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President Pedo Peter

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7 hours ago, Cooke said:


Holy fuck 🤣


Cooke and Co are 10 years late... These aren't secret emails... And Congress already has access to all these emails. 


Comer is asking for emails he already has, and acting as if congress didn't know that the white house officials had seperate office emails from the publicity known email addresses. 



All show for the easily duped :kaz:



Literally 10 years ago in 2013 - 


"And the fundamental question here, in terms of FOIA requests and congressional inquiries, is that all of these email addresses are included."


"Let's be clear — this is a practice consistent with prior administrations of both parties, and, as the story itself made clear, any FOIA request or congressional inquiry includes a search in all of the email accounts used by any political appointee,"  - Obama/Biden Whitehouse


"So the answer is, all of this information is provided. Having alternate email addresses for cabinet secretaries and other high-profile officials makes eminent sense. 


"And that is the case with officials of this administration, officials of the previous administrations who have had email addresses" 



Previous emails released by the agency showed that Biden used the email address "Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov" during his time as vice president and that his aide, John Flynn, copied Hunter Biden on 10 emails containing the elder Biden’s daily schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016




So to recap, these are emails that congress already had access to... Have known about for over a decade even longer because previous administrations also used alternative gov addresses.


And Biden's alterative email address was released by the agency YEARS ago... But Comer wants to act as if it's something new..


Now that their star witness revealed that Biden didn't discuss business when he called his son....


They're now moving on to Bbbbbbut his emails Lol



Edited by Goukosan
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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


Cooke and Co are 10 years late... These aren't secret emails... And Congress already has access to all these emails. 


Comer is asking for emails he already has, and acting as if congress didn't know that the white house officials had seperate office emails from the publicity known email addresses. 



All show for the easily duped :kaz:



Literally 10 years ago in 2013 - 


"And the fundamental question here, in terms of FOIA requests and congressional inquiries, is that all of these email addresses are included."


"Let's be clear — this is a practice consistent with prior administrations of both parties, and, as the story itself made clear, any FOIA request or congressional inquiry includes a search in all of the email accounts used by any political appointee,"  - Obama/Biden Whitehouse


"So the answer is, all of this information is provided. Having alternate email addresses for cabinet secretaries and other high-profile officials makes eminent sense. 


"And that is the case with officials of this administration, officials of the previous administrations who have had email addresses" 



Previous emails released by the agency showed that Biden used the email address "Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov" during his time as vice president and that his aide, John Flynn, copied Hunter Biden on 10 emails containing the elder Biden’s daily schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016




So to recap, these are emails that congress already had access to... Have known about for over a decade even longer because previous administrations also used alternative gov addresses.


And Biden's alterative email address was released by the agency YEARS ago... But Comer wants to act as if it's something new..


Now that their star witness revealed that Biden didn't discuss business when he called his son....


They're now moving on to Bbbbbbut his emails Lol




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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


AKA you're clueless as always :kaz:

pretty sure i havent seen you say one negative thing about biden ever. did pedo peter touch you in the right spots? or are you just a DNC bot? you must work in government.  No one could be that dedicated to a fucking creep. 

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7 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Cooke and Co are 10 years late... These aren't secret emails... And Congress already has access to all these emails. 


Comer is asking for emails he already has, and acting as if congress didn't know that the white house officials had seperate office emails from the publicity known email addresses. 



All show for the easily duped :kaz:



Literally 10 years ago in 2013 - 


"And the fundamental question here, in terms of FOIA requests and congressional inquiries, is that all of these email addresses are included."


"Let's be clear — this is a practice consistent with prior administrations of both parties, and, as the story itself made clear, any FOIA request or congressional inquiry includes a search in all of the email accounts used by any political appointee,"  - Obama/Biden Whitehouse


"So the answer is, all of this information is provided. Having alternate email addresses for cabinet secretaries and other high-profile officials makes eminent sense. 


"And that is the case with officials of this administration, officials of the previous administrations who have had email addresses" 



Previous emails released by the agency showed that Biden used the email address "Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov" during his time as vice president and that his aide, John Flynn, copied Hunter Biden on 10 emails containing the elder Biden’s daily schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016




So to recap, these are emails that congress already had access to... Have known about for over a decade even longer because previous administrations also used alternative gov addresses.


