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So Starfield is the biggest flop of all gime right?

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That Xbox effect :hest:


The Microsoft touch, the touch that brings death to any game and removes all hope.


This shit was hyped with religious fervor and it's been handed a floptastic 7 by the big sites. Only Microsoft could produce a flop this huge.


This was meant to save Xbox :rofls: After 10 years of drought...


Speaking of which, unless Xbox produces an AAA exclusive in the next 2 months then its AAAe drought has officially lasted an entire DECADE :kaz: 10 entire years of not a single AAAe, you could never imagine a brand this bad.

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Let’s all pretend that these two games were hyped to the same level.   

Xbox spent $7 billion on this. $1 billion per point at GameSpot 

Oh.....my....God   Lemmings are really committing to trying to hide behind No Man's Sky to downplay the amazing failure of their own game   @-GD-X you need to put this in the Hall

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Lems literally been waiting over a decade like for a game of this magnitude and hype to come along and finally validate the Xbox brand. 

Over a decade. And MS had to drop 10 billion because they couldn’t make it themselves. 


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They're actually going for it :hest:


They're actually going to compare a AAA title, the follow up to Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls Skyrim, the game that was to save the Xbox brand itself.....to a fucking indie game :rofls: :rofls: :rofls:


This is rock bottom for the xbox brand and its fanboys :kaz:


"After 10 entire years of ZERO GAMES, my mega-hyped AAA 7/10 scoring blockbuster....well it scored higher than that indie game of yours from a few years back so there :lemming: "


Lemmings, just kill yourselves :facep:

Edited by TLHBO
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32 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

They're actually going for it :hest:


They're actually going to compare a AAA title, the follow up to Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls Skyrim, the game that was to save the Xbox brand itself.....to a fucking indie game :rofls: :rofls: :rofls:


This is rock bottom for the xbox brand and its fanboys :kaz:


"After 10 entire years of ZERO GAMES, my mega-hyped AAA 7/10 scoring blockbuster....well it scored higher than that indie game of yours from a few years back so there :lemming: "


Lemmings, just kill yourselves :facep:



Nope. NMS was a way bigger flop. Was super duper hyped and got much worse reviews than SF.

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Uncharted 4 came out the same year as No Mans Sky. PlayStation 4 wasn't desperate for a hit in 2016. NMS could've never come out and PS4 would still dominate.


Starfield was MS' best chance to save the floundering Series consoles. Damage controlling Starfried with NMS is just retarded sorry.

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