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STARFLOP!!!!!! 7 AT GS and IGN!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!

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Sad thing is that Lemij stalking me won’t stop Starflop from being the biggest flop in history or Lemshits getting raped for hyping it, LMFAO!      

When your $7.5-billion dollar investment ends up a massive, buggy flop 

Bethesda games have always sucked. About damn time reviews stopped playing softball with this overrated developer.

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Out of all the laziness that Bethesda commits in the game, out of the video I have seen, the worst part of the game is something that isn't laziness, but just a truly ridiculous mistake.


People tried to defend the game by saying that one planet can have different environments in it. And they proceeded to demonstrate a flat desert, an area near a body of water, a rocky mountainous snow area.  All on one planet.


So.........no planet is actually unique, because you could almost find any type of environment on one planet, alone.


And its so stupid because it implies that every planet consist of an atmosphere that would ALLOW the same desert/water/mountain/grass environments to exist on one planet.


meaning, by purely scientific standards, all of these planets are similar to earth, with the exception of planets that are entirely made out of gas, which, they don't even bother to render, because you don't even have the option to land on them.


They're literally giving people no reason to bother with researching the 1001 "planets"

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The fact that days on, lemmings are still trying to convince you a game which scored 7/10 at both GS and IGN  is actually a "Game of the forever" candidate says more about the state of Xbox than I ever could. Only a faction with a 10 year long drought of a single AAAe could be this desperate.


Their ganes aren't like yours didn't you know. When your games score a 7 then it's a 7, but when their flops are pulling in 5s, 6s and 7s, they're really more like 8s, 9s and 10s. We've seen this with years of trash like Ryse, Sea of Thieves, State of Decay and now Flopfield. Their games are different you see....why? Well because they're on Xbox duh.


I couldn't imagine living for and defending a console so devoid of games you're forced to go online and try to convince everyone that your mediocre trash is in actuality a GOTY candidate. Owners of real games consoles let the AAA scores and GOTY awards speak for themselves.

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Cow circlejerk in this thread.

There are tons of threads out there asking the same question.

Why did this game get a 7?

Mainly because there are also a ton of fgt cow tranny dick suckers whom will downplay anything that is not coming to their trans woke favoring console.

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8 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

Cow circlejerk in this thread.

There are tons of threads out there asking the same question.

Why did this game get a 7?

Mainly because there are also a ton of fgt cow tranny dick suckers whom will downplay anything that is not coming to their trans woke favoring console.

Go choose your favorite pronoun in Starfield fgt.

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1 hour ago, MalaXmaS said:

Cow circlejerk in this thread.

There are tons of threads out there asking the same question.

Why did this game get a 7?

Mainly because there are also a ton of fgt cow tranny dick suckers whom will downplay anything that is not coming to their trans woke favoring console.

The game is a 7, but your butthurt is a 10 :D and we all know you got tricked into fucking (and then getting fucked by) a tranny, and shamefully liked it, hence your disdain towards them. You saw the cock, you got hard, you loved getting your ass destroyed, and now you have to overcompensate in every other post with “tranny” of “fgt”…get some therapy lol. 

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39 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

The game is a 7, but your butthurt is a 10 :D and we all know you got tricked into fucking (and then getting fucked by) a tranny, and shamefully liked it, hence your disdain towards them. You saw the cock, you got hard, you loved getting your ass destroyed, and now you have to overcompensate in every other post with “tranny” of “fgt”…get some therapy lol. 

Bro, You can stop with that reverse psychology.

I am not the one supporting a mainly woke gaming company and is eager for the next tranny loving ps exclusive.

Even worse, punish all other devs when they don't support their fragile spot console.


TCHBFR :kaz:

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6 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

Bro, You can stop with that reverse psychology.

I am not the one supporting a mainly woke gaming company and is eager for the next tranny loving ps exclusive.

Even worse, punish all other devs when they don't support their fragile spot console.


TCHBFR :kaz:

MS is woke AF 



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2 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

Cow circlejerk in this thread.

There are tons of threads out there asking the same question.

Why did this game get a 7?

Mainly because there are also a ton of fgt cow tranny dick suckers whom will downplay anything that is not coming to their trans woke favoring console.

You can picture him fighting back the tears as he types this :kaz:


He tells himself this so he can sleep better at night, even though it doesn't make a lick of sense since Starfield is the wokest triple A game yet.

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17 minutes ago, Ike said:

79% now on Steam :lawl:


Fact is its just not that good. We see this all the time, major hype with massive marketing behind it, console warrior hopes on the line, then when it scores anything less than a 9 they can't understand it and make excuses and conspiracy theories.


The game simply wasn't that good. It was overhyped and failed to live up to expectations. Lemmings need therapy over this flop.

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9 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

Cow circlejerk in this thread.

There are tons of threads out there asking the same question.

Why did this game get a 7?

Mainly because there are also a ton of fgt cow tranny dick suckers whom will downplay anything that is not coming to their trans woke favoring console.

Bruh go and watch that video of MS thanking the muckleshoot for the land there studio was built on and while your at it go and fuck yourself.



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The hilarious thing here is lemshits trying to tell themselves the reason the game isn't meeting the hype is because of cows. I'm sure there are a ton of "cows" buying the game and leaving reviews on Steam. That's why it dropped from 88% to 78% overnight. Bunch of retards.


 :sabu: Doing all sorts of mental gymnastics instead of just accepting that the game flopped.



Screenshot 2023-09-09 at 5.40.26 PM.png

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The thing is that....I don't mind burning 60 to 80 in a bethesda game.


But that comes with burnout.


So, there's no point in playing this game, when I can probably just wait for Elder Scrolls 6 in like three years, and just burn myself out by pouring 60-80 hours in that game, because I know for a fact that this fucking lazy and pathetic game engine that this lazy and pathetic studio can't possibly limit the design of how an Elder Scrolls game plays.


I am literally saying that this game engine is better suited for Elder Scrolls 6 than it was for Starfield, so I actually do expect Elder Scrolls 6 to be a better experience. So I'll just wait for that.

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