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They probably just grinded a lot and/or dumped 90+% of their points into one of the damage scaling stats. I've seen plenty of videos in the past of Souls game players doing the same thing.

@-GD-Xwow  I woke up this morning and on my first attempt, after making some very small changes to my build last night, I managed to beat it.

I respek’d and I’m getting some massive damage. Almost got him too on my first shot this morning!  Motility + technique build > all. I just need more health now lol. He killed me with a combo lol.

I will play this at some point for sure after i finish some other games. I did like the demo and found it challenging but not too bad. I beat the demo fairly easily for me at least. Does it get a lot harder? 

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1 hour ago, JonDnD said:

I will play this at some point for sure after i finish some other games. I did like the demo and found it challenging but not too bad. I beat the demo fairly easily for me at least. Does it get a lot harder? 


There have been about 3 bosses that have given me a hard time, other than that the game hasn't been too difficult.

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The boss in chapter 8 SUCKS lol. I even did a respec for this mofo. Makes Orphan of Kos feel easy. I’m level 72, so maybe I need to grind a bit. The scaling is bizarre in this game. A “strength” build basically sucks. Balance, dexterity and advanced (a more elaborate bloodtinge) seem to be the way to go. 

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8 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

The boss in chapter 8 SUCKS lol. I even did a respec for this mofo. Makes Orphan of Kos feel easy. I’m level 72, so maybe I need to grind a bit. The scaling is bizarre in this game. A “strength” build basically sucks. Balance, dexterity and advanced (a more elaborate bloodtinge) seem to be the way to go. 


ugh. Im right before that boss.

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8 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

the first half is fine. His charge attack, in the second, will stun lock you. 


I wish the difficulty in this game was more consistent. The chap 6 boss was tough, 7 was a cakewalk, and now 8 sounds unreasonably difficult and unfair.

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10 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


I wish the difficulty in this game was more consistent. The chap 6 boss was tough, 7 was a cakewalk, and now 8 sounds unreasonably difficult and unfair.

Maybe you’ll think differently. I know some peeps hate him as much as me, though. Some say it’s tougher than the final boss lol. 

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6 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

Maybe you’ll think differently. I know some peeps hate him as much as me, though. Some say it’s tougher than the final boss lol. 


well after a few attempts my spectre and I managed to get him down to half health before we got destroyed. There must be some easier way to dodge or block that charge attack, because if you get caught in it you're almost certainly guaranteed to die.

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Just now, Twinblade said:


well after a few attempts my spectre and I managed to get him down to half health before we got destroyed. There must be some easier way to dodge or block that charge attack, because if you get caught in it you're almost certainly guaranteed to die.

I had him down to his last chunk. I think I figured out a way. 

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16 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


What Legion Arm are you rocking btw? I just maxed out the gun one. Since there's no magic or ranged weapons I think having a ranged option even if limited can be handy. 

I have the flamethrower, which is pretty godly against this boss. My sword sucks (I can’t get any half moonstones to bring it to +8 (stuck at +6) That’s what’s fucking me up, I greatly enjoy the advanced build, but I may respec tomorrow. I was getting 800+ damage with my screwdriver + dance sword handle combo when I was balanced. But it’s too short against bosses. I kind of messed up with the swords. I thought there would be way more halfmoons by now (only found 4). 

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10 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

I have the flamethrower, which is pretty godly against this boss. My sword sucks (I can’t get any half moonstones to bring it to +8 (stuck at +6) That’s what’s fucking me up, I greatly enjoy the advanced build, but I may respec tomorrow. I was getting 800+ damage with my screwdriver + dance sword handle combo when I was balanced. But it’s too short against bosses. I kind of messed up with the swords. I thought there would be way more halfmoons by now (only found 4). 


Ill have to try the fire one again. I remember it being really weak and not great against normal enemies.


My Seven Coil greatsword is still not that strong but I Just equipped the ring that gives you +4 to motivity so Im hoping that will help a bit. Thats the one downside with the weapons you get with boss ergos, you can't upgrade them that many times and they also require a different set of materials that are extremely difficult to come by.

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21 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Ill have to try the fire one again. I remember it being really weak and not great against normal enemies.


My Seven Coil greatsword is still not that strong but I Just equipped the ring that gives you +4 to motivity so Im hoping that will help a bit. Thats the one downside with the weapons you get with boss ergos, you can't upgrade them that many times and they also require a different set of materials that are extremely difficult to come by.

I’m going to read up on potential things I most likely missed, and then decide if I want to go back to a beefier build. I’m watching a lot of vids where peeps are getting 1,500 + regular hits, and like 4,500 + with weapon arts. I’m getting a fraction of that.  I think I’m using the skill tree properly, but I don’t know. 

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20 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

I’m going to read up on potential things I most likely missed, and then decide if I want to go back to a beefier build. I’m watching a lot of vids where peeps are getting 1,500 + regular hits, and like 4,500 + with weapon arts. I’m getting a fraction of that.  I think I’m using the skill tree properly, but I don’t know. 


They probably just grinded a lot and/or dumped 90+% of their points into one of the damage scaling stats. I've seen plenty of videos in the past of Souls game players doing the same thing.

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