drone program and praised him for it. Only thing is, Trump never ended that program. In fact he used more drone strikes than Obama and Bush combined in only 4 years. 

Stop talking about Twinblade and Cooke when I'm talking to you.


4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You guys are constantly purposely misinformed and lied to because of the echo chamber bullshit you consume. Notice how despite more and more evidence coming out about Tate he gets big profile interviews with big conservatives and all of them are super friendly and make him look better. 


Tucker did lick his asshole pretty hard to be fair. But what does it has to do with anything we're talking about here? 


4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Take a look in the mirror about what? This doesn't even make sense. Are we the sexist ones now? Because of a reason some grifters made up that you believed?

The lefts meltdown over 'tradwives 'and the hatred it creates is absolutely bonkers and an anti-women sentiment from my point of view. I thought feminism empowerment was about giving women a choice? Having a choice means having different possibilities, which also include staying at home raising kids or whatever. 


4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Can you find me some media of prominent left wingers telling women not to get married, not to have kids, not to go to church, or not to be at home wives? 

Social commentaries on the internet are enough to understand some leftists and hardcore feminists despise the idea itself. 


That clown zwarrior posts on this very page is a perfect example.


It's misogyny!


4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

You're so clever that you're in your own thread complaining about alimony - to now defending women relying entirely on their husbands and not being able to support themselves... A defence to a sentiment no one was even making. You are just debating yourself on this point. 

I'm not advocating for women having less rights and way to defend themselves in court. Don't worry, the system is still in place, ESPECIALLY for a woman with zero revenue. She's gonna be just fine. Your argument is stupid. 


4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

Again, as I've said a hundred times before - you guys have no ideological consistency. You just react to whatever slop you're being fed at the time at face value. This is what gets society stuck. This is why nearly none of what conservatives preach works an institutional level. 

Only a complete fool never changes his mind on anything and stay dead set on a political and ideological standpoint. 


And you're now blaming me for reacting to the current news or hot topics. Hmm, ok?  


4 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

How about instead of listening to what right wingers spoon feed you, you actually check for yourself. The biggest thing I've noticed is how Gak, or Robo, or Jerry, or myself post links, articles, pics... Whatever about stuff in practice or former instances and most of what you guys talk about are hypothetical situations that a right winger just made up. 

Yeah, I never do any sort of research or listen to a story from multiple points of views and opinions...


Yawn. If you say so. 

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

That's because she's the wife of Joe Biden, not simply because she's a woman. 


Like Trump's wife didn't get a lot of hate from the left, huh? 


You're missing the point, the right was hating on her simply because her title is Dr. 


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2 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


You're missing the point, the right was hating on her simply because her title is Dr. 


I don't know the details. 

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

I'm not telling women to do anything in particular. I never told my GF to stay at home and raise kids, I don't want that life, personally. 


Stop talking about Twinblade and Cooke when I'm talking to you.


You all say the same stupid shit. 




Tucker did lick his asshole pretty hard to be fair. But what does it has to do with anything we're talking about here? 


It shows how cozy you right wingers are with misogyny. 




The lefts meltdown over 'tradwives 'and the hatred it creates is absolutely bonkers and an anti-women sentiment from my point of view.


Uh huh. What meltdowns? Again, I'm entertained by you defending Trad wives in your anti-alimony thread.



I thought feminism empowerment was about giving women a choice? Having a choice means having different possibilities, which also include staying at home raising kids or whatever. 


We all know how pro-choice conservatives are. 




Social commentaries on the internet are enough to understand some leftists and hardcore feminists despise the idea itself. 


Ok, show me some. ZWarrior doesn't count. 




That clown zwarrior posts on this very page is a perfect example.


It's misogyny!


I'm not advocating for women having less rights and way to defend themselves in court. Don't worry, the system is still in place, ESPECIALLY for a woman with zero revenue. She's gonna be just fine. Your argument is stupid. 


Lol again, the argument you are having with yourself. You are the one crying about alimony and also stating you support women who don't work. 



Only a complete fool never changes his mind on anything and stay dead set on a political and ideological standpoint. 


That isn't what political consistency is about. People like you are politically inconsistent because your personal ideologies or beliefs don't gel or your allegiances conflict with your personal ideals. 



And you're now blaming me for reacting to the current news or hot topics. Hmm, ok?  


I said you're a reactionary type. It's not about acknowledging or paying attention to news, reactionary people develop uninformed beliefs based solely on things they take at face value. Every point you make is a generic social media talking point. Free of any context, or  tangible evidence. 




Yeah, I never do any sort of research or listen to a story from multiple points of views and opinions...


Yawn. If you say so. 


Lol you don't, that's why you never source anything and when pressed you sound like your making stuff up on the spot.


Or my favorite thing - when you know you were probably proven wrong or can't counter a point you just skip by and ignore the stuff you have at least a base level of self awareness about. 

Edited by Mr. Impossible
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