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DF: Sources Claim Switch Successor Runs Matrix UE5 Tech Demo With Comparable Graphics to PS5/XSX

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4 minutes ago, Remij said:

The entire point of his response to you was that with Steam Deck, since it's a PC... it is entirely replaceable and upgradable... You KNOW that everything will work going forward.... Why the FUCK are you idiots acting like you don't know that.


3 different handheld PCs could release in a single Switch generation and each could be an upgrade for the user...  That's entirely the point.  With the Switch, you're stuck on that until they launch the next Switch...  With PC.. there's a constant flow of new devices to upgrade to.

The fact is Steamdeck lifespan will be much shorter than something like switch because it's in the PC ecosystem. That was my point.

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DF cleared this up in the Switch thread.    NVIDIA has weird naming conventions... DLSS3 is actually frame generation.. And we know Switch 2 definitely won't have that because you need NVIDI

Sounds like I could have seriously underestimated what they'd be able to do, given my assumptions about where Nvidia would land with the hardware, and what Nintendo will potentially allow them to do.

Nice self ownage.  That thread was about Wiiu being closer to Wii than 360.   The Wiiu came out and surprise to no one, it was more powerful than 360.

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13 minutes ago, jehurey said:

To the SAME OBJECT that you have in your possession.


Upgrade of..............THE OBJECT.


You're trying to (deceptively) say that YOU UPGRADED..............from one object to the next.




He's talking about the object.


he's not talking about you.


You just lost the argument.




How? You can't upgrade your Steamdeck. 


Sugarhigh never said a DAMN THING about upgrading the Deck... Cooke said this:



The problem with the deck and other handheld PCs is they are part of the PC ecosystem which is constantly improving

And Sugarhigh said that was it's greatest strength... 




Deck 2 will come, Ally 2 will come... and so on and so forth.. and each could be an upgrade that the user can choose to make if they want... because it ALL USES THE SAME ECOSYSTEMS.

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1 minute ago, Cooke said:

The fact is Steamdeck lifespan will be much shorter than something like switch because it's in the PC ecosystem. That was my point.

No it won't.  What in gods name makes you think that.... Jesus christ :D 


People are gaming on PC with hardware from 15 years ago.... :drake: 


You entire point is ass backwards.  The hardware is fixed... there's no upgrading your Switch until the next one drops.  On PC devices you can.




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2 minutes ago, Remij said:




Sugarhigh never said a DAMN THING about upgrading the Deck... Cooke said this:







You're entire claim was made FROM RESPONDING TO COOKE'S post.




You have completely lost this argument, and have gotten caught lying multiple times now.

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2 minutes ago, Remij said:

No it won't.  What in gods name makes you think that....


you just said that its looking outdated, and you're expecting another one soon.


:drake: "wut makes you THINK DAT?!?!?!?!"


.............after you already thunk it. :lawl:

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Just now, jehurey said:





You're entire claim was made FROM RESPONDING TO COOKE'S post.




You have completely lost this argument, and have gotten caught lying multiple times now.

Read again idiot.


Cooke said PC hardware continually improves


Sugarhigh said that's it's greatest strength...


Cooke (idiotically said) but you can't upgrade your Deck


except Sugarhigh never said anything about upgrading the deck itself... The greatest strenth of the PC ecosystem is you can  upgrade to something completely new, such as Deck 2 or Ally 2 or AyaNeo 3 or whatever... when you want.. as they release.


You've lost this argument fullstop Jerky.  There's nothing about Cooke's original post which says anything about not buying something new.... if that's the case then we could just say the Switch isn't upgradable either...and you have to buy a Switch 2... :lemming:   :drake: 

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4 minutes ago, jehurey said:

you just said that its looking outdated, and you're expecting another one soon.


:drake: "wut makes you THINK DAT?!?!?!?!"


.............after you already thunk it. :lawl:

I said it's outdated performance wise compared to newer devices....


... which actually COMPLETELY PROVES THE POINT WE ARE MAKING  :drake: 


OMFG  :lawl: :lawl: :lawl: 

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7 minutes ago, Remij said:

No it won't.  What in gods name makes you think that.... Jesus christ :D 


People are gaming on PC with hardware from 15 years ago.... :drake: 


You entire point is ass backwards.  The hardware is fixed... there's no upgrading your Switch until the next one drops.  On PC devices you can.




