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AMD confirms first FSR3 games

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that 7800xt for $499 is pretty sweet.

I dont think the graphics leap we are seeing warrants the perf and res that we are getting with it. UE5 games and others are 720p upscaled to whatever. Aveum is 480p on xbox ss  800p on PS5 and X. And

I didn't agree with Twinblade's other point about the AI up scalers making developers lazy.... "Those lazy" devs would be lazy with or without the up scalers.      The up scalers allow

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Hopefully this means Starfield will have DLSS




"He admits that — in general — when AMD pays publishers to bundle their games with a new graphics card, AMD does expect them to prioritize AMD features in return. "Money absolutely exchanges hands," he says. "When we do bundles, we ask them: 'Are you willing to prioritize FSR?'"
But Azor says that — in general — it's a request rather than a demand. "If they ask us for DLSS support, we always tell them yes."


"If and when Bethesda wants to put DLSS into the game, they have our full support," he reiterates.

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41 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I feel like AI tech like DLSS and FSR are making developers lazy and unwilling to properly optimize their PC ports. It seems like every new game can barely run above 30fps on the latest graphics cards unless you use these upscaling features.

Absolutely. The video card market is a scam.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

I feel like AI tech like DLSS and FSR are making developers lazy and unwilling to properly optimize their PC ports. It seems like every new game can barely run above 30fps on the latest graphics cards unless you use these upscaling features.

So full of shit.. lmao.  Console ports are just as unoptimized these days... which is why cows are essentially begging for a PS5 Pro at this point..

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I dont think the graphics leap we are seeing warrants the perf and res that we are getting with it. UE5 games and others are 720p upscaled to whatever. Aveum is 480p on xbox ss :rofls: 800p on PS5 and X. And sure these newer games look good but when we came from cross gen stuff at 1080p-1440p at 60fps to what we are getting now it doesnt make sense.


A few years ago if people said series X and Ps5 would be running games at an internal res of 720p w upscalling nobody would have believed them. Something just aint right :imageproxy:

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35 minutes ago, Remij said:

So full of shit.. lmao.  Console ports are just as unoptimized these days... which is why cows are essentially begging for a PS5 Pro at this point..


While console ports are also unoptimized from time to time.... Its not on the same level of frequency as the amount of PC ports that were unoptimized. 



"2022 was a dire year for PC ports.... I was almost broken as a reviewer for DF"


And then 2023 didn't start of too hot either for PC ports. 





DF - 

"2022 and now 2023 have been rough years for AAA game release quality, with many games releasing in an unfinished, broken state - particularly on PC.





Edited by Goukosan
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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


While console ports are also unoptimized from time to time.... Its not on the same level of frequency as the amount of PC ports that were unoptimized. 



"2022 was a dire year for PC ports.... I was almost broken as a reviewer for DF"


And then 2023 didn't start of too hot either for PC ports. 





DF - 

"2022 and now 2023 have been rough years for AAA game release quality, with many games releasing in an unfinished, broken state - particularly on PC.






Well, inherently fixed platforms will be easier to optimize for.. that much is obvious.


However, there's a difference between optimization, and buggy, unfinished releases... of which I'd agree there have been many recently, which speaks more of lack of QA and polish than optimization.  A lot of what Alex has referred to when talking about "Lousy PC ports" is basic things not working or being implemented correctly.. I mean the guy knocks games for not having the style of options menu that he likes..  Which is fine, because I agree that it can and should be better.  The biggest offenders were the games that had released which didn't pre-compile shaders, but since DF and gamers have spoken up about them, things have gotten much better and most games now do pre-compile.


These recent "taxing" games and the general discourse around Unreal Engine 5 being heavy.. is because a lot of people simply don't understand the sheer amount of work that it has to do per frame.  And with UE5.. it's not only the GPU.. the CPU is rasterizing much of the tiny polygons, add to that how cranking up the resolution also increases the load on the CPU, because the amount of polys scales with resolution.   It's like with Ray Tracing.. people will only see the performance hit at first... none of these examples out currently do that great of a job at showcasing what UE5 is capable of... and much like RT.. it will take more proper examples for people to become accustomed to the improvement.  You could literally argue that reconstruction IS the optimization that needs to happen for this type of renderer... 


Anyway.. since you brought up Alex... here's Alex arguing against exactly what Twinblade said..



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4 minutes ago, Remij said:


Well, inherently fixed platforms will be easier to optimize for.. that much is obvious.


However, there's a difference between optimization, and buggy, unfinished releases... of which I'd agree there have been many recently, which speaks more of lack of QA and polish than optimization.  A lot of what Alex has referred to when talking about "Lousy PC ports" is basic things not working or being implemented correctly.. I mean the guy knocks games for not having the style of options menu that he likes..  Which is fine, because I agree that it can and should be better.  The biggest offenders were the games that had released which didn't pre-compile shaders, but since DF and gamers have spoken up about them, things have gotten much better and most games now do pre-compile.


