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Wait...democrats are now pushing for a $17/hour minimum wage?

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  • Twinblade★ changed the title to Wait...democrats are now pushing for a $17/hour minimum wage?
8 hours ago, Twinblade said:





No wonder so many people are skipping college altogether nowadays. Imagine going thousands of dollars in debt over the course of 4 years just to graduate and make as much as someone flipping burgers at McDonalds.


17 by 2028.  The federal minimum wage is 7.25 an hr. 


Which 4 year degree do you graduate with to start of at minimum wage? :wonder:


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Other more high jobs skilled salaries will adjust to it, companies will increase the prices of their goods and nothing will change. The poor will stay poor. 


I've seen this phenomenon happen with every fast spike of minimum wage. 

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4 hours ago, Goukosan said:


17 by 2028.  The federal minimum wage is 7.25 an hr. 


Which 4 year degree do you graduate with to start of at minimum wage? :wonder:


A few years ago I worked directly with a new college graduate (in IT) who was only being payed $16/hour.  

Right now the minimum is $14/hour in CT so the difference is pretty minor. And I know firsthand from my job searching that most companies are still doing everything in their power to low ball college grads. Hell, the job I just left is trying to find replacements for my position and another IT tech who left and they’re paying a max of $18-$21/hour on a contract….despite asking for both a college degree AND multiple years or experience. Absolutely ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

A few years ago I worked directly with a new college graduate (in IT) who was only being payed $16/hour.  

Right now the minimum is $14/hour in CT so the difference is pretty minor. And I know firsthand from my job searching that most companies are still doing everything in their power to low ball college grads. Hell, the job I just left is trying to find replacements for my position and another IT tech who left and they’re paying a max of $18-$21/hour on a contract….despite asking for both a college degree AND multiple years or experience. Absolutely ridiculous.


The minimum wage in CT now is 14....what was it a few years ago when the new college grad was making 16 an hr? 


Update*  I looked it up, minimum wage in CT was 10 an hr before the incremental increase law passed in 2019 and before that in 2017 it was even lower. 



Entry level Jobs for college grads exist simply to give them experience to get the higher paying jobs.    In a year or two that college grad salary doubles from 16 to 32 when a better position and then the next year or two with another better position they're making around 48 or ao an hr. If that college grad sits in their ass at that entry level job for the rest of their career that's no one's fault but their own for not moving on after gaining the needed experience. 


On the flip side, I know college grads who out the gate started at 80k a year and now four years later they're making almost 150K.


The college grad has the opportunity for upward mobility, the minimum wage worker without the skills will not be moving up to a 48hr Job in 4 years (unless they develop a skill or trade). 

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2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


The minimum wage in CT now is 14....what was it a few years ago when the new college grad was making 16 an hr? 


Update*  I looked it up, minimum wage in CT was 10 an hr before the incremental increase law passed in 2019 and before that in 2017 it was even lower. 



Entry level Jobs for college grads exist simply to give them experience to get the higher paying jobs.    In a year or two that college grad salary doubles from 16 to 32 when a better position and then the next year or two with another better position they're making around 48 or ao an hr. If that college grad sits in their ass at that entry level job for the rest of their career that's no one's fault but their own for not moving on after gaining the needed experience. 


On the flip side, I know college grads who out the gate started at 80k a year and now four years later they're making almost 150K.


The college grad has the opportunity for upward mobility, the minimum wage worker without the skills will not be moving up to a 48hr Job in 4 years (unless they develop a skill or trade). 

:D:D:Dyou must either live on another planet or are referring to phd graduates, because most of the people I know who graduated college and have loads of experience already are not making anywhere near that much….hell at my last job I worked with a highly motivated guy in his mid 40s who has 20 years of experience and could not break past the $80K/year barrier….he was constantly applying and interviewing for jobs but was getting nowhere. 
It’s like everyone you know is somehow a part of the 1%….because those salary ranges are not realistic for the vast majority of people.

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

:D:D:Dyou must either live on another planet or are referring to phd graduates, because most of the people I know who graduated college and have loads of experience already are not making anywhere near that much….hell at my last job I worked with a highly motivated guy in his mid 40s who has 20 years of experience and could not break past the $80K/year barrier….he was constantly applying and interviewing for jobs but was getting nowhere. 
It’s like everyone you know is somehow a part of the 1%….because those salary ranges are not realistic for the vast majority of people.


I didn't say everyone I know.  I also know people who I went to school with and THEY'RE still at the Job we got right out of college.. Granted... The Entire team got a promotion and they now make 80 something K...but for like 15 years they made about 60K.


They're also people who was at that job before me different positions, making 50 - 60K and almost 20 years later they're still making that and they all have bachelors... They are just comfortable staying at that level. 


I left that Job 10 years ago for the job I have now. I now make much more than them.. Even though we had the same degree and same amount of experience. They just got comfortable stayed.


The example, I used in my intial post... Is a more recent grad... She graduated in 2014, She has a Bachelor's degree and got a job right out of college consulting making 80k.  4 years and 2 to 3 promotions later she makes almost 150K. 


And trust me that's not the 1%.  The 1% make at minimum 250K.

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When I graduated back in 2013 I landed my first job in the industry I studied for, $10 an hour… we were considered lucky to be paid at all instead of having an internship.


If I had stayed, my minimum wage in NYC would have turned into 75k within the span of just 2 years? 

For non college graduates getting paid minimum wage, they stay with that same minimum wage for years. At max, it would be a dollar wage increase a year. 

Also when I graduated, there were a lot of people going to college. So getting in was harder and getting picked among a bunch of other new graduates was also harder. People going to college now do not face that issue, I can’t remember why that was, I think the research done mentioned Covid, but college entry and hire right after college is a lot more lax.

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