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Sea of Stars - 9 at GS

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2 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:


For the past few weeks, cows here have been downplaying Starfield, just because it is an xbox exclusive.

Now they have this shitty snes quality rpg game and they dare to compare this trash to Starfield.

Now who is the jealous one?

lmfao cows you are so pathetic, that anyone can see through your childish games.

Starfield is rehashed bethesda jank, except this time there's no exploration and nothing to see.


The jealous one is the one telling us to ignore all the critics and trust you that this game is faaaar better than anything on ps....just because its on xbox.


Like you do with every xbox game. They all flop, the critics tear them apart with valid reasons, but everytime we're supposed to trust you, who apparantly has authority over what is a good game and what isn't, and coincidentally everytime the AAA ps games suck you say, and the 5, 6, 7 scoring xbox games are all really AAA quality.


Plug your xbox in then take it into the bath with you, you dirty lemming fanboy fuck.

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2 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

You haven't even played it.

Enjoy your snes quality trash , GOTY chaser.

Yes, real gamers chase GOTYs, unlike you lemmings who settle for disasters like Starflop and Redfail :kaz:

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