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STARFLOP!!!!!! 7 AT GS and IGN!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!

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Sad thing is that Lemij stalking me won’t stop Starflop from being the biggest flop in history or Lemshits getting raped for hyping it, LMFAO!      

When your $7.5-billion dollar investment ends up a massive, buggy flop 

Bethesda games have always sucked. About damn time reviews stopped playing softball with this overrated developer.

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Hmmm it’s ok, so far. Graphics range from great to, “is this a 360 game?” I’m digging the Mass Effect vibes. I picked a diplomatic background so I can get negotiation perks. I’ve already put them to use. Combat feels a bit loose, but serviceable. The dialog and acting are god awful. Ship combat is fun. I’m ok with the fast-traveling. The load screens don’t bug me. So far, it feels like 360/ps3 game modernized with visual flair. When the textures and surface materials are on point, they look fantastic. When they aren’t…ehhhh. I have the next 4 days off since my place is getting renovated. I plan on sinking more time into this (until Lies of P drops). 

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Eh, this game isn’t for me. I’ve gotten bored of clearing out areas. The combat isn’t that great either. Maybe I would be more invested if the characters weren’t so wooden. My favorite part, in the 5 hours I played, was negotiating a hostage situation. I did some exploring. Nice rocks? I’m sure this game is perfect for a certain type of gamer, one who likes to explore for the sake of exploring. 

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1 hour ago, -GD-X said:

Eh, this game isn’t for me. I’ve gotten bored of clearing out areas. The combat isn’t that great either. Maybe I would be more invested if the characters weren’t so wooden. My favorite part, in the 5 hours I played, was negotiating a hostage situation. I did some exploring. Nice rocks? I’m sure this game is perfect for a certain type of gamer, one who likes to explore for the sake of exploring. 


Sounds like a 7.0 game. 

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Just now, Goukosan said:


Sounds like a 7.0 game. 

Yeah, there’s nothing special here, but I see it catering to a certain type of player. I’m just done with these types of games, unless the world/characters make it worth it. 

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1 hour ago, -GD-X said:

Yeah, there’s nothing special here, but I see it catering to a certain type of player. I’m just done with these types of games, unless the world/characters make it worth it. 

this is why, if you care or have nolstalgic memories for the Elders Scrolls Oblivion/Skyrim days, its probably best that you skip out this thinly-veneered Elder Scrolls/Fallout clone with a different clothing, and just wait for them to make another Elder Scrolls, which should be in three years.


You don't already want to be burned out with that type of gameplay, because of this game.


AND.......Elder Scrolls 6 will have a map with actual stuff in it, that will be meaningful.........because procedural generated stuff, that you know is procedural generated.......is just so deflating.

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34 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

Sevefield. It’s now in the low 70s on Steam User reviews :kaz:

😭 buT T3h coWz!!!11”




Remember, Subtwatic said that Steam user reviews are 100% authentic because those are people who bought and played the game.


Low 70's............evertime, at every review aggregate site.

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8 hours ago, -GD-X said:

Eh, this game isn’t for me. I’ve gotten bored of clearing out areas. The combat isn’t that great either. Maybe I would be more invested if the characters weren’t so wooden. My favorite part, in the 5 hours I played, was negotiating a hostage situation. I did some exploring. Nice rocks? I’m sure this game is perfect for a certain type of gamer, one who likes to explore for the sake of exploring. 

Lol, my initial class was Explorer.

Yeah I do love exploring shit and the planets are different, somehow.

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9 hours ago, -GD-X said:

Eh, this game isn’t for me. I’ve gotten bored of clearing out areas. The combat isn’t that great either. Maybe I would be more invested if the characters weren’t so wooden. My favorite part, in the 5 hours I played, was negotiating a hostage situation. I did some exploring. Nice rocks? I’m sure this game is perfect for a certain type of gamer, one who likes to explore for the sake of exploring. 

