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These ghouls are embarrassing.

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Some how Cooke's dumb ass never has anything to say about this kind of bullshit. Speaker of the House being bullied into starting an impeachment inquiry but the biggest idiots in his party and the second dumbest person in Washington calling for Biden to be impeached on day one for things he did when he wasn't even President. 

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15 minutes ago, Mr. Impossible said:



Some how Cooke's dumb ass never has anything to say about this kind of bullshit. Speaker of the House being bullied into starting an impeachment inquiry but the biggest idiots in his party and the second dumbest person in Washington calling for Biden to be impeached on day one for things he did when he wasn't even President. 


Mc Carthy tried to please the MAGA clowns but they're still not happy.... After he announced he wants to do an impeachment inquiry without a formal from the house.... 


The MAGA clowns are now threatening to have Mc Carthy removed :kaz:








Republicans are in disarray.. Love to see it :juggle:


It gets better. 


"In January 2020, the Donald Trump-led Justice Department formally declared that impeachment inquiries by the House are invalid unless the chamber takes formal votes to authorize them


Republicans are sooo short sighted..




Remember when Trump made stricter sentences for mishandling classified docs and that came back and bit him in the ass? 


Now the legal guidance his DOJ drafted to protect Trump will inadvertently shield Biden from a vote less impeachment inquiry.. Lol


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