And Biden's alterative email address was released by the agency YEARS ago... But Comer wants to act as if it's something new..


Now that their star witness revealed that Biden didn't discuss business when he called his son....


They're now moving on to Bbbbbbut his emails Lol



its funny how "bu bu this is old news" is somehow a defense. lmao what a fucking turd you are Gouk. The bar is low but you just lowered it to the ground.  THIS WAS JUST RELEASED ON A FREEDON OF INFO REQUEST. 

Edited by Cooke
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4 hours ago, Cooke said:

pretty sure i havent seen you say one negative thing about biden ever. did pedo peter touch you in the right spots? or are you just a DNC bot? you must work in government.  No one could be that dedicated to a fucking creep. 


3 hours ago, Cooke said:

its funny how "bu bu this is old news" is somehow a defense. lmao what a fucking turd you are Gouk. The bar is low but you just lowered it to the ground.  THIS WAS JUST RELEASED ON A FREEDON OF INFO REQUEST. 


Im convinced your dumbass doesn't actually read responses. 


I literally posted something from 10 years ago and you still believe it's new information :kaz:



"Previous emails released by the agency showed that Biden used the email address "Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov" during his time as vice president and that his aide, John Flynn, copied Hunter Biden on 10 emails containing the elder Biden’s daily schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016"




Cooke - Bbbut it was a secrets I swear :awww:



10 years ago - 


"And the fundamental question here, in terms of FOIA requests and congressional inquiries, is that all of these email addresses are included."



"So the answer is, all of this information is provided. Having alternate email addresses for cabinet secretaries and other high-profile officials makes eminent sense." 



Cooke - congress never had access they just discovered this, it's true 😢 




It's an official government email address you single cell dumb shit.


Congress HAS HAD access to all the email addresses used because once again... It's an official government email address.  





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3 hours ago, Goukosan said:



Im convinced your dumbass doesn't actually read responses. 


I literally posted something from 10 years ago and you still believe it's new information :kaz:



"Previous emails released by the agency showed that Biden used the email address "Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov" during his time as vice president and that his aide, John Flynn, copied Hunter Biden on 10 emails containing the elder Biden’s daily schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016"




Cooke - Bbbut it was a secrets I swear :awww:



10 years ago - 


"And the fundamental question here, in terms of FOIA requests and congressional inquiries, is that all of these email addresses are included."



"So the answer is, all of this information is provided. Having alternate email addresses for cabinet secretaries and other high-profile officials makes eminent sense." 



Cooke - congress never had access they just discovered this, it's true 😢 




It's an official government email address you single cell dumb shit.


Congress HAS HAD access to all the email addresses used because once again... It's an official government email address.  





Where are you getting this from? 

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I can't find anything about Hunter Biden having his father as Pedo Peter in his iPhone from 2013.. or are you skipping over what I'm talking about completely and just talking about this Robert L Peters ? 

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It’s amazing that a president’s son’s phone can be hacked and neither of these 2 things happen: the hacker getting chastised for doing to someone what not a single person who enjoyed those screenshots would want to be done to them.

And 2, that the hack couldn’t find anything terrible at all and had to resort to a nickname with no context at all that the son may have of his president father. 🙄


Grasping for straws Cooke? 🤨

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On 2023-08-19 at 12:49 PM, z,warrior said:

It’s amazing that a president’s son’s phone can be hacked and neither of these 2 things happen: the hacker getting chastised for doing to someone what not a single person who enjoyed those screenshots would want to be done to them.

And 2, that the hack couldn’t find anything terrible at all and had to resort to a nickname with no context at all that the son may have of his president father. 🙄


Grasping for straws Cooke? 🤨

Like you'd care if Trump Jr's phone got hacked. Let's be real. 



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On 2023-08-19 at 3:06 AM, Cooke said:

NO YOU ARE!!! :lul:


No, it's you. Twitter and the internet in general is the wild west but I guess people usually expect some level of playing field in forums where it's the same people talking about diverse topics vs random comment section encounters. Yet you always use every shitty weirdo net debater tactic in existence. You constantly lie, use whataboutisms, ignore when you're wrong and/or repeat falsehoods even after you've been shown they're not true, switch topics. You are incapable of arguing in good faith even with people you've shared a forum with for nearly 2 decades. And for what? You haven't convinced a single person you're not an idiot. 

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