Posted my thoughts in the WDYPT thread but I feel this. I personally think it's a major step back from Skyrim and FO tbh. I just feel so much more immersed in those games and everything this game does takes me out of the immersion. 

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9 hours ago, -GD-X said:

Eh, this game isn’t for me. I’ve gotten bored of clearing out areas. The combat isn’t that great either. Maybe I would be more invested if the characters weren’t so wooden. My favorite part, in the 5 hours I played, was negotiating a hostage situation. I did some exploring. Nice rocks? I’m sure this game is perfect for a certain type of gamer, one who likes to explore for the sake of exploring. 

Yeah this is basically where I’m at after 15 hours or so. 

there’s some things about the game I like, I think it’s got a cool aesthetic, I really like the space punk style. The combat is honestly better than I thought it would be for a Bethesda game. Some of the main story quests are alright and the faction quests seem solid. 

my issues:


-exploring is worthless. Anything that’s not on the critical (main quest or important side quest) just seems like a waste. Literally no reason to land on a random part of a planet, all you’ll find is a barren wasteland. Worse than those throwaway planets from ME1.  I guess if you want to do the crafting it’s okay but who wants to craft in this game? Not me. 

-that’s further worsened by the fact that you basically have to fast travel anywhere which basically removes any of the more emergent gameplay situations that you might find in a Bethesda game. 

-everything about the UI is amateur hour trash. Inventory and the ways you can interact with it suck, lack of a map is hordeshit especially in big cities


-space stuff is some big zzzzz

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13 minutes ago, Casual said:

Yeah this is basically where I’m at after 15 hours or so. 

there’s some things about the game I like, I think it’s got a cool aesthetic, I really like the space punk style. The combat is honestly better than I thought it would be for a Bethesda game. Some of the main story quests are alright and the faction quests seem solid. 

my issues:


-exploring is worthless. Anything that’s not on the critical (main quest or important side quest) just seems like a waste. Literally no reason to land on a random part of a planet, all you’ll find is a barren wasteland. Worse than those throwaway planets from ME1.  I guess if you want to do the crafting it’s okay but who wants to craft in this game? Not me. 

-that’s further worsened by the fact that you basically have to fast travel anywhere which basically removes any of the more emergent gameplay situations that you might find in a Bethesda game. 

-everything about the UI is amateur hour trash. Inventory and the ways you can interact with it suck, lack of a map is hordeshit especially in big cities


-space stuff is some big zzzzz

Legitimately identical thoughts to how I feel. 

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55 minutes ago, Casual said:

Yeah this is basically where I’m at after 15 hours or so. 

there’s some things about the game I like, I think it’s got a cool aesthetic, I really like the space punk style. The combat is honestly better than I thought it would be for a Bethesda game. Some of the main story quests are alright and the faction quests seem solid. 

my issues:


-exploring is worthless. Anything that’s not on the critical (main quest or important side quest) just seems like a waste. Literally no reason to land on a random part of a planet, all you’ll find is a barren wasteland. Worse than those throwaway planets from ME1.  I guess if you want to do the crafting it’s okay but who wants to craft in this game? Not me. 

-that’s further worsened by the fact that you basically have to fast travel anywhere which basically removes any of the more emergent gameplay situations that you might find in a Bethesda game. 

-everything about the UI is amateur hour trash. Inventory and the ways you can interact with it suck, lack of a map is hordeshit especially in big cities


-space stuff is some big zzzzz

You summed up exactly how I feel about this game.


I like the game on some level but it has too many issues for me to truly become great. I can't stand the UI, no vehicles, inventory system , lack of maps and the teleporting everywhere. 


The game kinda feels like a poor man's Mass Effect to me. it seems Todd Howard looked at Mass Effect and NMS and thought he could do better than them.



The game has a lot of cool ideas held back by antiquated game design and a shitty engine. I'm still playing it but it's not hitting for me like Skyrim did back in the day.

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