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Ukrainian Russo war - the thread V2.

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Is it time for negotiations now @Goukosan? Should have done it when Ukraine had the advantage and Putin was open to it. But now Ukraine is just going to get wiped out because of asshats like you. 

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If Youtube is banned in Russia how is Aza gonna get all of his eurodance music?

You tried to take the whole country in 3 days and instead you're now trying to sue for peace with a slither if the easy. You're losing a reported up to 1000 a day right now plus a significant number o

1 hour ago, Cooke said:

Is it time for negotiations now @Goukosan? Should have done it when Ukraine had the advantage and Putin was open to it. But now Ukraine is just going to get wiped out because of asshats like you. 

Christ your stupid. It’s no wonder your favorite candidate doesn’t even have a fully intact brain.

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2 hours ago, Cooke said:

Is it time for negotiations now @Goukosan? Should have done it when Ukraine had the advantage and Putin was open to it. But now Ukraine is just going to get wiped out because of asshats like you. 


Your clueless ass is back again.  Putin already stated he is not interested in peace or a truce.  He already stated his intentions... Remember he was supposed to complete this mission in a few days.


Every week you dumbass clowns are saying Russia is going to win tomorrow.. Aren't you tired of being played for a fool? 



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2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Christ your stupid. It’s no wonder your favorite candidate doesn’t even have a fully intact brain.

What's the solution Twinkie? Cause more of the same clearly ain't working. 

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


Your clueless ass is back again.  Putin already stated he is not interested in peace or a truce.  He already stated his intentions... Remember he was supposed to complete this mission in a few days.


Every week you dumbass clowns are saying Russia is going to win tomorrow.. Aren't you tired of being played for a fool? 



Keep on keeping on I guess. To the last ukranian! Blyat Slava Ukraini!

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Ukraine: Hosting a peace summit in Switzerland soon


Russia: Kremlin constantly goes on about how the 'special military operation' will continue, decides to once again escalate the war by opening another front in the Kharkiv region. 


Useful idiots on SW: Why doesn't Ukraine want peace like Russia!11! Stop arming them!!!1 You're all warmongers!!11


It really is impressive how out of touch people here are.

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6 hours ago, Cooke said:

Keep on keeping on I guess. To the last ukranian! Blyat Slava Ukraini!


You crush Putin doesn't want peace and keeps sending his people into the meat grinder. 


Over 355K Russian Soldiers dead or injured since invading Ukraine.


He just expanded the mandatory military service age by an additional 3 years.  


You're a dumb cunt as always. 




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8 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Ukraine: Hosting a peace summit in Switzerland soon


Russia: Kremlin constantly goes on about how the 'special military operation' will continue, decides to once again escalate the war by opening another front in the Kharkiv region. 


Useful idiots on SW: Why doesn't Ukraine want peace like Russia!11! Stop arming them!!!1 You're all warmongers!!11


It really is impressive how out of touch people here are.

Peace summits without Russia at the negation table. One big useless circle jerk from the Switz. 


Out of touch on what exactly? That we think we're wasting money on a proxy war with Russia and risking WW3 for shithole Ukraine? 

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4 hours ago, Goukosan said:


You crush Putin doesn't want peace and keeps sending his people into the meat grinder. 


Over 355K Russian Soldiers dead or injured since invading Ukraine.


He just expanded the mandatory military service age by an additional 3 years.  


You're a dumb cunt as always. 




It's a war, what do you expect?


Meanwhile Zelensky passed a law that makes it illegal to film army recruiters and face jail time if you do. He wants or has lowered the conscription age (?) despite having a really small population of young men. ''Recruiters'' beating up Ukrainians who is trying to dodge the conscription. Making their passports abroad invalid and trying to force Ukrainians who fled other countries to come back. 


Sounds like it's going great, alright.


Meanwhile Russians are lining up to join the Russian army, starting to seeing this conflict as an existential threat for Russia. Which it is. Russian doesn't have a mobilization problem like Ukraine does.

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5 hours ago, Goukosan said:


You crush Putin doesn't want peace and keeps sending his people into the meat grinder. 


Over 355K Russian Soldiers dead or injured since invading Ukraine.


He just expanded the mandatory military service age by an additional 3 years.  


You're a dumb cunt as always. 




I don't care about dead Russians. Putin can kill as many of his own people as he wants. Ukraine can't afford to do the same. 

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2 hours ago, David P said:

It's a war, what do you expect?


Meanwhile Zelensky passed a law that makes it illegal to film army recruiters and face jail time if you do. He wants or has lowered the conscription age (?) despite having a really small population of young men. ''Recruiters'' beating up Ukrainians who is trying to dodge the conscription. Making their passports abroad invalid and trying to force Ukrainians who fled other countries to come back. 


Sounds like it's going great, alright.


Meanwhile Russians are lining up to join the Russian army, starting to seeing this conflict as an existential threat for Russia. Which it is. Russian doesn't have a mobilization problem like Ukraine does.

WTF kind of nonsense is this? Nobody in their right mind would consider this war existential for Russia. They could withdraw their troops at any point and life in both countries would slowly return to normal. 
And the only reason Russia doesn’t currently have a manpower problem is because everybody in the country is poor as fuck and the kremlin is offering new recruits more money than they pay their own rocket scientists ffs. It’s unfortunate Russians are still too dumb to realize they’re buying a one way ticket and won’t even get to spend that money. But this is only a short term solution, and as more of them continue to return home in wooden crates they’ll slowly realize it’s not worth it.