These recent "taxing" games and the general discourse around Unreal Engine 5 being heavy.. is because a lot of people simply don't understand the sheer amount of work that it has to do per frame.  And with UE5.. it's not only the GPU.. the CPU is rasterizing much of the tiny polygons, add to that how cranking up the resolution also increases the load on the CPU, because the amount of polys scales with resolution.   It's like with Ray Tracing.. people will only see the performance hit at first... none of these examples out currently do that great of a job at showcasing what UE5 is capable of... and much like RT.. it will take more proper examples for people to become accustomed to the improvement.  You could literally argue that reconstruction IS the optimization that needs to happen for this type of renderer... 


Anyway.. since you brought up Alex... here's Alex arguing against exactly what Twinblade said..




I didn't agree with Twinblade's other point about the AI up scalers making developers lazy.... "Those lazy" devs would be lazy with or without the up scalers. 



The up scalers allow Devs to push more out of the machine and still end up with a great looking image. 

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5 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


I didn't agree with Twinblade's other point about the AI up scalers making developers lazy.... "Those lazy" devs would be lazy with or without the up scalers. 



The up scalers allow Devs to push more out of the machine and still end up with a great looking image. 

Ok.. my bad.  I wasn't exactly meaning to say that PC wasn't more unoptimized in general either.. it definitely is as a general rule... just saying it's not only PC.  Lots of console games could do with better performance optimization as well.

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5 hours ago, Twinblade said:

I feel like AI tech like DLSS and FSR are making developers lazy and unwilling to properly optimize their PC ports. It seems like every new game can barely run above 30fps on the latest graphics cards unless you use these upscaling features.

This is exactly what this is inviting.


And the reason Nvidia and AMD are configuring their video cards to focus on these calculations is because the developers are not actually pushing the newest graphical effects. So the video cards have to justify their pure processing power thru other ways. Hence, frame generation and upscaling.

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I think the issue is we were coming off games like Gears 5, Horizon 2, FH5, Rosscharted etc that all run at much higher res and FR compated to these new games that run like shit on better hardware and really dont look any better.


I mean id take Gears 5 at 1440p 60fps graphics well over Aveum and Remnant 2. What translates to the screen compared to hardware you need to do it doesnt line up. 


Im sure when Gears 6 and Witcher 4 and other games come out on UE5 we will be like wow this looks amazing. But how amazing will it look at 720p 30fps. I still think devs should target minimum 1080p-1440p 60fps on consoles. Nobody wants to play at 720p and sometimes 60fps.


Also from being spoiled during the cross gen phase, the perf of new games is especially jarring. Is it worth it? Id take cross gen 1440p+ 60fps all day.

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5 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

I think the issue is we were coming off games like Gears 5, Horizon 2, FH5, Rosscharted etc that all run at much higher res and FR compated to these new games that run like shit on better hardware and really dont look any better.


I mean id take Gears 5 at 1440p 60fps graphics well over Aveum and Remnant 2. What translates to the screen compared to hardware you need to do it doesnt line up. 


Im sure when Gears 6 and Witcher 4 and other games come out on UE5 we will be like wow this looks amazing. But how amazing will it look at 720p 30fps. I still think devs should target minimum 1080p-1440p 60fps on consoles. Nobody wants to play at 720p and sometimes 60fps.


Also from being spoiled during the cross gen phase, the perf of new games is especially jarring. Is it worth it? Id take cross gen 1440p+ 60fps all day.

That's exactly what's happening.  People are used to higher framerates and resolution... but just like with the advent of any massive change in rendering technology... you basically have to drop down and rebuild back up again.

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Make games that run on these consoles. Then push the PC versions. Thats what it should be. The speed at which we are going from high res high perf to low res low perf is giving people whiplash. Nobody wants this:imageproxy:


If AMDs framegen works on console at some point ok that will help but this stuff now....its just meh. 


PC is a different story. Your paying a shit ton more, and all of these new techniques are welcome. I would not have gotten a new PC if it wasnt for these new techniques.  Its good for the top end cards cause you can really push higher resolution, settings and FR and its good for the lower end cards because you are almost guarantee to be able to play new games at 1080/60 with DLSS and FG on

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18 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

Make games that run on these consoles. Then push the PC versions. Thats what it should be. The speed at which we are going from high res high perf to low res low perf is giving people whiplash. Nobody wants this:imageproxy:


If AMDs framegen works on console at some point ok that will help but this stuff now....its just meh. 


PC is a different story. Your paying a shit ton more, and all of these new techniques are welcome. I would not have gotten a new PC if it wasnt for these new techniques.  Its good for the top end cards cause you can really push higher resolution, settings and FR and its good for the lower end cards because you are almost guarantee to be able to play new games at 1080/60 with DLSS and FG on

It will work on console.  But the issue is that they run it on the async compute queue.. which consoles utilize quite heavily (much more than PC)... so the more work done on the async queue means the less there is for frame gen.  So while it might improve things overall, I think the improvement will be less than what you can see on PC.


I'm also wondering about how input latency will be affected on consoles.. because I could see an issue where a game is doing a ton of work on the async queues and so the developer intentionally impacts the actual frame rendering to generate intermediate frames instead to make up for it... meaning added input latency and not as much of a perf improvement.


Will be interesting to see how well it works.

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