Because switch hardware is fixed it means developers cater to those specs. It's tens of millions of switches with identical hardware.  What aren't you understanding? The PC market is extremely fragmented, developers aren't making Steamdeck games, they are making PC games and for a PC its not very powerful and will fall behind quickly. 

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6 minutes ago, Cooke said:

Because switch hardware is fixed it means developers cater to those specs. It's tens of millions of switches with identical hardware.  What aren't you understanding? The PC market is extremely fragmented, developers aren't making Steamdeck games, they are making PC games and for a PC its not very powerful and will fall behind quickly. 

I've already called you out for that stupid line of thinking... 


There's absolutely nothing to this "falling behind" theory you have..  PC hardware lasts just as long as console hardware.  What aren't you understanding about that?  VRAM requirements are the only thing which makes some GPUs perform less that expected relative to a console.


When I bought my 2080ti.. back in 2018.. that was 5 years ago  The 2080ti is still more powerful than PS5 and Series X......... and will be for the remainder of the generation....

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4 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

Absolutely yes, the game runs at 10W.

You are delusional. 


This would be a blue tinged 15fps game with massive load times on PS3



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3 hours ago, Remij said:

Your wife would definitely say that :omglol: 

Thanks for admitting that you got caught lying and spinning words.


:blessed:You trying to derail the argument to make fanfic about me isn't going to help you at this point.

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2 hours ago, Remij said:

Read again idiot.


Cooke said PC hardware continually improves


Sugarhigh said that's it's greatest strength...


Cooke (idiotically said) but you can't upgrade your Deck


except Sugarhigh never said anything about upgrading the deck itself...

And Cooke did........


.......and you responded to cooke.


By making a completely different point, therefore proving that Cooke's complaint about that handheld IS CORRECT.

2 hours ago, Remij said:

I said it's outdated performance wise compared to newer devices....


... which actually COMPLETELY PROVES THE POINT WE ARE MAKING  :drake: 


OMFG  :lawl: :lawl: :lawl: 

That the hardware is not worth it, since no one ever developers FOR IT


............like developers will with a Switch 2.


I love how you think you pretend to not oversee the flaws that we are easily identifying:drake:


No one is developing for that Valve brand chinese handheld.........and when it struggles, you aren't going to see any more optimization, because they will simply release a new handheld.


And in two to three years that will be struggling as well. Because NOTHING is ever optimized, since developers will not care, or will not have the resources to optimize across multiple specs.

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1 hour ago, sugarhigh said:

Absolutely yes, the game runs at 10W.

:hest:You have decided to use a completely different metric that has absolutely no correlation to hardware power and efficiency.


You are intentionally trying to be deceiving, at this point.


Oh man, that Switch 2 has absolutely WRECKED YOUR SHIT, hard.:tom: Basically everything you had WISHED sheep would do against your valve-brand handheld............you're already doing it, harder, a year away from release :lawl:

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

And Cooke did........


.......and you responded to cooke.


By making a completely different point, therefore proving that Cooke's complaint about that handheld IS CORRECT.

That the hardware is not worth it, since no one ever developers FOR IT


............like developers will with a Switch 2.


I love how you think you pretend to not oversee the flaws that we are easily identifying:drake:


No one is developing for that Valve brand chinese handheld.........and when it struggles, you aren't going to see any more optimization, because they will simply release a new handheld.


And in two to three years that will be struggling as well. Because NOTHING is ever optimized, since developers will not care, or will not have the resources to optimize across multiple specs.

I love how you're actually trying to peddle console optimization being a replacement for the ability to entirely replace your PC/handheld hardware :drake: 


MY LORD!:lawl: 

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Just now, Remij said:

I love how you're actually trying to peddle console optimization being a replacement for the ability to entirely replace

...........and he's now completely abandoned the word "upgrade"


thus completely admitting that he was lying about what the word meant


:blessed:i love it when he thinks he can get me to argue new goalposts, when I immediately see that he just admitted to losing an argument

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developers not optimizing for the consumer.




-Make the consumer buy more hardware, that has a shorter lifespan!!:blessed:


Oh boy............wouldn't I love to go around boasting that I do that, and boasting about said hardware that is never optimized for, and doesn't have a long lifespan. Very proud to talk about such hardware. LOL

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