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3 hours ago, Twinblade said:

WTF kind of nonsense is this? Nobody in their right mind would consider this war existential for Russia. They could withdraw their troops at any point and life in both countries would slowly return to normal. 
And the only reason Russia doesn’t currently have a manpower problem is because everybody in the country is poor as fuck and the kremlin is offering new recruits more money than they pay their own rocket scientists ffs. It’s unfortunate Russians are still too dumb to realize they’re buying a one way ticket and won’t even get to spend that money. But this is only a short term solution, and as more of them continue to return home in wooden crates they’ll slowly realize it’s not worth it.

Sanctioned by the whole western world and sending arsenal to their enemy = not an existential threat for Russia. Ok, dude.


You pro Ukraine are delusional. NATO conducted the biggest military operation they ever did as a show a force. We're closer to WW3 than at any point since the height of the cold war. 


If anything, Zelensky attacking inside Russia oil refineries or cities like Belgorod is doing a service to Putin, as it convinces more Russians to join the army. The support for the war inside Russia is actually increasing. There was a massive surge of volunteers right after the terrorists attack at that theater. Any act against Russia will do just that. If you think Putin is or will lose support from its people, you're dead wrong. 



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11 minutes ago, David P said:

Sanctioned by the whole western world and sending arsenal to their enemy = not an existential threat for Russia. Ok, dude.


You pro Ukraine are delusional. NATO conducted the biggest military operation they ever did as a show a force. We're closer to WW3 than at any point since the height of the cold war. 


If anything, Zelensky attacking inside Russia oil refineries or cities like Belgorod is doing a service to Putin, as it convinces more Russians to join the army. The support for the war inside Russia is actually increasing. There was a massive surge of volunteers right after the terrorists attack at that theater. Any act against Russia will do just that. If you think Putin is or will lose support from its people, you're dead wrong. 




Wait did Ukraine invade Russia? 


It's telling that the Ukraine defending itself against an invasion is seen as a threat to Russia in your Kremlin eyes. 

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5 hours ago, Cooke said:

I don't care about dead Russians. Putin can kill as many of his own people as he wants. Ukraine can't afford to do the same. 


You don't care about Mother Russia anymore comrade? That's a first.  Chnsged your mind about moving there? 

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1 hour ago, David P said:

Sanctioned by the whole western world and sending arsenal to their enemy = not an existential threat for Russia. Ok, dude.


You pro Ukraine are delusional. NATO conducted the biggest military operation they ever did as a show a force. We're closer to WW3 than at any point since the height of the cold war. 


If anything, Zelensky attacking inside Russia oil refineries or cities like Belgorod is doing a service to Putin, as it convinces more Russians to join the army. The support for the war inside Russia is actually increasing. There was a massive surge of volunteers right after the terrorists attack at that theater. Any act against Russia will do just that. If you think Putin is or will lose support from its people, you're dead wrong. 



wtf are you talking about? Are you drunk right now? If you’re seriously still implying that Ukraine was behind the terrorist attack in Moscow, then you’re beyond help. You might as well just rename yourself to Aza 2.0

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


Wait did Ukraine invade Russia? 


It's telling that the Ukraine defending itself against an invasion is seen as a threat to Russia in your Kremlin eyes. 

The mental gymnastics being played in this thread to somehow justify Russia’s invasion is insane. NATO has never supported ground incursions on Russian territory, they even refused to allow their weapons to be used by Ukraine on Russian territory. But somehow Russia is facing an existential threat, despite being the ones attacking and occupying Ukrainian territory on a daily basis, while relentlessly bombing and turning the country’s cities into rubble.
I need to start ignoring this thread because It’s driving me crazy.

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3 hours ago, Twinblade said:

wtf are you talking about? Are you drunk right now? If you’re seriously still implying that Ukraine was behind the terrorist attack in Moscow, then you’re beyond help. You might as well just rename yourself to Aza 2.0

I'm not. I said terrorists for a reason. Learn to read? 

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3 hours ago, Twinblade said:

The mental gymnastics being played in this thread to somehow justify Russia’s invasion is insane. NATO has never supported ground incursions on Russian territory, they even refused to allow their weapons to be used by Ukraine on Russian territory. But somehow Russia is facing an existential threat, despite being the ones attacking and occupying Ukrainian territory on a daily basis, while relentlessly bombing and turning the country’s cities into rubble.
I need to start ignoring this thread because It’s driving me crazy.

I'm not justifying Russia invasion, I'm telling you how the conflict is perceived. It's not just NATO at their border, it's being sanctioned in every way possible by the collective west. How do you think the US would react being sanctioned in such a manner? US invade countries that stop trading oil in US dollars. Lol.  


We're risking provoking a far bigger war. You seem to think everything is going swell. Macron wanted to send French troop not long ago. Biggest military NATO operation ever. Poland is particularly opened to send troops as well. Lithuania and the other smaller staters all scared of Belarus opening a front. Worse there's has been serious nuclear threats from Russia, they also conducted nuclear test runs with bombers not long ago. Granted it's just some flexing but it is the reality of this world. 


Now leave if you can't handle being challenged in any way in your world view. 

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5 hours ago, Goukosan said:


Wait did Ukraine invade Russia? 


It's telling that the Ukraine defending itself against an invasion is seen as a threat to Russia in your Kremlin eyes. 

They're invading the Belgorod region, the city has been damaged, they're bombing air field and oil refineries deep within Russian territories. Drones attacks in Russian territories probably happen more than you think. Crimea is a particular hot bed for action for obvious reason.


Not saying they aren't in their right to do so. But it's not as if they are being completely on the defensive.


Ukraine has been using those long range UK missiles with great success actually. That really pissed off the Russians. 


You guys need to start to listen to what's actually going on there. Reality will sets in. This conflict is a bloody mess. Russia right now are winning on the field from what I have seen but that doesn't stop their shit in the back getting attacked. 

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