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official fitness thread 2024

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Yeah it worked. It might just not work in the chatbox


The little home gym i've been setting up in my basement is coming along nicely. I've got a spin bike, a barbell set with numerous plates totaling up to 250lb, a little all-in-one rack that can be used for squats, OHPs, and Bench Presses, and most recently I added some dip bars and a plyo box


I've expanded my full body routine because of the extra equipment and below is what it looks like. Its kind of a frankenstein of routine but it felt good the one day I tried it. It was only my 2nd time doing deadlifts and my form was awful though. My back wasn't too rounded but it was basically nearly parallel with the ground and I wasn't keeping a neutral spine so I gotta improve my hip hinging


2x alternating reverse lunges (I feel like these might be good as a warmup before deadlifts which is why I do them first)

3x Deadlifts

2x Barbell Hip Thrusts (first time trying these the other day and they're harder than I thought. Props to the chicks who routinely do these :ben:)

2x Standard Push Ups

2x Neutral Grip Pull Ups

2x Military/Close Grip Push Ups

2x Chin Ups

2x Dips (used to do tricep focused diamond push ups instead but everyone's now saying those don't actually work your triceps much over regular push ups and can be strenuous for your shoulders) 

2x standard Pull Ups

2x unilateral shoulder press

2x unilateral Bench preacher curls


Im in the gym 3x a week for proper muscle group focused workouts but I might also just start doing leg day at home. I would just be finding alternatives for leg presses and leg extensions, and im thinking additional sets of barbell squats and some romanian deadlifts would basically have the same effect.


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ok, I realized today that deadlifts are actually really exhausting. I was winded for most of my workout. Since the back is one of the major muscle groups they work im going to just reduce all my pull up sets by 1 as I feel like I don't need the extra volume.

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8 hours ago, Twinblade said:

ok, I realized today that deadlifts are actually really exhausting. I was winded for most of my workout. Since the back is one of the major muscle groups they work im going to just reduce all my pull up sets by 1 as I feel like I don't need the extra volume.

I like stiff legged deadlifts more. You don’t need much weight, and you really feel it in the glutes and hammies. 

If you are going to make DLs a regular thing, I would do a more minimalist program, mainly doing squat/lunge, bench press, row and deadlift exercises. You can add a set of light shoulder press and pull ups too, as finishers, but the first 4 should be your bread and butter. Stick to slow and controlled reps ( 4-7 per set). High reps are going to drain you, but you can do 8-12 reps if you prefer. As for arms, they will get big if you are doing compound lifts correctly. Once you hit your desired size, then you can re-evaluate your body and add exercises that address lagging areas (like adding lateral raises, tricep extensions or swapping a flat bench day with an incline one).

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2 hours ago, -GD-X said:

I like stiff legged deadlifts more. You don’t need much weight, and you really feel it in the glutes and hammies. 

If you are going to make DLs a regular thing, I would do a more minimalist program, mainly doing squat/lunge, bench press, row and deadlift exercises. You can add a set of light shoulder press and pull ups too, as finishers, but the first 4 should be your bread and butter. Stick to slow and controlled reps ( 4-7 per set). High reps are going to drain you, but you can do 8-12 reps if you prefer. As for arms, they will get big if you are doing compound lifts correctly. Once you hit your desired size, then you can re-evaluate your body and add exercises that address lagging areas (like adding lateral raises, tricep extensions or swapping a flat bench day with an incline one).


Are stiff legs better than RDLs for glutes/hamstrings?


I would liked to incorporate bench presses but im pretty sure I still can't do those without significant shoulder pain. That's why i've been opting for some sets of different push up variations. If not for those I wouldn't be able to get any chest training.


I'd say right now my weakpoints are my shoulders, chest, and forearms. Im actually curious to see how deadlifts impact my forearm strength/size/grip as those are things I need to work on. I actually bought straps recently but im going to avoid using them for now as I should try to improve my grip instead of just focusing on lifting as heavy as possible.


Im wondering if I need to incorporate direct forearm work or just do something simpler like end every workout by hanging from a bar or doing some farmers walks.

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7 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


Are stiff legs better than RDLs for glutes/hamstrings?


I would liked to incorporate bench presses but im pretty sure I still can't do those without significant shoulder pain. That's why i've been opting for some sets of different push up variations. If not for those I wouldn't be able to get any chest training.


I'd say right now my weakpoints are my shoulders, chest, and forearms. Im actually curious to see how deadlifts impact my forearm strength/size/grip as those are things I need to work on. I actually bought straps recently but im going to avoid using them for now as I should try to improve my grip instead of just focusing on lifting as heavy as possible.


Im wondering if I need to incorporate direct forearm work or just do something simpler like end every workout by hanging from a bar or doing some farmers walks.

Try neutral grip dumbbell press. They are easy on the shoulders. 

as for stiff legged DLs, I definitely feel it more in the hamstrings. 

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had a man cold for like 2 weeks. finally back to the gym and i feel weak as shit, worst week of workouts in a while. i know it'll come back quick but it's annoying for sure.

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15 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

Try neutral grip dumbbell press. They are easy on the shoulders. 

as for stiff legged DLs, I definitely feel it more in the hamstrings. 


I was actually researching swiss bars the other day because I thought about how a neutral grip could help. They seem like a good alternative to traditional barbells


But ill try neutral grip dumbbells first and see how those feel. 

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4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


I was actually researching swiss bars the other day because I thought about how a neutral grip could help. They seem like a good alternative to traditional barbells


But I’ll try neutral grip dumbbells first and see how those feel. 

The neutral grip dumbbell press helped me a lot when I had shoulder issues. Another tip is doing floor bench press. You are guaranteed to never go too deep, making things favorable for shoulder health. However, since getting into place can be a bit awkward, this is where I would recommend higher reps and lower weight (8-12 reps). 

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So im going to try doing a full leg workout at home now that I have enough equipment. The gyms are just too packed nowadays and I'd like to try and simplify my routine a bit. I like leg presses but I don't think I really need them if I focus on barbell squats. I also think RDLs will be a good enough alternative to leg extensions/curls


So here is what my leg day is going to look like


Reverse alternating lunges

Barbell Squats


Hip Thrusts

Calf Raises


I just need to figure out the best way to do calf raises. Should I just stack up a few weight plates and then dip my heels off of the edge while holding dumbbells? 

edit: the weight plates didn’t work out. Not enough surface area and my feet weren’t level. I think I’m gonna try a small stack of books, that might work.

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  • 1 month later...

i've been tweaking my routine and right now on arm days im using cables for pretty much every exercise and I don't think im gonna go back to anything else. I swapped traditional EZ bar curls for cable curls and even though I can't lift as much weight overall the extra tension is insane. The bicep pumps i've been getting are next level.


But In general I have stalled out a bit in my progress so I think I need to make some more changes to my current split/routine. Im leaner and definitely look better with my shirt off than I have in years, but im not building as much muscle as i'd like and while fully clothed I actually look pretty skinny (my genetically skinny forearms stick out like a sore thumb and don't help at all).


on a side note I tried Bulgarian split squats (glute focused) for the first time in years yesterday and holy fuck these still suck :D My legs do feel all kinds of fucked up already so they're still effective at least :ben:  

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On 2024-06-08 at 3:55 PM, -GD-X said:

I just do a 4 day, upper/lower split. 30-40 minute workouts. Very basic. 

Unfortunately with my genetics I think my body only responds to a higher volume routine where I can spread out the exercises. Right now I’m restructuring things so that for smaller muscle groups like my biceps, triceps, delts, and forearms I’m making sure to hit them twice a week with a total of 10-12 sets (not including indirect work from compound movements). Instead of just having a day for arms where I pile in all my biceps and triceps work I’m going to split that up into a back/biceps day + shoulders/triceps day, while still having a separate day for arms but one that’s much lower in volume but where I can still keep the intensity high. I think this will be more efficient but I’ll just have to see how my body responds to that. 

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Just now, Twinblade said:

Unfortunately with my genetics I think my body only responds to a higher volume routine where I can spread out the exercises. Right now I’m restructuring things so that for smaller muscle groups like my biceps, triceps, delts, and forearms I’m making sure to hit them twice a week with a total of 10-12 sets (not including indirect work from compound movements). Instead of just having a day for arms where I pile in all my biceps and triceps work I’m going to split that up into a back/biceps day + shoulders/triceps day, while still having a separate day for arms but one that’s much lower in volume but where I can still keep the intensity high. I think this will be more efficient but I’ll just have to see how my body responds to that. 

yeah man, whatever works for you. i'm just maintaining. my weight is low (165lbs at 5'11"), yet i'm still pretty damn strong. i'm definitely not making much gains, since i eat kind of crappy lol, but i'm also not trying to. i'm ok with my current build. i'm getting too old to worry about being shredded and crap. i'm happy looking "good enough".

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4 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

yeah man, whatever works for you. i'm just maintaining. my weight is low (165lbs at 5'11"), yet i'm still pretty damn strong. i'm definitely not making much gains, since i eat kind of crappy lol, but i'm also not trying to. i'm ok with my current build. i'm getting too old to worry about being shredded and crap. i'm happy looking "good enough".

Tbh that’s kind of my problem. I’m still trying to get leaner which is obviously going to limit my muscle gains but I very much would like to have some kind of six pack for the summer. 

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Just now, Twinblade said:

Tbh that’s kind of my problem. I’m still trying to get leaner which is obviously going to limit my muscle gains but I very much would like to have some kind of six pack for the summer. 

yeah, you have to do one or the other. i have done recomp work, and it's just too much of a hassle. so, i dropped 10 pounds after the holidays with a cut and then regained a few to get my strength back up. now, my build is solid again. i've been maintaining for a few months now.

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1 hour ago, -GD-X said:

yeah, you have to do one or the other. i have done recomp work, and it's just too much of a hassle. so, i dropped 10 pounds after the holidays with a cut and then regained a few to get my strength back up. now, my build is solid again. i've been maintaining for a few months now.


I might have to start tracking calories again because I've hit a plateau with my weight loss, so I think im unintentionally maintaining right now...but the thing is I feel like I am eating less and less so on paper I should be dropping weight. Or maybe I am building muscle at the same time and thats why my weight isn't fluctuating....its hard to say. I just got a new body composition scale so im gonna start recording changes in body fat% and muscle mass on a weekly basis. I know these devices aren't that accurate but its a start.

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